I'm having a problem, when I finished Beth's quest, when I went back to her farm, the roots came back and I couldn't grow any crops because the Root Master was already killed in my previous quest. Is there a way to fix this? I'm on version 0.6.2.
Kill the root master doesnt mean its over, the other roots dont deseapaer after that, you need to kill every single one of them, I guess the total is around 5
Found a dupe glitch. First, you have to go to your inventory, then click any of your teammates, and change to their inventory. After that you open up the item transfer menu, and then press right click to add multiple. somehow the items don't transfer like that, and just duplicate, you can do that with no limit whatsoever, kind of overpowered, and broken at the same time.
Well Digitalfurbelow said "should" it isnt certain, but this update is indeed longer then expected and the fact that they dont give a shit to non patrons makes it even harder to deal with
anyone else think it’d be nice if there was a gauntlet or similar weapon? There’s such a wide range of weapons, so it’s kind of surprising there isn’t one.
Here's her code! "(1,0,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1)","((X=0.390625,Y=0.390625,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=0.261,Z=0.261,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=0.460938,Z=0.460938,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=0.269531,Z=0.863281,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0),(X=0.03125,Y=0.0,Z=0.828125,W=0.0),(X=0.152344,Y=0.152344,Z=0.152344,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0,W=0.0),(X=1.0,Y=1.0,Z=1.0,W=0.0))","(1.0,0.21957,0.7,1.0,0.0,2.0,0.494554,0.89835,0.7,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.302786,0.7,0.521354,0.237476,0.0,0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0,0.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)","(""TorsoFlat"",""TorsoOutline"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""Blank"",""EyeNormal"",""MilkyEye"",""TailStraight"")","(""SharkFin"",""SharkTail"",""SpikedCollar"")","(""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",""Body"",)","("":0.0"",""CanineSize:0.199946"",""ChestRound:0.0"")","(""Default:1.0"",""Creature:0.057238"")"
I think the slime ball from the slime cave is really good for fighting things quite bigger than you, since in one Steal move it can make them significantly smaller and you significantly larger. you just may need to at least be able to tank a hit since the cast time is kinda slo
is there a discord i could join? if not, could one be made? the game is quite good even for how it's still in beta, and i'd like a place to more easily interact with other fans. also if a discord does exist or may later be made, i think it should be linked to from the game's menu or from this game page.
There was a discord, I created it with a friend, but we decided to delete it, there were people and we were probably around 20 or more, but I think digi didn't like it because he deleted the discord link, so we decided to delete it just in case, there is a discord, you need to go to digitalfurbelow's patreon
I will create one tomorrow, I think it's nice to bring the community together more
dang, but nice to hear you may make another one. I think trying to ask digi about it first may be a good idea, maybe they just didn't like one being made without their collaboration or input. but yeah id love to join it if you make it, I just don't really feel like paying (iirc) 15 bucks a month for access to a discord, even if it comes with month early updates.
Nice character you made here how'd you get him to pose like that? I'd ask how you got enough points to invest into his stats but I've heard all I have to do is get a pile driver go to the crystal cave and beat everyone up i see. I think Kyle here is a cat right? I'm just waiting on the free version to change to 6.3 as 6.2 seems to have alot of problems in it
Thx bud! sooooo i used a combination of the current camera mode by pressing "n", clicking the "grow from beginning" option for certain poses and imputing console commands, specifically "Pause" before printing the screen. it was goddamn difficult though cuz if i didnt like the result i had to restart the entire level which takes a while. So yeeeaah wouldn't recommend doing what i do unless you're very patient.
Okay thanks I sadly still find it hard to gain lots of levels only thing I can think to do would be get all the passive exp boosts then maybe that would help but it will take a while to do not helped the partner I was using Giant rat seems to just stand there while an enemy hits them i'd get Bunshido but I'm no where strong enough to face that rabbit yet the size of the map doesn't help either found out I can warp but still.
You must go to the configuration menu, there is the option to activate and deactivate debugging mode, once activated, close the menu and open any menu, you will have an extra option
I dont know who gives out the root quest I always get it from removing the first nail, now I removed all nails from roots spoke with the NPCS in the town and nothing happend, can somebody help?
