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(2 edits)

i got a bug if i got any item before of the lich quest i cant acept the mission with the potion smith in the potion shop

what are the differences between Patreon and free version?

The free version is always 1 month behind. If you want specifics you can check through the changelog for each version, basically 6.2 had a lot of bug fixes and optimization.

I see, thanks for your respond

I have a question where do I find the synced storage

They're the chest around save points. However it is busted in 6.1 and will delete items, fixed in 6.2

Ty for the answer

think theres one in the potion shop that works

(2 edits)

Can I ask where in the world Beast is in the new map? I got used to the old version that now I'm having to relearn where everything is granted it looks nice but makes me feel lost abit. Nevermind I found him but wow the new map is huge! Are the weapons like the blesser still out around the map I can pick up? And abit of a bug I went up against a Chestromancer in a tall grass this is for the free version 6.1 I was blown by an invisible force outside of the arena and could only move around the circumference of the area all I could do was let myself lose as I had no rage option

Every time I leave and join the game I got 2 blue dragons in the initial town named worker, after I lose to one of them both dispawn 

I did it one more time, but now when I tryed to aproach them they started walking and stoped here

Wow, very rare


if I go after them they will keep moving lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Urn seller Simone quest still broken, and it isnt in the logs


Deleted 11 days ago

I didnt found it yet but by the logs we can see that the dragon is still broken in this version


Deleted 11 days ago

In last month version we couldnt get the dragon to follow us , in this month in the free version you can check in the logs that this bug was identified but its only fixed in this month patreon version or in next month free version 

Deleted 11 days ago

The dragon only follows you on the patreon version, if you play in the free version you will need to wait for next month

In the cave entrance on the right

New version and new map lets go

Something odd I noticed is that whenever I fight the giant rat, when they summon a follower, the new follower doesn't seem to able to damage you/not having that attack area thing when they attack, making them a weird and also ignorable target in the fight.

Righty, seems like it should be simple but I haven't found a fix yet: for some reason, whenever I attempt to use any growth action, whether it's any of the explosion abilities or even just a potion, I am instead getting negative growth, which is obviously the exact opposite of what I'm lookin for. Fat, muscle, legs, and bust all go down when they're supposed to go up, BUT size works as normal, even seems to go up faster than normal. I'm assuming this is something screwy from when I had equipped the size sword, since that was listed as an effect, but I unequipped it and the problem persists. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Some weapons are bugged, once you get the negative effect there is no turning back, you must create a new game without using that weapon so that the same thing does not happen

I believe its a bug that happens based on how certain modifiers stack. It should be fixed in 6.1 and onwards, however you will need to restart a save. 6.1 is the new overworld though, so its a perfect time to restart.

Hey Digi, would you consider making it possible to climb the tower? I like the view from up there.

(1 edit)

I have a problem when I enter the game, it tells me to register and get a code, and when I do, I can't log in

Download the free version, this is patreon version

(2 edits)

Sometimes after enter any save i can move (by w a s d button) but i can't rotate my camera view (my mouse is still work) 

I want to know There are anyway to getdebug mode back after i updated game my debug mode was gone (i unlocked it before update)

There are anyway to get them back? Or i need to grind for it again?



I haved those problems too, for debug mode you need to beat the boss again, if it doesn't work, save, exit the game, enter again and beat the boss again, to fix the movement it is fixed by leaving and entering again to the game

(3 edits) (+1)

I do that but still can't rotate camera even I restart my pc but still can't rotate

Also thank for debug mode aswer

For some reason, my controls are all fucked up, how can i change em so they work on my azerty board

Tab, menu of settings and controls

thanks man, I'll see is if works soon

(1 edit)

Found something, or rather a few somethings that have gotta be bugs: Firstly, the dungeon area just a stone's throw to the right of the crystal covered area (think it's the ruins?) doesn't have a way to leave once you're inside unless you intentionally get whacked and respawn outside. Secondly, talking instead of trading with the apothecarist lady upon entering will initiate a fight with her, which is probably not supposed to happen (considering her only moves were magic that replicated the effects of her potions... and unarmed, 2-damage attacks), but all of that pales in comparison to the fight with the lich at the end of floor 3, where upon hitting the guy onto the floor with the piledriver, he spent the entire rest of the fight taking the Stand Up action, only to flop directly back down onto his ass which was bigger than the rest of him. Extremely funny, no way in hell I should've won that fight, especially considering I was trying to get killed at that point. Oh, and this is on the free version as of 6/24/2024, so maybe this is all not a problem on the party version, iunno.

Oh, are bugs

(1 edit)

Gotcha. By the way, upon further investigation, the whole "being unable to leave the ruins dungeon thing" has a bit of strangeness to it: you can leave while on floor zero, as soon as you walk in, hitting the ladder to exit like every other dungeon. That ladder then disappears upon entering any deeper floor, which I am unsure if that's intentional or not. Also upon further thought, I haven't tried the auto-escape items you get in the inventory while in there, so I'll do that later and update. Oh, and one last thing: the giant rat in the sewers is obviously supposed to drop the giant rat key, and I assume that it is after beating them the first time that they get ported to just outside the well entrance where you can fight or recruit them. Unfortunately, I fought and beat them, then returned to an earlier save from before the fight, removing the key from my inventory but also removing the giant rat themselves from the well, thus making the key unobtainable. Pretty sure that's how the chain of events worked, anyways. Any other possible ways to get the key, or am I screwed?

