A downloadable game for Windows

A lewd furry RPG where your stats affect your character bodies making them bigger, fatter, bustier, and stronger.

Update 6.8 Changelog

StatusOn hold
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(523 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsFurry, NSFW
Average sessionA few seconds


growth-rpg-free64.zip 7.1 GB
Version 38 31 days ago

Install instructions

Extract Zip file

Run GrowthRPG.exe

If you get an error saying you are missing a DLL then run Engine/Extras/Redist/en-us/UE4PrereqSetup.exe

To transfer save files from one version to another copy/paste the savegame folder into the new version.


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after i summon something it just dissapears why does this happen?


question to the creator: Is it possible to add Protogens as npc's , enemies and playable character? :3


Where do I find the final dungeon?


how do you reverse the effect of falling into the vat of slime??? i dont want to be transparent anymore :(


go to The Alchemist in town she'll freak out and think you're the Lynch but she'll recognize you she'll give you the potion of reliving or something like that drink that you can unlynch yourself.


hi, all, how on debug menu?

How do you manually add npcs to your squad that can be a companion from console, or summon npcs that can be companions from console

(1 edit) (+1)

If you just want to get the "Debug Option," I have something for you! I created an any% run that defeats the Final Dungeon's Endboss, which unlocks the Debug Option.

Quick and simple installation:

1. Click on this Link  Save3.sav

2. Locate where you installed the game:

3. Drop the file into the SaveGames folder.

Enjoy! (If you want to use it on a different save file, just rename it—for example, change Save3.sav to Save4.sav.)

hi, mate, don`t working

Rename File to Save1.sav or  Save0.sav If have no save.

Thanks alot, though can i ask you a question how you leveling up, or scaling lvl of enemies? 

The basic way to level up is simply by killing enemies you encounter. (The bigger the enemy, the better the XP.)

  • You can boost XP by using the Superior Ability Crystal.

As for enemy level scaling... I'm not entirely sure. But I think it depends on which quests you complete and which bosses you defeat—like the Farm Quest or beating the Bandit Boss. This is just my guess, though.

Think you can do a version with only the final boss defeated and no other interactions?

Trying to get into the bandit camp, but there is just an invisible wall, at the entrance am I missing anything?

There is a bandit guarding the gate. Just talk to him and choose to fight or give him money to pass.

There is no guard

This bandit is standing here, guarding the entrance to the Bandit Camp.
Interact with him to get through

I've found all five rena plushies, but the last one said I've found four and still need to find one more. I'm not able to talk to any of the five renas, and the shop by the final dungeon only lets me redistribute my points. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


There's 6 of them, not 5, so you're still missing one. I posted where each of them is, so if you click on my name and scroll down a bit, you can find their locations.
(The post that begins with "Little easter egg I found")

is there a command that will delete an npc or at least reset it? (i fed a bee and now it is the size of the whole map)

Deleted post

until you pass the final dungeon, there is no way

Ok, i found the answer. Looks like by "curses", the npc named Lulu meant essences of growth.

Any ideas why my points gained from essences, sometimes just randomly disappear? I used over 15 weight essenced and a few bust/size ones, yet my "base attribute lvl" for them stays at 0, after i sacrifice growth. I got attributes from essences without any problem, but they just disappear eventually.


Could you make it like in older versions that if you beat the game and unlock Debug mode you can share the debug between saves?

Don't worry, you can.


I mean like beating the game and for every new game you start you already have it unlocked from the begginin

how many floors are in the crystal dungeon?

200 dungeons


Dungeons other than the final one (and the Lich cave I think as well) pretty much has infinite floor since I've been able to test going to beyond floor 10000 


I used to be able to play it, now I can't. Why? Game is too big.


Also, please add hex codes for color options, I'm not sure what color format the character creator is

where can I download older versions of the game?

It's complicated, only digital should have it

how do i use the grey essences?

with the apothecarist

another answer is dungeon fountains whch is cheaper.

¿ahí alguna posibilidad de que agas un port para android?

mmmm no


Would you like to add a cat face? Would you like to add the ability to select a character without a long furry snout?

It would look something like this.


is it possible we get a player home in the future where you can have 2 companions?


good idea

(1 edit)

How do you summon an item? Theres the ` menu, and a summon command, but how does it work? If it is with summon, what are the item names or whatever?