Also on the lich quest I killed a lich but apocherust sayed I havent reduced the number of liches and I get another quest about kill the Lich, I killed a second Lich(a black one, the first was green) at the first floor of Lich cave but the question wasnt done, is it other Lich I need to kill?After killing the second Lich I cant enter that floor anymore when I try to enter in it I end up on the last floorI was last time
The lich's mission was updated, now you must start the mission from the announcement board, at the end of the mission it will reward you with 300 demidollars if I'm not mistaken, it is claimed from the announcement board
I thought that would be some diferent dialog then,maybe on a future update. When we go get the herbicide from Chris its told about a big scary character, do we met them?
I doubt there will be a new mission, Chris's missions are supposed to end when you unlock his shop
They have added new enemies, in debug mode, in the character menu there are many skins of characters (about 100) and not characters (7), some I have not even managed to see, I think Chris is referring to the champions
I think you need to give it all your money, once you give it, it will only grow with money, don't give it all your money at once or it will bug, give it 1000 or 10000 every time you want it to grow
Got a problem: used one of the save points to fast travel to the uptown area just before the bandit boss, but for some reason I got stuck in that spot and couldn't go anywhere. Tried teleporting to the town square, same deal, couldn't move more than a half-inch away from the save point. Ported back, still stuck. Then ported one more time to the facade dungeon entrance, fell through the floor into the abyss. Quit, tried porting somewhere else, turns out no matter where I go, trying to get unstuck will send me through the ground. Anyone got advice on how to fix this, or do I have to say goodbye to the save? If it helps, I'd just eaten like 18 of the fruits from the botanist lady so I was pretty big, maybe that broke something?
Aye, that did the trick. Interestingly enough, despite having over 700 in bust, size, and legs, legs was the only one I needed to turn down to get things working, though I did turn everything down while testing to see that teleporting while having dramatically oversized legs does in fact shunt you a lil further into the ground with each teleport. But hey, it's fixable!
behold the stats! for some reason trying to take a screenshot without the taskbar at the bottom would render the image unable to save, but the health total was 517 if that matters. As for scaling, everything was set to 1 except for legs, which got turned waaaaay down to 0.29, and booty, which was all but minimized. In hindsight (ha, hind) booty probably didn't matter for purposes of getting unstuck, but it was kinda hard to see past it considering the leg size.
idk how else to contact you so i'm replying to this comment. so, mythiccal (aka SillyBoy or .sweetiebun_ on discord) has made another free discord. i shortly became an admin after joining i guess cause i was interested in joining a discord and interacting with other fans without having to pay for the patreon. i hope you understand, and we'd like to also have you join and discuss stuff with us, like what we are and aren't allowed to do. I'm hoping we can have better communication this time around since i hear that was an issue the last time mythiccal made a server, as i don't want the server abruptly ended again, and i hope we can come to a compromise. here's the link to join if you're interested in talking: https://discord.gg/q3y6khVA
Found a bug(?), maybe two. Firstly, when killing boss enemies with special drops (i.e. the giant rat with their key to the first-floor sewer door, major bosses with superior ability crystals, etc) if you quit without saving after beating them, they can effectively be registered as "defeated" even though you didn't save, and thus won't spawn again, though their drops will be removed from your inventory as you didn't save with those. With that said, does anyone know the code to spawn in the orange and black dragon-lookin champion, Champion Miko I think it was? As for the second potential bug, the aforementioned champion enemy would frequently spawn in front of the alchemist's shop in town blocking the door, along with another npc named Sahara who had default dialogue, and it feels like neither of them were meant to show up there.
Edit: speaking of the giant rat, or rather the Unusually Large rats that replace her once you beat her, if you target any of the supporting rats that they bring to the fight, the ULRat will gain a significant amount of size when they (the supporters) die, even though there doesn't seem to be any skills activating. I'd assume it's something like the Grow on Defeat ability, but it doesn't show anything like that proccing. Might be because I'm fighting in passive combat rather than active, but iunno, thought it was worth mentioning in case that isn't supposed to happen.
Edit 2: okay, so it was Champion Maki, not Miko, but either way it just turns out that her spawn conditions are as unknowable and unpredictable as my sleep schedule. Again, for how massive she is, spawning directly in front of the apothecarist's shop door in the starting zone feels very much unintended.
To get the sword. I believe you need size and strength. AKA muscle. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. As for how much you need to put into those stats to get the sword. I'm not sure, but I believe it's Beyond 100.