Summon commands can be used, this is the command

Summon DungeonBossRat_C

Once you have defeated him and he has given you the key, go to floor 5 of sewer, there will be the kidnapped npc

Not exactly sure how/where to input that command, since the only thing I found was the "debug" option in the keybinds section of the settings, and pressing that didn't appear to do anything. Also, updates for other things I found: the ruins(?) dungeon does in fact give you the emergency exit item even though the physical ladder is gone, so that's good. Tried out the cave dungeon and found that you can only leave every four floors, and that it does not give you the emergency exit items, but I swear I remember it being addressed in the next update's changelog somewhere, can't find where though. Though I did find another issue that seemed to only pop up in that cave, that being that while using passive combat, attempting to attack more than once in a row too quickly would cause the animation to either not play, or stop after playing, effectively locking the encounter and forcing you to quit/flee, though often it wouldn't even let me quit. Seemed to pop up most often when repeatedly using the fryup action from the skillet. Lastly, I've not tested it much, but after using two rock meat and one thing of fries while in the cave, I was able to take partial growth bonuses accumulated in combat, i.e. from the fryup action, out of combat and into other fights with a massive headstart. No idea if it's something to do with the food system as a whole, that cave in particular, those items, or what, but that's what happened.

Generally above the tab key you will find the key that activates the commands, if that key does not work try the red ones

a black line will appear where you must place th is

>Summon DungeonBossRat_C

The apothecary initiating a fight is a known bug that has been fixed for version 6.1 already. Check out the linked changelogs to see what's known and what isn't




V 0.6.0b


Somehow the quest from the Poisonsmith Chris got stuck after the 2nd test. I dont have a talk option for telling him the effect of the posion.

The problem occurs in the version 0.5.9 and 0.6.0b. Both new safes each.

Also I have the problem that i can´t grow in fights anymore after dieing in the leech dungon once in the version 0.5.9.

I know the command to have the item that removes the roots of the farm quest, in case you need it

Thanks, but I think I will just wait till it is fixed.

Probably a stupid question, but how do I do more damage? no matter what I do I deal 1 damage, I've put 30 points into size and 7 into everything else, am I doing something wrong?

Maybe it's a bug, take off your weapons and put on other ones, after it has been solved, put on your old weapons again, i fixed

(1 edit)

No matter what weapons I use, they deal one damage.
I've used the broken sword, frying pan, blesser, and barrel, but they all have the same attack.

I don't know if this helps but here's a screenie of my stats and debug stats:

Deleted 118 days ago
(1 edit)

Nvm, found the piledriver, its hella OP


the last 2 are the best so far

also big muscles pretty good looking 1000 muscle, 200 fat

really huge muscles actualy good looking 1500 muscle, 0 fat

Wow? Maybe you have consumed a lot of core fats

(1 edit)

still swoolen but less severe 1500 muscle, 200 fat

the 1500 muscle, 1500 fat balloon arms

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this is 500 muscle, and 200 in everything else

(1 edit)

since the latest update free 6.0 the way my character grows in muscle and fat has changed in a way that is different, with a lot of fat his arms becomes much too big and almost simular with a lot of muscle before I had a good size with 1500 muscle and 1500 fat. but now his arms are like a balloon and I don't realy enjoy that very much so I had to reduce the max muscle to 500 and max fat to 200 in order for him to look good. everything at 200 and muscle to 500

Somehow the download always fails :/

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



<Message>Request has expired</Message>


Download in the app icht io, no page


Markus Unicorn

(2 edits) (+2)

The game gets extremely laggy in a couple of situations:

1. Large Characters are on screen. For example when putting a lot of points into size or fighting beast so often he becomes as large as the lake, walking around the overworld can become quite hard due to the lag.
2. When Growing a huge amount at once.
3. When loading any assets whatsoever liek starting up the game or entering/leaving combat or another zone.

I'm not that knowledgeable about all that stuff to tell what the problem is here but my assumption is that it might have to do with limitations to Memory usage as I've never seen it go above 4GB, despite more being available.

I don't believe that this is a hardware problem on my end as my specs are:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
GPU: RTX 2070 Super
Ram: 32,0 GB

Additionally I'd like to point out that the debug window isn't up to date with its contents. For example the ego potion is missing and so are newer weapons. The XP slider also doesn't seem to be working and neither does the infinite companion points check as I can still only recruit a couple of them. And there are also so many other bugs that have beein in the game and on the trello... Some of which I believe have been in there for multiple months, if not over a year already... but oh well...  I guess my point is just that I'd appreciate it if the focus from now on was laid purely on optimizing the game and fixing the bugs present before continuing to add more things to the game, which just ends up introducing more bugs. Once that's done, new things could be introduced again, at which point they would actually become enjoyable again. And I know that a lot of fixes have happened recently, but a lot of new bugs have also arrived at the same time and the backlog of bugs is still massive even without those new bugs.

