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How do I open the console commands on a german keyboard?


I'd assume the same key as USA/EU keyboard. Should be the tilde, " ` " this key also has the squiggly ~

(1 edit) (+3)

Interesting and really enjoyable game. If I can give some ideas, I will ask to add some things:

- Can you make something with idea of followers level of development relation?  For example more options with interacting with them after achiving some level of "growing closer".

- More minigames, what boost our character.

Version 15 ( 0.4.9b, if I'm correct) of game.


don't doompost bros. the update is only 2 days overdue.


It's not even the last Friday of the month


Now it is

think the free version might be corrupt- I can't extract the files from the .zip

Perhaps your file did not download correct. I have it and it unzipped and plays fine. Delete what you have and redownload it without interrupting the download such as going to sleep mode or closing the browser.

no matter how many times I delete the files and reinstall, they always refuse to unpack

Maybe you need to download winrar or 7zip or another .zip extractor program. Last ditch effort is perhaps you don't have enough room on your drive as the file is around 6 gigabytes. (Does your drive have a bad sector?..)

How do i fix the primitive crash on this game  where it says that Primitive has alr been added to scene or sceneproxy

Take a picture of the crash that may help some. v4.8 and v4.9 have been much more stable than previous releases and I don't think I've seen that crash in these versions or if I had it doesn't happen frequently.

something weird i notice, even though i pull out the nails at the level 30 and  45 of crystal cave, the quest don't update and is still incomplete, any information on how to finish that quest? (i also got all the other nails)


when will there be updates ?

Usually the end of the month, last Friday of each. Patreon version is always 1 month ahead if you would care to support the developer.


I can't play the game it keeps saying "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../GrowthRPG/GrowthRPG.unproject" how to fix it and yes, I did install the setup.

did you install the free version because the other version won't work unless you got the patreon stuff for i

yes i did install the free version


I only found out by reading the comments that there is some kind of quest with nails. how to take it?


How do you open the console for the commands?

You use the tilde, " ` " key.

I tried, but it does not work. Is there another important factor I am missing?

It works for me in v4.9. So as far as I know, no you aren't missing anything. Pressing tilde opens a small command line in the bottom left, and you can press it again to open a larger window. Perhaps use an unused slot and try a new character?


Please add a bikini


More clothing or armor options would be nice. Even better if they have multiple states that if you grow too large (probably based on a percent of base not a hard value) it'll stretch and become 'damaged' then finally fall off and be unusable. Currently the cosmetics don't work well with characters that are large.


Hey, so I've just become a lich and i noticed how much z-fighting there is with all the transparent body parts overlapping. would you consider doing a fix for this?

I've done 60 levels of the crystal cave and removed nails from 3 roots but journal still says i have 2 left though i couldn't find on on level 60 like i could on 15 30 and 45, is this a bug?

Personally I can't get the quest in either my older v4.4 save or a brand new v4.9 save. Perhaps in the new save I have to find one first? Anyway, I believe in the dev log you're supposed to be able to pull out ANY nails, so any 15 floors of any dungeon. In my v4.4 game I think I've found 3 or 4 of them and the fruit gives now 200 size? Hard to know.

did they remove the ability to open the console?

I didn't even know and understand how to use it to begin with...

Me too and... I wish to know.

No. In v4.9 it is still accessible with tilde, " ` ".

Don't know if this is intentional, but the newly spawned rats through the Giant Rat's "summon follower" can't hurt you, they don't have that red area thingy that appears when they try to attack you


any similar games

this game is good

Not really. What specifics are you looking for? 3D, 2D, text, size growth?

i would like to ask if the stat lock system is working properly or the orbs overwrite it since i have most of my growth stats locked so they should not go over the most rediculous preportions like for instance my characters ass is now so large i can't even see my head anymore. and i locked that at 100 or so, is this bugged broken or overwriten with the orbs some clarification would help since it makes the game a absolute pain to play if you can't see the game screen any longer behind your curves :D

Just reduce the scaling in your characteer creation menu.