To open the locked chests, you need chest keys. Which some enemies randomly drop them, or you can talk to someone that can randomly appear at the start of the ruins on each floor. Which will have Chest keys. They usually have 5 and I think they're 25 Demi dollars per key.
i know i asked plenty questions lately, but how exactly does the "grow on defeat" passive work? i've had it for a while, but i haven't noticed anything substantial unless it's bugged for whatever reason.
ah got it, I guess I haven’t noticed anything from that passive because I invested a lot into size. But even when I fight larger bosses I don’t grow at all with that passive
Two questions: firstly, is your base cocknballs size determined by your max ego, and if so, is there a way to tone that thing down without losing a ton of fights? I've got over a hundred and fifty points in legs, yet my entire lower half is still swallowed by balls. Second: the weight stat is obviously influenced by many things, whether it's weighted armor pieces, size, or most obviously fat, but I don't actually know what having high vs low weight does. Anyone know the answers?
Okay, I may be extremely stupid, but a problem I ran into while messing with settings was that selecting fullscreen would make the game's window so wide that the setting to undo my actions would be off the screen and thus unreachable. Might be something with just my terrible hardware, might be something that can be observed elsewhere. Current attempts to fix the issue by deleting the saved settings did not prove fruitful, so I'm gonna check if deleting the whole-ass game folder and reinstalling, then pasting the copied save back in does the trick. Will update with results. Update: somethin went wrong and I had to start the save from scratch, but I did get the screen to finally be the right size, so there's that.
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Discord no Official for fans
I hope digitalfurbelow doesn't get angry, I dont have bad intentions
Man how much more do we have to wait? 1 day, 1 week, 50 years? 😐
2 working days , I dont know if Digitalfurbelow works at saturday but I doubt they work at sundays, so it will be either later today or tomorow
But I wouldnt take it as certain since they said "should"😐
My character got turned into a slime. How do I turn it back to normal?
In the city talk to the potion seller, she will give you an potion to bring you back to normal
I'm having a problem, when I finished Beth's quest, when I went back to her farm, the roots came back and I couldn't grow any crops because the Root Master was already killed in my previous quest. Is there a way to fix this? I'm on version 0.6.2.
Kill the root master doesnt mean its over, the other roots dont deseapaer after that, you need to kill every single one of them, I guess the total is around 5
Found a dupe glitch.
First, you have to go to your inventory, then click any of your teammates, and change to their inventory.
After that you open up the item transfer menu, and then press right click to add multiple. somehow the items don't transfer like that, and just duplicate, you can do that with no limit whatsoever, kind of overpowered, and broken at the same time.
Oh, its work
Yeah, honestly you can basically do anything with that.
this dupe is probably ten versions old, it seems like dev doesn’t want to fix it
Is there a list of old versions of the game? So that you can download for example 5.8
If you go under Manage files, you can see Switch to Another Version if you are on the Itch.io app.
when will the update be available?
That is a great question with little to no answers right now
Unless Im missing something it should be tomorow since it will be the last saturday of this month
Correction it seems like the update will be delayed , digitalfurbellow said 2 more working days should be enough
Well It has been twice that long now, The tension is killing me
Well Digitalfurbelow said "should" it isnt certain, but this update is indeed longer then expected and the fact that they dont give a shit to non patrons makes it even harder to deal with
My guess is in a year right now ಠ_ಠ
I have a black screen on mine. Do you know how to fix that?
Re install the game
hey mythiccal, what are the seeds used for?
When you unlock the farm you can plant the seeds there and get especial items, you must defeat the roots, for that you need a herbicide
anyone else think it’d be nice if there was a gauntlet or similar weapon? There’s such a wide range of weapons, so it’s kind of surprising there isn’t one.
A gauntlet wouldn't be bad
Another character i made, Here we have Tina the shark girl on her... mostly natural habitat, Looking out for movement on the shore...
Dont worry, Tina here isnt the agressive kind. in fact, she wouldnt mind some company ;)
Here's her code!
how do i turn on debug btw, i beated the final boss. does debug in meaning of debug menu ?
In the menu of settings
Aureus doesn't follow me even though I've already given him the required amount of money, has anyone had the same problem?
