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the royal rat is very unbalanced , the field of our reception is growing

Sorry, is there any other companions in this game ? 

Besides the white wolf bandit.


Almost all the bosses you have defeated are your future companions

What is true? 

How to do it, 

where to click?


The bosses you can recruit are: the dragon on the ravine, the mad chimera on the docks, the growth cultist next to the ravine and the Bushido on the tunnel.

Interacting with them again will produce the prompt to turn them into a follower.

Thanks :)

Not sure if this is really a bug, but I copied an old save from version 3.8 to the current build (4.0), and initiated a battle with the Bandit Guard, and my companion only grew me until the game other attacks for me or the enemy even showed. Here's what it says:

The UE4-GrowthRPG Game has crashed and will close

Assertion failed: GetFName() = = NAME_None[File:D:/Build/++/UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime?CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130] 

Old saves have a tendency of producing issues in these early version, future versions might have this fixed.

For now, I recommend starting over with each new version.

v0.3.9, new save, same error. i was fighting beast, when character grew around 10-15k size, game started to lag and then crashed.

You're probably looking towards the mountain tops, those also cause my PC (yes, PC) to lag like crazy as well. Best way to deal with it is to keep yourself not too large (around the size of a house or something) or not look towards that direction for now until it's fixed.

(1 edit)

i've tried not to look and yes, lag is going from moutains (probably clouds), but game crashed anyway (19k temporary size buff, next buff crashed) when i was looking at other side of the map.
UPD. i changed resolution and game didnt crash after same actions

Seems you were just running out of memory then, glad you found a workaround for it.

How many helpers are there in the game ?


4 at the moment. The raving fan, mad chimera, foreman, and bushido.

Is it possible to take all the assistants at once , or just one of them ?


It is one at a time. You're not locked to any one. I also forgot, there's the barrel guy. (He doesn't like it when you touch his barrels)

I know this seems like a really dumb question, but how the hell do you attack? It says to LMB but that doesn't do anything? Is there something I'm missing? (Extremely new to the game btw

do you have the weapon equipped on your hand? if so you have to be in range anyway you should see it

(1 edit)

You can only use attacks and skills while in battle, the buttons to press to use them are always on display.

(3 edits)

may i ask where i can find the madchef and the alchemist? other interactive caracther than the usuals most of them i find them only in the dangeon

(i really enjoy this game so much it has a lot of potential can't wait for the next update and new stuff put in it keep it up digi! <3)

The easy dungeon (next to the lich cave) is where you'll find them.

thank you so much <3


I feel like I'm missing something, is there a way to dodge attacks? I try and attack people but just get one hit.


It's an unlockable skill on the far right, costs 20 points.

Deleted 160 days ago

Can I ask you something?

Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago
  • you can get ability crystals from dungeons, those give you 5 points per use.
  • Beast is a repeatable boss type character, meaning they get stronger after each fight but you cannot get them as followers, this applies to Bandit leader and Lich as well.
  • Followers only level up if they're following you into fights. they won't ever shrink unless you reset their levels with Plush.
  • there's a "scaling" menu on the Character tab, you can change how much your stats can affect your size (do keep in mind that it is cosmetic in nature, not meant to affect your actual stats)
  • abilities that make you bigger/stronger while in battle are temporary effects, they'll reset when a battle ends (there's a bug that can lead you to retaining your temporary stats tho)
Deleted 160 days ago

i have suggestion about camera zoom, its nothing big, so maybe fix for later

while character is "less than map" size - zoom is fine, but on very (and i mean VERY) big sizes max zoom is too close and one tick of zoom out is too far already. at some point it is even battle problem, causing softlock (cant hit enemy because camera too far). and i get it, it wasnt calculated for unlimited size. anyway as i said, its nothing seroius, just "maybe" thing.

clicking the mouse wheel while in battle will change the camera mode.

oh. my wheel click doesnt work, so i didnt know about that.

i got a messesge saying failed to open descriptor file and i wipe my laptop clean so it runs better

do you need a mouse to play it? I can't use any pcs yet and I've tried to open the file which says its corrupted,my device might not be able to run it idk


It's PC only atm, so yes.


hey ive had this problem pop up
''Fatal error.
[File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/PakFile/Private/IPlatfomFilePak.cpp] [Line: 3958]
Retry was not succesful''
any help?

(1 edit)

I think that the arms are too small in both width and length. Can you make the upper body including arms able to be larger? And make the shoulder slider not affect bust size?

idk, i think arms are fine, length you can customise and width is just muscle which you can upgrade. imo it's just hips can make illusion of upperbody being small.

(4 edits) (+1)

My only criticism is the lack of a way to increase the junk and balls size. Other then that can't wait to see how the development goes. Also holy moly the size stat is busted


Doing the apothecarist quest will unlock a potion for purchase that increases the size of both, you can get the quest by going to the board close to the entrance of the town.


Noted and appreciated. 

where to find it?


I assume you're talking about the Ego potion? You must defeat the lich from the notice board called "Quest: Kill the Lich". It will ask you to talk to the Apothecarist. She is located in the shop to the left of the blacksmith (or behind you at the starting area.) with the sign "Potions" out front. Once you kill the lich a few new items will unlock in her shop, one such is the Ego Potion you're looking for. However, it does become irrelevant quickly if you just win battles in dungeons and even more so against strong (huge) enemies.


why is the free version so far behind

(1 edit) (+1)

The free one is one version behind the Patreon one bud, what are you going on about?


