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the game keeps crashing with this error message

Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130] 

0x00007ffb81394ffc KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e627b036 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e627ef08 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e5fd5b7d GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e5f38965 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e5f3a0d0 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e665e435 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e94ce123 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e655e8fc GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e6456c42 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e6457216 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7ea300f5e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e9bb8e58 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e9a0385e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e4b09c14 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e4b2048f GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e4b2055a GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e4b2295c GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7e4b341a4 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff7eb559b2e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffb8297257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffb83dcaa78 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

Just slapping this down here for a place to keep track of these.

I just wanted to report a texture bug with the extra hand detail paints to make your hands different in color or have some color on the plams don't work as they should in version 5.1 and 5.2 the chest ones like the new skull or the heart are similar in that they wrap around to the character's back when they should not this makes me not want to use them but I'd like to if I wanted to make my character a fox but due to these errors I can't bring myself to do so.

Does anyone knows how to edit companion points to have more then 5?

In ability tree at the very bottom of left column there’s a perk that adds companion points

How can I remove transperent skin of my ch I got after examining the bath in Lich pit


Talk to alchemist in town

It'd be nice if auto-level worked even when you have no allocated levels by somehow remembering your previous ratios.


Bugs found in 5.2:
- Can get locked in the Giant Rat door room if a mimic enemy spawns from the loot within.
- Digitrade feet on a player with large size (500+) causes player to fall thru the ground when attempting to step over a wall.
- Somehow spawned an invisible wall at the primary entrance to the bandit hideout. I think it was after reloading the game after fighting the bandit boss once.
- Rock Sword makes max AP negative. Might be intentional, but the item description only mentions draining enemies of AP, not the user themselves.
- Consuming 300+ items at once freezes the game. Consuming 100 items stalls the game for a good 30+ seconds. Substantially moreso for 200 items.
- After consuming several hundred items, Level Up menu is slow to open.

The slowdown/freezing from items I suspect to be due to processing each item separately before applying the next item in the batch. Probably want to perform the final stat change calculation before processing any animations or other state changes to speed things up. I suspect the level up slowdown is due to some sort of processing of previously consumed items when the menu is opened.

Where did you find the rock sword?

Also it's negative max AP was done for balance in a previous patch I believe

The rock sword was loot from the rock monsters around the farm.

Got the same issue with the invisible wall at the entrance bandit but i don't believe i ever fought him before. 


Can we have a monster girl which is tiny, but after you do her quest become gigantic, and tries to rival you?

I have a few questions about 5.2 -

1. How do I cut the roots?

2. How do I talk to Beth? (I returned Markus and she still says trade

3. Where's the farm location at?

1. You need special postion from Postion Seller (that new one, from 5.1). But if you haven't talked to Beth beforehand, you probably won't have the needed option in dialog with the seller.

2. If you  have old save, you'll probably have to start a new game.

3. Where you fight with roots.

Thanks for the info!

which potion Ive done everything and i still cant complete it

thank you

Is the rock blade the rock monsters have still in build 5.2 as a weapon?
Been searching the infected farm but can't seem to find it, any help would be greatly welcome

(1 edit)

Try to grow a rock monster from rare seeds. It may have a rock blade in its inventory. Maybe. I'm don't sure.

I've grown one and no, they sadly don't have one in their inventory, maybe just getting it's relationship value high enough will net me one? 

Maybe. But probably will not.

Well if anybody figures out how to get it, please share, it's a super fun weapon I love to make part of my build

It's still in, just gotta farm it. 

I guess you have to farm it before you finish the farm quest

Can't talk to Beth on 5.2, there's only an option to trade with her like the previous version. So the new quest is softlocked for me, dunno how to beat the roots. Any workarounds?
 I transferred my save from the previous version if it helps.

Try going straight to the farm property and talk to Beth's hubby there. If that doesn't work, then, uh. Well, that just leaves a new game. After all, this game is more about the journey than the goal.

Why do i need "common seed"?

After complete farm quest, you'll be able to plant seeds in the bed. The flowers that grow will yield various loot from metal ore (common seeds) to superior ability chrystal (rare seeds). Also rare seeds can grow into friendly Rock Monster.