Its a bug
Is there any way to solve it? He's one of my favorites as a companion
Yeah he is the only companion that can get ego/cock size without the use of ego potions
Oh, no exist a solution, Sorry :(
Does anyone have a tier list of weapons? I'd like to know the general opinion on the best weapons in the game
For XP the Broken Sword
For Battle PileDriver
I think the slime ball from the slime cave is really good for fighting things quite bigger than you, since in one Steal move it can make them significantly smaller and you significantly larger. you just may need to at least be able to tank a hit since the cast time is kinda slo
wait s there like tail position placeing code or smt idk
you can play for nearly half an day if you can. also for me the crystal caverns doesnt have an save each 20 floors or smt, smh rn
i glitched acouple quests, and stuff.
Hey guys when this game Done and not getting any more updates should we make mods for it?
Hey mythical i joined the group im that user with the meme face the display name is: doghaswork
kinda wanna know how 2 summon the funny Awakened Essense
somebody gotta stop sending pipebombs to my hous
what the hell😂 that is a joke right....RIGHT?
Discord NO Official for GrowthRPG:
the power of potions and 2x growth potions is unfathomable (the green is me)
Still wish there where more customizable dick's and ball's or more dick types of ball types.
is there a discord i could join? if not, could one be made? the game is quite good even for how it's still in beta, and i'd like a place to more easily interact with other fans. also if a discord does exist or may later be made, i think it should be linked to from the game's menu or from this game page.
There was a discord, I created it with a friend, but we decided to delete it, there were people and we were probably around 20 or more, but I think digi didn't like it because he deleted the discord link, so we decided to delete it just in case, there is a discord, you need to go to digitalfurbelow's patreon
I will create one tomorrow, I think it's nice to bring the community together more
dang, but nice to hear you may make another one. I think trying to ask digi about it first may be a good idea, maybe they just didn't like one being made without their collaboration or input. but yeah id love to join it if you make it, I just don't really feel like paying (iirc) 15 bucks a month for access to a discord, even if it comes with month early updates.
Is there any reason to upgrade items Beyond their listed level upgrades?
They improve their damage and attack speed
Thanks fam.
Does that apply to armor as well?
The higher the level of the armor, the more it will fit you, they can be used up to a certain size, I suppose it improves its resistance
Some in game pics for yall pleasure.
Still waiting for that photo mode update...
Character Code here, i named him kyle ;)
Nice character you made here how'd you get him to pose like that? I'd ask how you got enough points to invest into his stats but I've heard all I have to do is get a pile driver go to the crystal cave and beat everyone up i see. I think Kyle here is a cat right? I'm just waiting on the free version to change to 6.3 as 6.2 seems to have alot of problems in it
Thx bud! sooooo i used a combination of the current camera mode by pressing "n", clicking the "grow from beginning" option for certain poses and imputing console commands, specifically "Pause" before printing the screen. it was goddamn difficult though cuz if i didnt like the result i had to restart the entire level which takes a while. So yeeeaah wouldn't recommend doing what i do unless you're very patient.
Okay thanks I sadly still find it hard to gain lots of levels only thing I can think to do would be get all the passive exp boosts then maybe that would help but it will take a while to do not helped the partner I was using Giant rat seems to just stand there while an enemy hits them i'd get Bunshido but I'm no where strong enough to face that rabbit yet the size of the map doesn't help either found out I can warp but still.
Is there a way to deslime yourself after you touch the vat?
Talk to the apothecary in town, he must be inside his house, once inside you just have to talk to him
Thanks, I'll try that
where's the debug menu? I defeated the temporary final boss.
You must go to the configuration menu, there is the option to activate and deactivate debugging mode, once activated, close the menu and open any menu, you will have an extra option
I dont know who gives out the root quest I always get it from removing the first nail, now I removed all nails from roots spoke with the NPCS in the town and nothing happend, can somebody help?
Also on the lich quest I killed a lich but apocherust sayed I havent reduced the number of liches and I get another quest about kill the Lich, I killed a second Lich(a black one, the first was green) at the first floor of Lich cave but the question wasnt done, is it other Lich I need to kill?After killing the second Lich I cant enter that floor anymore when I try to enter in it I end up on the last floorI was last time
Wow, I didn't know the existence of a black lich
The lich's mission was updated, now you must start the mission from the announcement board, at the end of the mission it will reward you with 300 demidollars if I'm not mistaken, it is claimed from the announcement board
Another question , I know that sewer dungeon is endless but are all dungeons endless?
