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(1 edit) (+3)

Hey Digital, could you possibly offer an alternate download link?

The game can't be installed through the app and itch tends to limit download speeds anyways, would be great to have a higher download speed than 200kb/s.

(1 edit)

Is there anyway to transfer saves or character attributes over to a newer version of the game? I'm kind of stuck in the older versions of the game rn. Also where is the blacksmith key again? Thank you for you work in this game btw. 

Go to [game.root]\GrowthRPG\Saved\SaveGames for any savefiles.

The blacksmith key is just outside of the wall, before the bridge, on the left.

With moving over an older game save to a newer version it doesn't really work as what I move over just copies the first save game, so that method doesn't work. Thank you anyways for the tip.

Мне игра понравилась, Как же она мне понравилась- именно то, во что я больше всего хотел поиграть!!! 

Ты все сделал красиво, вот о чем могла мечтать хентай РПГ! 

Не называйте меня извращенцем, я люблю игры про подземелья, Skyrim, Fallout... 

Я не знал, что можно делать хентай RPG. 

Спасибо за игру ты супер ; )

Dear developers, add in this game (Hairstyles for characters).


coming in version 3.9

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Anybody know how to get skills? I have clicked the icons in the skills menu and it wont let me get the skills. Even with the required points needed.

(1 edit)

do you have the previous skills unlocked?
you need to unlock the skills coming from top to bottom

I don't know how to unlock any of the skills. I have been trying to get the skills at the bottom, but when I click on the icon for the skill nothing happens.

as I said, you need to unlock the ones at the top first

You need at least 20 points to unlock the first skill of a "tree"

Unfortunatly I've been unable to download this game off

I've been able to download older versions off your patreon however.

If at all possible could you give me an alternate download?

i had the same problem with trying to download it off


I found another bug which does not appear to be listed on Trello:

My character eventually became unable to enter the stat reset area. Or, more specifically, she starting getting warped back out instantly. I suspect that either she was being warped directly back onto the go-back-out zone, or her Size was so high that she was considered to be touching it.

(1 edit)

You can alter the scaling of every stat (even Ego) on the Scales menu located in the Character tab (the right one at the bottom, also available to other characters that follow you)

Changing the character's visual scaling had no effect on this bug.

(1 edit)

My gameplay suggestions:

  • Size plays a disproportionately important role more like level than like a stat, so it should not be a stat unto itself; it should increase proportionately to the total of all other stats.
  • Scaling should work by typing in an integer value, locking the character's visual appearance as if the relevant stat or Size were that number.
  • Ego's numeric value should be visible so that the player has a frame of reference for the above change to the Scaling UI.
  • Scaling should be available for the partner character as well (Mad Chimera's tits became eldritch abominations after the 700s or so.)
  • The player should be able to toggle Pain and Gain on and off, since it is required for all other Muscle skills but also endangers your armor.
(1 edit) (+1)

I can't download this game through the Itch client, only through web.

It's a neat game, but there needs to be an option to turn off the grass - there definitely should not be that much waving processing grass before the game is optimized.

. . . . .


I've decided to edit this comment to add in the crash error I've been getting about every 2 minutes. It reads:

Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130]

Do you get the error if you only have one save file?


if you get too much of the muscle stat the character model starts to break...


this game is really good, just wish the fat attribute  was a bit more noticeable, also the balls could be changed where the more they grow they either get moved forwards or backwards(like either pushing or pulling them) instead of just clipping thru, great stuff still!


I'm working on new models and shapekeys so in version 3.9 fat should be a lot more noticable

(1 edit) (-4)

I know i am asking too much, but will there be regular human model by any chance? I mean head and legs.

no time in the foreseeable future. It would require a different head rigging and the character customization would need to be changed quite a bit to compensate. Also I'm not terribly good at making people, I'm getting better though.

(1 edit) (+1)

does this have a discord, because if not, will this game be getting options like graphics and view distance? because my game turns to a slideshow


yeah this game is not letting me download because of a error in the installation 


hello , I keep having a fatal error in the free 32 version , why so ?

Can someone explain how the cracked essence works?

I don't notice any changes regarding growth wether I use potions, having the raving fan use his wand or using steal and the likes.

in combat growth seems to be bugged because from my experience it only takes effect AFTER combat


this is kinda satisfying :) i've acheved my wierd goal
and i hope map will be bigger someday in future

how did you do that?

Where do i hand in the quest that requires me to kill the lich? Thanks

You get/hand the quest in to the Apothecarist. She is located to the left of the blacksmith in a building with a sign out front called "Potions" (or directly behind you in the starting area). Once that is done it'll unlock a few new items in her shop.


(sorry bad english) does this game have cheats?

Not that I am aware of. You truly don't need them once you get a short start. You can find random loot, money, and weak enemies in the tall grasses. You can also spend a very small amount of money on armor from the blacksmith to give you a large health pool from the armor. From there most enemies should be easy unless you're under leveled.

i dont know how to save if it is journal then that explains it because journal isnt apearing

The journal is basically just your quest log. To save you must find a floating star. There is one at the gate of the starting area, and other areas as well. 

(2 edits) (+6)

First of all I love the mechanics of this game. The visuals are good for a game at this stage and the current mechanics work relatively well. 