(3 edits)

so every time i gain a buff from the npc's my camera just kinda breaks and think its moving but is fully stuck in place and refuse's to move till i re-enter the world (5.2)

Edit: it happens way more often on a lot of things not sure why or how but it just happens so now and then and ive got no idea what ceusing it but interacting with npc's hase a chance to break your camera entirly making you have to re-enter the world to fix it 

You have to either re-enter the world or get into a fight, then it's fixed.

Open inventory - then character and it will fix

I've fixed that by talking to the NPC again. Anything that makes the camera change outside of player control seems to fix it.

is ego always active or do i need the ego potion?

(2 edits)

You gain ego after every victory. You gain more based on how big your opponent is. The Beast is really good for grinding some since he gets bigger after every loss. The ego potion just gives you a way to gain ego without fighting.

how do you fight the beast?

Beast is a yellow guy under a tree just outside town. You walk up to him, wake him up twice (i.e. speak) and then he'll fight you. If you win, he will grow bigger, and if loose - will reset to original size. After waking him up you can fight him whenever. 

(1 edit)

I will add, the three or four fightable companions (rat, barrel, and bun) also have that same mechanic (They revert upon recruiting) but yeah, they grow with each win and you can farm them too.

Also Ego potions is so far the only way to increase the Ego of your companions. 

theres a pretty big issue with the character creation thing, where if you choose a species, it'll actually chose the species to the left of it, and with the one on the very very left, it'll default to god knows what

(1 edit)

Guys, Is there any way, to decrease stat AFTER filling Ability meter to the max? It seems that bust on my character is 300 baseline, but all other stats are 0... No idea what is going on. I removed curses, but bust stat stayed high

Deleted 38 days ago

Thanks for help. It worked.

Have additional question:

Is there some kind of list of quests available? I read here and there there is some kind of "gator" thing available, but im not able to find it. Also, there seems to be questo for cow NPC, but similiar - no idea how to trigger it. In game journal is... lacking to say at least.

This video is about how I was able to get into the monsters.

That area is not complete in 0.5.1. It is used in farm quest in 0.5.2 and crystals whith roots disappear after defeating rock monsters there.

is it just me or somebody else got similar problems that the character can't properly consume the dank potion(black one) from the potion seller near the sewer. To be specific, every time I tried to consume it, the animation showed and the hp drop as expected but the number of potion left kept the same. I wonder what cause it or is there anyway to solve this bug.

I'm fairly sure the one that injures you cannot stack.

I had a similar yet different problem where when i consumed it, it wouldn't necessarily kill me but my health would drop very low and my character would fall to the grow and wont be able to get back, pretty much soft locking me. It only worked one time, but only on one of the potions, and I had no idea what allowed me to stay alive that one time. 

I'm having the same problem I have all 3 dank potions still even after drinking one am I'm not sure what to do of it. I'm also not sure how I get the pesticide potion to kill the roots. I know about the root monsters you can kill every 15 or so floors in dungeons but I guess thoughs have nothing to do with getting this potion I need. Can I please have help?

Are you doing this during combat? Cause if so, there is a good chance that consumables aren't being used up when used in combat, especially if they are in a companions inventory. 

How do i get the giant Rat Key i defetet and looted all but i cant find the key

The special recruitable rat on the 5th floor drops it. Beat them, get the key and do what you want with it, and even recruit them as a two cost companion. They like to be the largest one of the party.

hello, just wanted to know if beth has any quest that i could complete. i kinda did almost every single quest.

Ran into a very annoying bug,

Somehow the resolution of the game is making a part of it clip off the screen off to the right while in fullscreen mode now and I can't change it due to the settings for this being now to far to the right. Things now look stretched and makes playing the game unbearable, however upon relaunching the game it somehow has the correct size but incorrect cursor placement (Cursor is to the right of where it actually thinks where it is). However if I click of of the display or alt + tab it becomes stretched again. I am not sure exactly what triggered it, all I really remember that led to this was after a fight with a mob the game decided to go into windowed mode, I then tried resetting it back to full screen and got this mess with seemingly no way to fix it...

Anyone got possible fixes?