You're welcome, try this commands in console:

Ghost for noclip

Walk for clip

God for godmode

Summon + (without +)

-Metal Scrap

Blue = Summon BlueSmallResource_C

Green = Summon GreenSmallResource_C

Red = Summon RedSmallResource_C

White = Summon WhiteSmallResource_C

Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C

White = Summon LargeResource_C


Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C

Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C

Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C

White = Summon LargeResource_C


Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C

Green = Summon Ore_Green_C

Red = Summon Ore_Red_C

White = Summon Ore_W_C


Bust = Summon CoreBust_C

Fat = Summon CoreFat_C

Legs = Summon CoreLegs_C

Muscle = Summon CoreMuscle_C

Size = Summon CoreSize_C


Bust = Summon GrowPotionBust_C

Fat = Summon GrowPotionBelly_C

Legs = Summon GrowPotionLegs_C

Muscle = Summon GrowPotionMuscle_C

Size = Summon GrowPotionSize_C

Ego = Summon CockGrowthPotion_C

Relife = Summon PotionOfRelife_C

i think the only thing missing from this is the superior cores that increase your growth multiplier but i forgot what they were called

summon SuperiorAbilityCrystal_C


This was fantastic! Though, I'm curious, any plans to add more human parts, like the face? Would personally love to go for a Kitsune, but doesn't feel right with any of the faces or feet available


I completely agree with you, I would also like the author of the game to add more human parts.

Hi, what do you think about multiplayer?

Please someone can explain where to find Aureus? I mean i found him in previous versions but after long pause map changed and yeah

If I remember right, he's in a cave in the far back of the map, to the right of the Farm.


Is it good for anything other than just this NPC stealing from you?


He's the only way to reset growth from essences, and he gives you back the grays.

 how did you summon him?

I had  a weird bug where I opened the lock on the dock and the lever, but didn't open the door, and now the door won't ever open for me. It can't be re-unlocked and I can never get through it, cutting off the docks for me entirely.

Had the same thing happen to me, I think you can bust through the gate with high enough stats… but if not, if I remember right, one of the walls to the right of that gate is also broken and you might be able to glitch and pass through. Neither of those are good answers though sorry :P

No worries. You still should be able to smash through the door after you get big enough.


I want android version

what is the heart for on your companion if i may ask?

This is your relationship with said NPC. Higher it gets, the more abilities and benefits you get, like changing their gear and appearance and respecting them. Mercs are also stop leaving you when you lose and leave a dungeon.

Only exception is Fan, who will always leave if you fall no matter what.

I don't know what I did but I can't fight the beast anymore. the option shows up on my screen to fight but nothing happens. Is there any way I can reset this NPC?

(5 edits) (+2)

i managed to do a 1to1 of the dragon in the tavern :edit found out you can get her as a companion in my second game don´t know why I couldn't do it earlie


theres some unreal engine inject mods and some can freeze the game for you, making it easier to make measurements, as for me i went for just tall enough so i can still see stuff in the dungeons and such, too tall and you can barely move there, obviously you can just use the lock setting but that's lame :3


i think you replid to the wrong post

nope, you wanted to do a 1:1 of the dragon. the dragon moves while idle.

(1 edit)

You may already know this but just throwing this out there. The option to recruit doesn't show up if you don't have the money, or if you don't have the companion points open. She's pretty expensive!


Anyone know how to use cheat engine to modify the companion limit? only values i found were floats


So, I found a bug where when starting a new game, for some reason I can continue putting in points in stats even after using up my 20 points. Don't know if I should be happy or annoyed lmao.


I don't know is this supposed to happen

But after i use steal on sandbag it crash my game

Might be because my pc is several years old now

Nah, game's buggy, so crashes happen. Make sure to save often, and thanks for warning us about the possible crash.

my pc is feel like metal scrap now

I found a cave with kobold/dragon named Aureus. He said that he will help me if i help him regain his hoard. I already gave him 20000+ gold and still nothing. If i give him more will he follow me? Or he stays there and nothing happens?

nothing will happen, it's a bug


Ok, good to know. Thanks

Make sure you don't already have someone else in your party. I forgot whether he costs 4 or 3, but if he won't fit in your party, the option to recruit him won't show up.

And for reference, the option shows up around 1k or so, WAY before 20000.


I left the lich and was grinding some when I stopped being able to grow in battle. Is there an item I'm missing or something? Do you stop being able to grow after a certain point. All my growth maxes are set to 0.7 and not locked in settings. I can grow outside of battle. It's really hard for me to progress when I can't grow.

I have a sneaking suspicion it's the "Size" > "Jealousy" ability. Around the same time I got that (1/4) I stopped being able to grow. But I really dont want to restart just to fix it and still have that maybe not work.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.


just make sure the size bar doesen't have a check on it. if you want more size move it up to 1.0 and keep the check off. if it is on it will lock your max height to what you had when you hit the box there


dosent work

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