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Isn't there a way to give this manually? I would like to have fun increasing certain statistics manually. With an order, for example. I have gone around the game a bit, now I would like to go further and laugh a little.  Do you know the command?

I'm sure if you have a program to open the save files then yes. Otherwise you can always use the scaling options in the character creator and adjust all stats somewhat manually on a scale from 0%-100%, default is 70%. Otherwise you could also gain enough levels like about a thousand would be good and you can keep resetting your stats for $100 with the little fox in the tunnel at the end of the beach. You can also do the same with your follower and keep resetting their stats for free albeit somewhat buggy.

So I keep getting an issue saying "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../GrowthRPG/GrowthRPG.uproject"

Any way to fix this?


I keep getting this problem that in the passive style of battle, sometimes only one character gets to do actions, and if i got the "revean fan" as a follower, he will  only try to make me grow forever softlocking the game until I restart it. 

Is there a fix or a command I can use in battle to stop that without having to reset?


I think adding a option to make your belly bigger would be good for the beast skin.


Just wondering if I have to restart my character because I unlock the real blacksmith even though i gave the key to the fake one what should I do?

Nope, that is part of the quest. Just gotta look around the overworld a bit more to get the inventory back.

okay, maybe I love too much playing this game so I’ve got a few questions: I want to take all the content that exist, but I duno where and how, I’ve read all what I can and what can’t but I still don’t know where and how. Please help me in card says that there a lot of quests and a lot of weapons and plenty more and a liiiiitle question: how will I get form back from slime? That’s all, thanks for this game, that’s a wonderful construction you building :>


I....don't know exactly what you're asking for in the first but to answer the second one:

Go talk to the alchemist in town.

that’s what I’m talking about, I don’t know where is the place in town

Where's what in town? The Sewers? The Docks? 


look for wooden sigh hanging at one house with text "potions" then enter front door and talk to alchemist. Should be easily visible from starting are


I think I figured it out

Figured what out?

I couldn't figure out how to start the game but I got it

(1 edit) (+1)

I keep geting a message saying "Assertion Failed

File: c:\dev\dev-rendering\engine\source\...\range_m...x11.cpp line: 99"

 and don't know what that means. if anyone can help that would be apriceated 


Excuse me,is the dear author here? When I hit the castle dungeon to the LXI level, there was a fatal bug.

Any idea why the console command for disabling grass doesn't work? Or am I just using the wrong syntax


Wait is that possible


If it is possible can someone please tell me

How to accomplish the mission of the real BlackSmith? He seems to have lost something.

OK,I solved my problem.I caught the fake blacksmith

what is this quest

In this new version of the game , is it possible to change the neck of the character as in the old version ?

What is that?So funny.

how do i pull out the sword from stone?

It seems that you can take it if you are big enough.


where tf i finmd a rat key

defeat huge rat in sewer

and when new update for free players?

next month

(1 edit) (+2)

i haven't found exact numbers, but if you have 150-200 muscle and 200-300 size, you can take it

The man who was released by the Giant rat  key, where is his key?And what does money mean when it appears under the alchemist's task?I'm a newbie.

It's outside town, just left of the giant gap in the wall.

(5 edits) (+1)

In version 0.4.1 I have an issue with fat buffs and debuffs staying after fights but size buffs also stay sometimes after the raving fan uses his transfer skill in a boss fight with the buff also disappearing after moving onto the next floor. I'm not sure if any other buffs would stay as well. Also, at the castle dungeon, when I enter I have the option to go to "Level 0" which brings me to the sewer dungeon. This wasn't there at first and I think it apperead after I used the plush to get out of the dungeon with a checkpoint. And I also sometimes get "below" the dungeon floor. It's not by much, sometimes I only notice it once I can't pick things on the floor up anymore or can't open chests etc. and it happens after I step over obstacles only so far. One time when re-entering the dungeon after leaving it with a checkpoint from the plush, I got spawned next to the dungeon into the void. In the end I had to use the emergency escape. Nonetheless I really like your game and I just want to help you just a tiny bit with making it a better experience. Keep up the great work!


What's new in this 4.0 version of the game, if someone has played, please tell me ?

GrowthRPG V0.4.0 | Trell

Is there any way to become a slime like the one just outside town?


the only way you can become a silme is go to the cave and kill the litch and then you will become a slime as you said x3


After you kill the lich once, just walk up the tank behind it and interact with it.