This is in the 0.5.1b Version

Below is an image of what I am seeing now whenever it begins to stretch

Found a fix, apparently u can use tab, the arrow keys, and enter to work around this issue.
Thank God...

is there a way to decrease the character’s penis size? resetting ability points doesn’t reset it (i assume it scales with ego) so now it just looks kinda bad and only keeps getting bigger

(1 edit)

Character menu -> scaling -> ego

There’s no way to decrease it, but you can lock it at certain size

i did try that but it didn’t seem to work :/ it would be smaller until i clicked on the level up tab again, then it would just pop back to the original size

Even after you checked "Lock"? Thats a bug then. But in the next update Ego will be reworked, and this will be probably fixed

i’ll keep messing around with it and see if i can get anything to work, i’ll let you know if something sticks 

ah nvm, i was trying to lock it from settings -> preferences.

preferences affects ONLY NPCs, and not yourself, by the by.

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi everyone! If you're lazy or just want to use this great game as character creator, I’ve made a save file with all attributes maxed and big character to boot (for 0.5.1 version). She is huge, most of her size comes from essences. Most of NPCs unaffected, except Solon (purple lizard for hire). 

If you want to reset my character talk to Lulu near sewer to get rid of all essences, and to plush in the tunnel at the beach to reset level points

Save comes with truck load of money and unused Essenes. You can "transmute" that in alchemist shop (enchant them to increase certain attribute).

I recommend creating new game in separate folder so this file wont erase your current progression. File goes in GrowthRPG\Saved\SaveGames


Reply here if something doesn't work

Hi! It's not a bug report, I just want to ask you something. That white alligator character down in the crack next to the cave, did you find that in the cave? If so, where can I find it? Because I have my own saved .save (Save0) file.

Sorry for my english.

(1 edit)

To be honest - i dont know. I was going for nail quest and was defeated at lvl 25-27 in that cave, and when I was kicked outside they were there.

I guess they appear after reaching some level in crystal dungeon? i dont remember talking to any gators, like whithlime slime in Lych cave

P.S. At least my save sharing works, good to know)

This video is about how I was able to get into the monsters. (The weird monster characters. I'm not so good at remembering names. Sorry) That if anyone remembers the previous one or two versions (4.9 & 5.0)

Meanwhile, I finished the cave on the thirtieth floor. And there stood the alligator character covered with metal helmet.

hey, i want to keep my save, and the character creator save as well. how do i do that?

Download the game a second time, unzip it in new folder and add my save file. You'll have two copies of the game and will have both save files 

(1 edit)

Do i click on download or share to drop box to use your save?

I wanted to ask, where is the blacksmith bounty boss? i have no idea where he is and how do  claim the bounty.

please someone help.

You mean the fake blacksmith? If I recall he is usually across the bridge and by the crystal wall. Talk to the blacksmith when your done. If you got this quest from the bounty board though, it's likely down at the beach at the end of the rivine the bridge goes over. That's where I keep finding my targets. Get the reward and a new bounty from the very same board.

Is there anyway to do a soft reset? I'm currently soft locked and don't want to fully restart.

How are you soft locked specifically?

does anyone know how to use the seed items in this game?

Get past the crystal wall, do the quest and rescue the person, and talk to the cow lady in town for hints what to do. At the end of that quest chain, you can use seeds to grow ore, crystals and cools junk. As well as a rock pet.

I had this one glitch where the feet tripled in size

Feet get caught on the edges to the locked rooms in the Crystal Caves.

how do you get all the essences fast? i need the essence of growth the most to maake other essences in dungeons

Deleted 38 days ago

would be cool to see a difficulty setting like maybe the more difficult you start weaker and smaller

and also a way to shrink

you shrink by sacrificing stats in the ability bar


There's also a re-sizing option that reduces the physical changes without losing the stats.

The green fox NPC that's next to the sewer entrance takes away all of your essence and exchanges it for essence of growth.

The one at the end of the tunnel, located at the beach, can reset skills for ya, if you don't feel like sacrificing it in the ability tab.

Deleted 237 days ago

de lich potion

Deleted 38 days ago

I'm lost, where is the farm for beth quest?

Cross the bridge outside of town, keep going till you get to the crystal wall...then keep going.


Cool game though id like the option to either play as a human or demon. 

Demon is not too hard and I don't mind the current selection, though I wouldn't mind a non snout option for creativeness. But if they don't wanna I won't force it.
But demon, pretty easy to make a demon like character.

im just not really into furry or scales but there arent really many good human growing games. at least that I know of


how to pass the root at the farm?