  • The grass in the field is way too intensive on graphics cards so I'd add an option to turn off grass as many others have commented. 
  • There should be a couple more npcs overall.
  • Add even some kind of easier to understand text tutorial and basic npc description page. 
  • Add more activities overall. (Mini games, maybe light puzzles, other ways to train character attributes, etc)
  • Needs overall bug fixing and a lot of optimization.

Thank you for making this game and good luck with UE4.

I agree with the complaint about the grass, after fixing most of the bugs focus should shift to optimization, in other words make the game run good instead of just looking good

i agree, the grass turns my game into a slideshow and gets my laptop ready for takeoff

Got a few random crashes when walking around the overworld while playing on a second save file I created:


there seems to be a bug with having a second save file. I'm still trying to figure out what is causing it.

(5 edits)

I'm confused now, I just keep getting a fatal error and I've already run what the game asked for like 5 times?,and nothing yet- my pc is not bad,bc he dowloaded a folder with 6gb after all-

I'm having the same issue, did you ever get this fixed?

nah bro-, i tried more and no results

(1 edit)

something in the canyon is the cause of major lags. (I would bet on the trees or the vines)


yeah,  next update should focus on lag optimization

The game is very good but the amount of bugs that break the game makes me wait till at least v.0.5(e.g. sometimes when you exit the dungeon you spawn below groud).

Patreon version is now 0.4.0. Free is 0.3.9. I would say the game is stable for me. 0.3.8 was definitely buggier. 


cool and fun game, as little as it is for now. broken sword is literally broken lmao. i grew outside of battle to a ~110k size with it and taking whole map to stand lol.
also question: is sword in the rock can be taken? if i press E only text "speaker name" showing up.

You have to be a certain height to take it, and can't be from temporary stats

well, i tried up to 2.5k size. then it should be something more than that.

Hmm, might have other stats involved then....

If most of your stats are high (more than 300), I think you should be able to get it.


The growth mechanics in this game are incredible, and the level of freedom you have to tweak your character's body to your personal preference is equally impressive. Fine-tune the combat and adventure elements and what you have here could shape up to be one of the best body expansion-themed games out there.

How do you get passed the wind in the dungeon? It blocks me the next part

You have to grow bigger

How do I used the cracked essence?

it's a "weapon" that increase how much you grow in combat, though TBH it should function as an EXP booster

How do i remove the lich stats?


If you killed lich, the potion seller will sell the "anti-lich" potion

Deleted 2 years ago

There a blue star, it the save point


I think it is better to make an option in the settings to turn off grass, because the lags are very severe in the grassland.

(1 edit)

So uh...what are the controls?

Standard FPS controls for the overworld, you can cycle through multiple actions in places where you have multiple interactions by using Q and doing the selected action by pressing E.

On combat, you can use the primary skill (left and right click for normal attacks) and secondary skills if the weapon has any (holding shift while left or right clicking), the bar at the bottom hold the skills you can use while in Active Combat (irrelevant in Passive Combat, can be changed in the settings).

as I do to be able to play because I can't even start the game

(1 edit) (+3)

the new overworld is beautiful but puts WAY too much strain on the system, could you please cut back on it a bit or add options for lag optimization?

because fr, my game only returns to a reasonable frame rate in the dungeon, town, or beach where there isn't as many (ultimately unnecessary) assets to load and render, like do we really need individually rendered bits of decorative grass in a game about making our character so big that said grass bits are irrelevant?

Probably a dumb question, but is there a way for you to reallocate spent points?


yep, gotta find an NPC for it though

I see, any hints where the NPC is?

Just go through the tunnel on the beach

Hey, I was wondering where the Blacksmith’s house key is since I looked all around the town and couldn’t seem to find it. Is it hidden somewhere obscure or is it outside the town somewhere?

If you took the quest, then it spawns outside of the town

specifics please cause I'm not seeing it


I think this game looks great and has great potential, but the main part of the game doesn't seem to work (at least on the free version). Growing your character doesn't seem to add any muscle mass or bustiness, even if you put all of your points into it. Is this a bug you're working on fixing or is this a problem on my end somewhere?

how many points are you putting into it? Because it definitely should be affecting the character, only reason it might not is if you have the fat/muscle ratio all the way down or if you're using a skin.

I tested it twice and put 20 points into muscle; the scale menu also doesn’t seem to work for some reason

I don’t think I’m using a skin and I’m not really sure how the fat/muscle ratio works since there’s no indication of which side is more fat and which side is more muscle

oh you're going to have to put in more than 20 for it to show for muscle, you need to hit a certain threshold for it to switch over to the muscular body type and then you will start noticing it.

ah, i see. Makes more sense now, lol

one question. What's diffrence between patreon version and free version?

the patreon version is the latest update

while the free is one update behind

Is there a way to increase the ego more than just using the scale tool? thanks


just beat up enemies. Ego scales with battles won, and gets a boost per battle if you're aggressive (normally the topmost option) when starting a fight

After becoming a Lich, the Alchemist will sell you ego potions.

Ego grows slightly each battle, but the potion seller sells permanent ego potions after you complete the quest

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