I think the bug with the Bunshido not attacking is due to her having an Iatowashi Sheathed and Stool equipped in her hands by default. The Iatowashi Sheathed can't be used without an empty hand. I unequipped the Stool and she used Sheathe Buff (or, uh, "Seathe buff") and Iatojutsu as a follower.

losing to the samurai in the tunnel to the tower quits to the main menu

other than that this game is great so far

yeah bosses send you to the main menu, other fights just spit you back out on the overworld

oh  and I can only talk to the gate guard once

(1 edit) (+2)

So what's with the "Goo body" mentioned in the changelog? How do you get it?


you need to defeat lich and then you jump in the tank of goo

(2 edits)
Very good game, I can hardly complain, but some things need to be improved, for example white bugs, what you could also do would be a few fetishes that you can turn on or off in the settings, depending on what you want. so depending on what you want to do with the game i just suggest a few things


The game could really use some optimization, or maybe a way to turn down the rendering of the grass and stuff, makes it really laggy in some areas


Id love to see the unreal engine spaghetti web code that this game has. lol


you can watch the spaghetti be made live at where I work on the game on, Tuesday through Friday 8:30-4:30 EST

Sorry, what version of the game is it now?

0.3.8 for public, 0.3.9 for patreons.

eh? it's 0.3.9a public now

Ah right, changelogs.

What is a public ? 

(1 edit)

Will there ever be a mobile port?

I don't mind if you have to remove things to make the file size smaller... But I would like to see a Apk for the game

Will the game ever be multiplayer?

I only ask because of the cat fetish weapon that doesn't work unless there is someone else.


Highly doubt it. I also am curious about the reasoning behind that skill. You can get followers though and potentially could grow them. (Spoiler, there is one that will grow you based on the stats you give them and/or the gear you wear).


How to open inventory or close hud?

You can use TAB to open and close the inventory, you can also use Esc to close any menu.

Not sure if this is a bug or not but I can't find the blacksmith's key where I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be (right outside the gate, I had played before) and thus can't use the blacksmith. If it moved locations does anyone know where?

as far as im aware, it always been located near the bridge that lead to hard dungeon

Thank you, I'll look


Found it, and you're right, I forgot it was there and wasn't ready to face the enemies on the beach so didn't check that way bc of where I thought it was


what have you done. I've also figured out that in dungeons u can use the plush to save your progress with the escape function.

what does ego do? I have been playing this game for a few hours or so and I haven't figured out what it does yet, can anyone help?

im not 100% sure about that but
i think it changes your pasive stance (good way to see that is when you go firts time in tunnel with bushido and stay silent + refuse to fight multiple times) and probably changes speed of gray bar charging (also good way to see that is fighting beast over and over)

Kinda surprised you found that. I'm nearly 100% sure that is a bug. If you keep entering conversation and staying silent it continues to change your stance. I have no idea when or where your stance changes but it even does it on a fresh character. As you can see from the picture (can this be nsfw? lol) the characters legs actually cross behind and the shoulders are forced back while also forcing the chest forwards. Perhaps this isn't a bug, but it isn't necessarily attractive. Would be nice to have selectable stances or slider to fine tweak that if that is a thing.

Also, you mention the gray bar charging. You mean the AP bar? This thing I cannot really figure out. Some battles it slowly charges, others it rises when you attack (or take turns). According to the stats page the breasts stat heavily affects the AP regen.

Lastly, Ego for what I know affects the penis and balls size. Winning battles or being aggressive in them boosts your ego while losing or being passive either decreases it or does nothing for it.

Stance changes with your response to before every battle, the game takes the most used response as the stat for which stance to use.

Top one is aggressive, middle one is neutral and bottom one is passive.


Ego is a hidden stat that increases when you win battles and/or aggressive in them. The opposite is true if you lose battles or are passive in them you lose ego. The main (maybe only) affect I've seen it change is the penis and ball size if your character has them.


Ego is a "hidden" stat that increases the size of genitals.


it make pp bigger


if you have pp, of course


Is there a guide for the game that lists all the bosses, locations, possible followers, collectables, etc?