Will there ever be a freeplay version with infinite points so you can grow however much you want?

Deleted 38 days ago

This game get better and better each update he receives. Thank you for all your work.

But with the 5.2 and even previous versions, my game lag quickly when my stats in "lvlup" et "abilities" menu increase. And the more points/lvl I get, the more it become laggy. It become unplayable at a certain point.

My game even freeze during a certain time when switching between "lvlup" or "abilities" menu with another menu like "inventory" for exemple.

It's the same with the growth phase. I lose lot of FPS with any growing phase with my character and when the growing is finished, my game run smoothly again.

I have a laptop ( 1920x1080 ). Not the best but enough to have 40-50 FPS with "Epic" setting in the overworld and 60 FPS with the others maps/dungeons.

CPU: i-7 9750h

RAM: 16 Go

GPU: RTX 2070

Windows 10

(1 edit)

How do I reach the Crystal cave? And does anyone know how to level up Lime slime? Nevermind I found it. The crystal cave is down by the beach just go down the grass path and it is near the end of that path.

You need to use the Growth potions to level up the slime.

That's what I thought. But they lose their growth after one battle, I'm looking for a more permanent level up. I have been using essences in the meantime.


Last time I played, the Lime Slime couldn't gain levels.

Explaining is hard but the main thing is that the Slime can only grow by consuming potions. Even after a fight, the Slime will retain some points in the stats affected by the potions. Moreover, it stacks so you can feed it a lot of potions before jumping into a fight.

Deleted 38 days ago

for some reason, if you put some potions in the slime's INVENTORY, they use that potion in combat and that buff stays. Long story short, infinite potions .

Little, exploit here, but ANY item a companion throws out during combat, gets renewed at the end of combat. Anything cosumable. Not just potions. 

Found this game today, Love the over ideas and thought put into the game.

The fighting system may feel clunky sometimes and the game is definitely exploration heavy, as there is no question markers for items like the blacksmith key. (Sadly no wiki fandom to search up info either)

I'm over the moon, to see the game was updated 7 days ago, meaning the game still gets updates. I will love to this game develop and for the kinks to be ironed out for a pretty good rpg game, if you put all the fetish stuff to the side.

Can't  wait to see more, developer please don't dump this game, like a lot of other nsfw game makers do.

Welp we are willing to help, for sure. And there are NPCs that tell you where to go for all the major quests if you listen to their dialog. Your gonna wanna get to the 5th floor of the sewer, which is right behind the apothacary and inn. Though you might wanna be patient and read it's description. 

Its a pretty neat game.

Ignoring this is, more or less, a fetish game, its actually got pretty fun mechanics and a pretty simple but good combat system.

Just a bit unfortunate that sometimes the merchants in the town sometimes all loose their complete stock, since farming scraps and all is timeconsuming. 

The Companions are all pretty great, i love skybreaker and lime slime they are great, but maybe skybreaker should be a bit changed, since there is no reason to take him over lime slime, due to their betetr scaling and fewer requirements.

Also cool might be changing the lime slime comopanions name, since them consuming potions changes their hue.

Like other than that theres no complaints for the game, grear work and keep it up!

Im hyped to see where this game gets <3

(1 edit)

ok, i gave up trying to colect all the root nails, 2 in the crystal cave seems to be bugged ;-;

yeah i also gave up on the root quest it took me almost a whole week to actually make any progress, and the fact that everything will constantly fight you in the crystal caverns, not unlike other dungeons where smaller creatures will flee and get deleted when you step on them.

indeed, i got to floor 55 expecting that it would spawn in the upper floors, but nope. Also, is kinda easy to get there with the slime companion, Because it becomes stronger with each potion and there is a glitch that the potions dosent get used if in the companion's inventory but in combat they use it. Grow RPG: Infinity potions 

Hey so ive been enjoying the game so far, but something i would like to see if possible, if there could be an option to separate voice settings from the femininity/masculinity slider, i've been wanting to make a really masculine and buff female character, yet its annoying that i cant set the masculinity slider to max masculinity without her voice changing into a man's voice, so  she is stuck in the middle of slider

if you could, please make a separate option for voices, so i can keep her feminine voice while setting up body mascunility to max

i would appreciate it, plus would also make characters more customizable

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