I think he means how marked the free version as version 5 while patreon is marked as version 12. It was confusing to me as well, but I have been playing and seeing all the new stuff. Thank you for the continued work ^w^ <3

what should I do after killing the head of the bandits, is there anyone behind the broken wagon?

Version 3.9 when will it be released? 

How are you? :)

the free version is always one month later than the patreon release

Thank you I will keep in mind ;)

Can i have few saves? Like one and press new game to have second one?

Yes, tho there have been reports of bugs with the second save crashing the game.

yo does anyone know a fast way to grow?



(1 edit) (+3)

Hey Digital, could you possibly offer an alternate download link?

The game can't be installed through the app and itch tends to limit download speeds anyways, would be great to have a higher download speed than 200kb/s.

(1 edit)

Is there anyway to transfer saves or character attributes over to a newer version of the game? I'm kind of stuck in the older versions of the game rn. Also where is the blacksmith key again? Thank you for you work in this game btw. 

Go to [game.root]\GrowthRPG\Saved\SaveGames for any savefiles.

The blacksmith key is just outside of the wall, before the bridge, on the left.

With moving over an older game save to a newer version it doesn't really work as what I move over just copies the first save game, so that method doesn't work. Thank you anyways for the tip.

Мне игра понравилась, Как же она мне понравилась- именно то, во что я больше всего хотел поиграть!!! 

Ты все сделал красиво, вот о чем могла мечтать хентай РПГ! 

Не называйте меня извращенцем, я люблю игры про подземелья, Skyrim, Fallout... 

Я не знал, что можно делать хентай RPG. 

Спасибо за игру ты супер ; )

Dear developers, add in this game (Hairstyles for characters).


coming in version 3.9

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Anybody know how to get skills? I have clicked the icons in the skills menu and it wont let me get the skills. Even with the required points needed.

(1 edit)

do you have the previous skills unlocked?
you need to unlock the skills coming from top to bottom

I don't know how to unlock any of the skills. I have been trying to get the skills at the bottom, but when I click on the icon for the skill nothing happens.

as I said, you need to unlock the ones at the top first

You need at least 20 points to unlock the first skill of a "tree"

Unfortunatly I've been unable to download this game off

I've been able to download older versions off your patreon however.

If at all possible could you give me an alternate download?

i had the same problem with trying to download it off


I found another bug which does not appear to be listed on Trello:

My character eventually became unable to enter the stat reset area. Or, more specifically, she starting getting warped back out instantly. I suspect that either she was being warped directly back onto the go-back-out zone, or her Size was so high that she was considered to be touching it.

(1 edit)

You can alter the scaling of every stat (even Ego) on the Scales menu located in the Character tab (the right one at the bottom, also available to other characters that follow you)

Changing the character's visual scaling had no effect on this bug.

(1 edit)

My gameplay suggestions:

  • Size plays a disproportionately important role more like level than like a stat, so it should not be a stat unto itself; it should increase proportionately to the total of all other stats.
  • Scaling should work by typing in an integer value, locking the character's visual appearance as if the relevant stat or Size were that number.
  • Ego's numeric value should be visible so that the player has a frame of reference for the above change to the Scaling UI.
  • Scaling should be available for the partner character as well (Mad Chimera's tits became eldritch abominations after the 700s or so.)
  • The player should be able to toggle Pain and Gain on and off, since it is required for all other Muscle skills but also endangers your armor.
(1 edit) (+1)

I can't download this game through the Itch client, only through web.

It's a neat game, but there needs to be an option to turn off the grass - there definitely should not be that much waving processing grass before the game is optimized.

. . . . .


I've decided to edit this comment to add in the crash error I've been getting about every 2 minutes. It reads:

Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130]

Do you get the error if you only have one save file?


if you get too much of the muscle stat the character model starts to break...


this game is really good, just wish the fat attribute  was a bit more noticeable, also the balls could be changed where the more they grow they either get moved forwards or backwards(like either pushing or pulling them) instead of just clipping thru, great stuff still!


I'm working on new models and shapekeys so in version 3.9 fat should be a lot more noticable

(1 edit) (-4)

I know i am asking too much, but will there be regular human model by any chance? I mean head and legs.

no time in the foreseeable future. It would require a different head rigging and the character customization would need to be changed quite a bit to compensate. Also I'm not terribly good at making people, I'm getting better though.

(1 edit) (+1)

does this have a discord, because if not, will this game be getting options like graphics and view distance? because my game turns to a slideshow


yeah this game is not letting me download because of a error in the installation 


hello , I keep having a fatal error in the free 32 version , why so ?

Can someone explain how the cracked essence works?

I don't notice any changes regarding growth wether I use potions, having the raving fan use his wand or using steal and the likes.

in combat growth seems to be bugged because from my experience it only takes effect AFTER combat


this is kinda satisfying :) i've acheved my wierd goal
and i hope map will be bigger someday in future

how did you do that?

Where do i hand in the quest that requires me to kill the lich? Thanks

You get/hand the quest in to the Apothecarist. She is located to the left of the blacksmith in a building with a sign out front called "Potions" (or directly behind you in the starting area). Once that is done it'll unlock a few new items in her shop.

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