The stat lock system or any item in the "Preferences" menu specifically affects others, not your character. So like the other guy said in your character menu there is a scaling tab that you can customize to your liking to prevent unsightly issues. Also within the character menu, and under arms, legs, etc, you can adjust the fat/muscle ratio to better fit your playstyle.

yeah this confused the heck outa me iv already lowered all my scaling to its minimum setting but my character is simply so high level that it makes it impossible to play since the whole screen is taken up by my character at this point :)

The scaling tab is from 0 to 100. If you were to set it to zero, you would be back at default size. Maybe you haven't found the correct scaling settings?

yep i did find those in the end im just a silly goober and overlooked it multiple times but im happy now that my character does not look like a airship anymore :D

I know this is my third time posting this comment, but I am unable to play the game as when ever I try to run it it give me the error "CreateProcess() Returned 2. This might be because I accidentally downloaded the patreon version and tried to run but, but if anyone has a fix, than that would be very helpful.

try the free version. if you arent subscribed to the patreon it wont work anyway


FINALLY! I found the solution for .save files. Do you know the computer word "run as administrator"? I tried it and the .save file appeared in the SaveGames folder. Try it on your computer/laptop/notebook.

(3 edits) (+2)

i'm surprised no one has noticed this (to my knowledge) but i've noticed that NPCs (mostly enemies) have no irises and their eyes are usually just one color. that, and i've noticed that certain animations cause my character to go cross eyed. (examples: shy personality at max, certain fat growth animations.) although i do find this humorous at times it's mostly off-putting.

even though i doubt DigitalFurBelow will see this, it'll be cool if these bugs are patched.


EDIT: i've also noticed whenever i load a save, i spawn on level 100 in a dungeon i wasn't even in during the time i exited the game.

EDIT 2: i'm not sure if it's just a me thing, but it seems a lot harder to level up quickly. it's now a chore to grind 50 levels for a single stat. (even with 2 broken swords at level 10!)  I'm not entirely sure if this is intentional or not, but definitely seems like something that needs a bit of tweaking in my opinion. 

thanks again.

The "Spawning in Level 100 of different Dungeon" is a new bug to be honest. Before, when you saved in a dungeon and loaded your save afterwards, you spawned in the Sewer Dungeon's 1rst Floor, if I remember correctly. Sometimes you could even get stuck in the ground and unable to move from that spot. That said, even with that bug you still had the possibility to leave the dungeon just by using the entrance, with the, I suppose, Castle Ruins Dungeon you need to use the ladders... Or I missed the "press E in front of the door to interact" option...

have you considered the upgrade system for these broken swords, i have litteraly grinded one dungeon for the last week and gotten one of the 2 swords to level 100 and it only gives a 20%increase in stats :D

this needs balancing for sure, some weapons are also horribly broken like the unsheat ability on the Isowakazi or what ever the katana is called. It wrecks everything in one single hit if you have enough stats in the leg stat does not matter if there 17 times your height and level.

a sandbox mode would be great

You're probably the fifth one to ask for this.

I also find it really funny that to finnish the quest for the nails in the roots for the strange fruit vendor i have to travel into a dungeon with more fights in it then i ever would have liked at this stage of the game, non of the NPC's in the crystal caverns seem to give a flying F about the fact that you are the size of a skyscraper and weigh more then mount everest and will fight at any given moment. This is better done in other dungeons where low level mobs will run away from you with having the option to fight them. i have been spending a good 4 hours now trying to get the last 2 nails for that quest and its driving me crazy :D


Nearly crashed my game with this little trick of absorbing 221 size orbs :D

(1 edit)

Yo something I noticed in 4.9 (free version of course). In the caverns dungeon (the one in the bottom of the giant crack on the ground), when you fight an enemy near to the boss's location you have a very high chance of cliping through the ground. It doesn't softlock you, since you can use the "Emergency escape" item. I don't know if you stats influence this (when this happened i had around 2000; 3000; 5000 in the "Size" stat)

Another thing I noticed is that, if you save in a dungeon (could be any of them), quit the game and reload your save, you'll be in the """cathedral dungeon""" in a really high floor. When I discovered this on accident I showed up in level 100.

Besides the game is A WHOLE LOT more stable now, I can actually do stuff without fearing a game crash. 

How do I get the nail quest? I’ve talked to botanist, but the quest log is empty. Will it appear after I remove first nail?

they will apear for every 10 or so decents in dungeons and you need to fight a really strong guardian and then you can pull the nail out.

(2 edits)

Im not sure if this is intended but the unsheath ability on the wakazaki is absolutely nuts in the amount of damage it deals, i have 40 block and 271 health points and plenty of Fat stat too and im way way larger then my target and i get insta killed in one single hit. Maybe slight rebalance required ?

Edit it happened again at a even larger body size of 800 versus my target being around the 130 mark and i had over 80 block and 571 HP yeah this needs to be rebalanced for realzies.

I accidently turned into some kinda slime skeleton thingy, and I can't fix it, the curse remover isn't doing anything about it, please help.