I feel so lost because the quest board doesnt detail locations and stuff


Not that I found. You definitely can go do what you want but are soft locked by your power. The first thing you need to do is find the blacksmith's key (which is outside the town). Then you can walk out of the town and go left across a bridge and that's your first dungeon. There is another one if you were able to walk straight forward from the town. There is also a cave with a nasty lich off to the side of the previous mentioned dungeon. There is high-leveled dock workers behind the town. As well as high-leveled bandits in the town. Lastly, if you go left, and turn left before the bridge there is two paths. One will go down a crevasse with a soft-lock by a chain-link fence the other is through a tunnel to the WIP area that is not finished. From what I have found there are 4 followers(the raving fan, bunshido, mad chimera, foreman.) You'll get items from the dungeons and weapons or gear from enemies. You can purchase armor from the blacksmith for cheap early on but as you grow the armor will not fit you anymore and requires you to infuse it with materials to make it stretch to fit you.

How do you use the gear-uprades to infuse your weapons and gear? ive collected some from dungeons but was never able to use them, I might be stupid

I'm not sure if you are required to have completed the blacksmith quest, but his anvil is behind him, or his house. You'll interact with "upgrade equipment". It's kinda clunky but you will put in the item you wish to upgrade. In the purple box is what you put in, and the arrow to the gray box is what comes out. Once you have selected an item to improve you can then put applicable upgrade materials into the top 8 squares. They are locked to the color of the item, or stat. Say, to upgrade the breastplate you can upgrade it with any blue item like another breastplate, or broken swords, or blue metal scrap/bar, essence of legs/bust, and even ability crystals. The game's scope is quite limited right now so just doing dungeons will award you with significant experience and loot. Once you have the item you can upgrade it quickly. Armor is cheap and fantastic to use early on. Just find random Pokémon battles in the long grass. Get money or sell stuff you get. A full set of armor is like 100 DD. After a while you will outgrow it unless you upgrade it but it can be more of a hassle then it's worth as you level up so fast.

Just use the anvil behind the blacksmith, ability crystals give the most xp to your weapons. Although it'll take a lot of them to fully max out an equipment (past 100).

What are the specs required to run this game?


I have no idea

Specs aren't terribly high, I'd say most should be able to play it. I have a UW 1440p monitor with a 3070ti, and a 5800x. To get 60 fps, my gpu is below boost clock at about 35-45% usage, and my cpu is at idle of 3.4ghz using probably 10% or less for the game. It does it chunky when growth numbers are huge but this latest version seems to be pretty stable so far.

You can run this with a 2gb graphics card, although you will get some lag in very specific parts, nothing that can't be dealt with.

Does anyone know how to get rid of the lich form after interacting with a vat?

You can buy a deliching potion from the Potion Shop in town


Hey so I think the item scaling is broken? I'm Currently at 196 Strength and the Blesser is only doing 6 damage per hit


I don't think damage scaling is "broken" per say, but it is definitely unbalanced. Also, the size stat increases everything far faster than any individual stat. As the broken sword pulls from 3 stats at a scaling tier of "C", while the blesser, bat, roundel, cat ear fetish, barrel, and empty barrel all pull from a single stat. For me, the broken sword does 237, bat/blesser/roundel all do 55. Empty barrel of tier "D" does 27 while barrel of tier "A" does 137. My second playthrough I used two broken swords upgraded for XP boost, then moved onto the size sword as that does even more damage plus both have better abilities.

Upgrade your equipment, each one has a rating (ranging from D to A, with A being the best).

Good catch on weapon upgrading. For me, using the broken sword at lv0 does 226 dmg, while lv1 it does 229 dmg. Lv2 is now 233, so perhaps that is the "scaling" the tier provides or it's just an exponential scale based on the overall experience the weapon has. But I will say damage numbers do seem to have strange values.

Hey so I got this bug randomly after running around after finishing a fight. This is on a second save by the way. 


theres a bug with having multiple gamesaves causing crashes, I still haven't figured out what is causing it

Oh ok, thanks good to know!

How to get money easy? I'm starting out

Run into bushes either in or outside of the town. You'll find random items, money, and perhaps other enemies doing the same thing!


Just explore the dungeons and sell whatever metals you get.


I haven't been able to download this game from this site. Is there an alternative download?

Not sure this bug has been mentioned anywhere so I'll bring it up just in case: the gatekeeper at the bandit hideout doesn't respawn if you pay him 50 and then reload the area at any point after, leaving the player with no way to bypass the invisible wall as far as I'm aware

Love what you're doing here, keep up the fantastic work 

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