My Hard Drive Got corrupt and my progress is gone is there a way i can Edit the files to get my stats and other things back?

You need the save0

(1 edit)

I have the file but i dont know wich Values i need to change.

i opend it with the Windows Editor.


First you copy the save0, then you open the Windows Editor folder, open the GrowthRPG folder, go to Saves and paste the file there, there should not be any save, it should be empty

I put the folder there and then i went and Loaded the game but the game keeps crashing then i trie to load the Save i think the folder is also corruptet :(

Oh :(

Yes you can! In fact you get quicker and faster results if you do saveedit + summon in console combo.  Then once you spawned enough essence push it to certain limit, look up What you changed and change that through save edit. Though I personally prefer stockpile gazillion of temp growth items and just do them. Because I really love high contrast 

Ok can you like maybe make a small Video on how to to that i already tried to edit but i didnt know what and how to do it.

there is site saveedit com I dump there save files and check for variables that are familiar, change them, then insert where save files for the game are (within main folder) and voila , but first just search up console commands for this game

Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130]

This bug still happens whenever I am not in a dungeon. It happens in battles as well.
(2 edits) (+2)

What is with the game generating processes that permanently reduce your connection speed and require a factory reset to remove. Also it mimicking other programs to avoid detection. Either this is a virus, or a massive Bug, that needs to be removed ASAP

As a note, I'm not related to this project, just another user.

I don't see anything in that screenshot out of the ordinary, in terms of the connections. Those are all normal.

What are you looking at that seems suspicious?

The issue with this screenshot is that a process of the game is still running when you close the game, said process imitates the name of another programm and then continues using ressources on the pc when it's on, and those can stack and seriously slow down your pc, and we can'T really tell what it does with the ressources it claims.

(1 edit)

Awhile later..
I still don't know what you're highlighting in the picture. The tooltip saying "" is from the firefox.exe instance, which presumeably is you visiting the growthrpg website. The other svchost services are all part of windows. 

It looks like the networkservice instances are doing mdns lookups on your local network (that's what ff02::fb is) or doing dns lookups (that's what the connection is).

Again, that's all normal behavior... svchost networks services will always be there, firefox will be there until 2-3 minutes after you close firefox. Note that connections don't disappaear from the performance monitor for a few seconds to minutes after closing the program... open firefox visit a few websites, close it, and watch how loing its listing sticks around.

(1 edit)

Updated: please read the reply.

Sorry if this has already been brought up before. But for me the poison Vender quest seems broken. For me it breaks at the second step when I am supposed to try the sweet smelling potions that heal you but shrink you at the same time. I have tried consuming the potions before I start combat when I am missing health. It successfully heals me and shrinks me. And after the fight even if I have won or lost the effects go away. I have also tested drinking the potions while actively in a fight and they heal me and shrink me. And again once the fight is over even if I win or lose the effects go away. When fighting I fought the giant rat follower NPC. And I fought the Muarder NPC in the bushes next to the bat girl NPC in the village. If anyone knows how to fix this that would be great. Also the Apothecary lady won't speak to me about the "defeat the Lich" quest. In the journal I see that I have the quest and it tells me I should speak with her but she just doesn't have an option to talk about the quest. Also for the sweet smelling potions part of the quest once I drink all 3 of the potions the journal updates and says I have completed the quest and I should talk to the poison Vender but the only thing he says is "how goes the testing" or something like that. And the only option I have is "nevermind".

Update just read the change log for version 0.6.1 and I saw that these issues are already know. My version was 0.6.0 if that is of any help.

(1 edit)

So I'm running into a problem. My buff multiplier keeps increasing after every battle. Was it a perk I picked? is there a way to undo or modify the values? Unfortunately battles become a lag fest because of it. Side note being able to save the same game in different save slots would be a nice feature to testing things out.

Edit: Its the Growth Multiplier Tier Perk. IDK if its intentional but it goes up by 1 every fight/map update. Essentially every time the map updates.


I have an idea for large egos. If the balls get large enough, maybe they could drag behind the player

Yeah, my balls cover my entire body

(1 edit) (+1)

hey i have an idea for a new shop like a back halley dealer, that sells skills like the" give it to me" from the boss or even powerfull weapons, cosmetics and items  it will be a good idea for me. o and you cant oay with coins you need the pay with essenses to meke it more valuable (sorry for bad tipping   :) )

Very cool

Hello the hotfix did nothing to help. But you might find this useful with the bug fixing.

Photos in the comments:

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(1 edit)


dang, sorry to hear that. Not sure what else I can do to fix it, and as far as I've heard youre the only one with this error. Have previous versions worked for you? Also your file says your missing a DLL, try running the prereq setup

But maybe if you have the AddTravelPointToSave file i might be able to fix it manually 

I mean this


This error is due to using a crack. Use the free version or join the Patreon.

and how do I reset my passive skill points? his skill is broken.

I think that ability made me grow almost infinitely, as soon as I started a battle and it just grew non-stop, I had to create a new save

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