You're talking about the "Turning into a Lich" ? ... If you've done the apothecary quest asking to kill the Lich then normally you should become able to buy a Potion to "revive" your body into flesh and bones, instead of just bones and slime.

Why slime follower isn't leveling up?

(1 edit)

Dunno but feed it potions and, after a fight, it will have gain a few points in its stats. Depending on the potion(s) you fed it, of course. From what I remember... 1 Potion = 5 Points... Or is it 2 Points ? ... Can't really remember...

(5 edits)

Thx, but it doesn't work. Also i found this information in comments: -Green Slime : Slime Dungeon - Random Floor. Be careful, though : You can only increase its stats by using Potions and the Potions' effects dissipates after a fight.

Wait, everything ok. When i give any potion to slime follower during battle gives 5 points of stat which potion is for.

Different way to upgrade follower.

It's also worth pointing out that when you right-click to multiuse items, it lets you select a target as well.  Helpful when you start drowning in potions later.

You can recover a saved game that you accidentally delete

This game is great! hope its not to much to ask, could you create More clothing... or under garments to few modern clothes.. like jeans... and changing the color of Armor... underwear too

and to add... Could you create it to where the slime creatures go through your mouth and the match ends with them inside you. but you have to wait  turns for it to be digested completely before you can use yours points.

for fun what if you could do that to your partner at anytime.. and come back out just to see them inflate and deflate. and what if you could get your slime buddy to do the same to you.

if you can IDK how, can we Nick name our follower?

it looks like you can only combine 2 to 3 personalities at once...

Fixing: I play the game once it works fine.. it crashes on me before the game opens  Every time.  to solve this I have to create a new folder open .Zip with the game and Move the saved file Saved0 to the new loction..

please Ad a testing ground room with a dummy inside because it took me for ever to learn how to use my controls. 

when talking to a NPC they Dont say Anything or the options that used to be with it are no longer there or not functional anymore.. 

only the NPC's not your group their chest is changing shape between the boob options, its all over the place...

when you use the Personality and change their stance, they are no longer looking straight ahead and their EYES get retarded 1 eye seems to be in the right place but the other is looking in random direction or its linked to a body part...


I want to say that the developer really did a great and good job during all this time, when I first stumbled upon the project, I did not think that it would reach such a level, I am especially pleased with the correction of errors and crashes, and other things that increase the comfort of the game.

I also have a few suggestions (I'll try not to repeat with existing ones):

1. character design: bone parts (especially the skull), three-fingered dragon limbs, large bat/fennel type ears, etc., more hair customization, spider parts.

2. More attacks with arms and legs and increase their damage depending on strength and size.

3. jump on the enemy

4. destruction of more objects, especially in dungeons

5. Vore?

(1 edit) (+1)

5. Ye, that would be nice vore enemies at least after defeating them and getting EXP and etc. while digesting.


Just a suggestion can you make a sandbox mode?

Seems like step isn't working? The attack is always greyed out for me

Step only works if you are considerably bigger than your opponent

I've gotten the "CreateProcess() returned 2" problem while trying to open the newer versions, never had any problems with the game until now... Anyone know a fix to the problem?

Thank for the hard work and game :3

An efficiency pass on the packaged game would eventually be helpful, I think. Some "low hanging" fruit is that the entire "Brushes" folder does not need to be included, which will reduce 600MB+ from packed game.

Other is mostly high quality textures, like 4K textures that could be reduced to less than 4K, for packed game. It seems like many things packed in game are also not used, like many different types of grasses from content pack, but then only use 1 or 2 types.

(1 edit)

A new minor version is available for patreons and there is no lounger crash related topic in the change-logs . Does it mean V0.4.9 (new last free version) really fix the crashes ?

Goal of the month: check if THE crash issue was fixed.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have found what is causing it, and it should be incredibly rare now. I have had one reported instance, so not totally gone unfortunately.


omg wtfXD

resetting him might be a problem because he can't kill meXD

just make him a follower then put his scale to 0 so he won't grow anymore

he can't be a follower if i'm not mistaken, it's another npc next to him


I keep getting all my save progress deleted, it's always saying uproject error or something, it wipes all my data and i have to start a new game all over again, it's done this twice now. i've made an account just to talk about this since i haven't found anyone else mentioning it. I don't know what it is but it completely resets my entire progress. I can't even reload the folder because it corrupts the save files. I'll be deleting this game until it's fixed. thanks.


can u make it browser free

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