They say the maximum floor is 200, others say the maximum is what the computer will support, the more dungeons the more it will cost the PC
It is endless
The more nails you remove, the more effect the strange Botanical Mouse fruits will have on the leafless white tree
I thought that would be some diferent dialog then,maybe on a future update. When we go get the herbicide from Chris its told about a big scary character, do we met them?
Ive defetead Lich
Removed all nails
Helped Beth and Markus in the farm
Defetead the final boss
Is that it or am I missing something?
Btw thanks for the help
I don't remember very well how I got the herbicide, what I am sure of is that there is a command to invoke the herbicide item
The herbicide is used to unlock the entire farm, thanks to that you can kill the "immortal" roots
Ik im asking if there is another quest that I havent done.I feel Im missing on something for some reason
I doubt there will be a new mission, Chris's missions are supposed to end when you unlock his shop
They have added new enemies, in debug mode, in the character menu there are many skins of characters (about 100) and not characters (7), some I have not even managed to see, I think Chris is referring to the champions
How do I see my size in the overworld?
he means to say is there a way where he can look at what size the protagonist is? (e.g mm, cm or meters tall)
I think you can see that in the level up menu (on the right)
i am curious does anyone know what is the difference between step and body slam? to me body slam just feels like an weaker version of step
How do I get Aureus to join my team?
I think you need to give it all your money, once you give it, it will only grow with money, don't give it all your money at once or it will bug, give it 1000 or 10000 every time you want it to grow
I have 370 on bust, 230 on legs, 380 on muscle,330 on fat, and 900 on size and I still can't pull the sword out of the stone.
You need 400 of muscle and size
Is there an easy way to level up? If so, please let me know.
The Ruins Dungeon and the Crystal Cave Dungeon
how I can trample my enemies?
You have to be something big, enough to oneshot the enemy
Is it possible to do that by using a potion to become giant?
Yes, size potion or muscle potion
You also have to be "sprinting" which is dumb if you're 10 times their size but that is still a thing for now.
Got a problem: used one of the save points to fast travel to the uptown area just before the bandit boss, but for some reason I got stuck in that spot and couldn't go anywhere. Tried teleporting to the town square, same deal, couldn't move more than a half-inch away from the save point. Ported back, still stuck. Then ported one more time to the facade dungeon entrance, fell through the floor into the abyss. Quit, tried porting somewhere else, turns out no matter where I go, trying to get unstuck will send me through the ground. Anyone got advice on how to fix this, or do I have to say goodbye to the save? If it helps, I'd just eaten like 18 of the fruits from the botanist lady so I was pretty big, maybe that broke something?
Try putting all this to the minimum
Aye, that did the trick. Interestingly enough, despite having over 700 in bust, size, and legs, legs was the only one I needed to turn down to get things working, though I did turn everything down while testing to see that teleporting while having dramatically oversized legs does in fact shunt you a lil further into the ground with each teleport. But hey, it's fixable!
open console and type "fly" to no clip, then "walk"
It would help to know what your stats were, it may be an issue with size or legs causing you to go through the ground
behold the stats! for some reason trying to take a screenshot without the taskbar at the bottom would render the image unable to save, but the health total was 517 if that matters. As for scaling, everything was set to 1 except for legs, which got turned waaaaay down to 0.29, and booty, which was all but minimized. In hindsight (ha, hind) booty probably didn't matter for purposes of getting unstuck, but it was kinda hard to see past it considering the leg size.
idk how else to contact you so i'm replying to this comment. so, mythiccal (aka SillyBoy or .sweetiebun_ on discord) has made another free discord. i shortly became an admin after joining i guess cause i was interested in joining a discord and interacting with other fans without having to pay for the patreon. i hope you understand, and we'd like to also have you join and discuss stuff with us, like what we are and aren't allowed to do. I'm hoping we can have better communication this time around since i hear that was an issue the last time mythiccal made a server, as i don't want the server abruptly ended again, and i hope we can come to a compromise. here's the link to join if you're interested in talking: https://discord.gg/q3y6khVA
Found a bug(?), maybe two. Firstly, when killing boss enemies with special drops (i.e. the giant rat with their key to the first-floor sewer door, major bosses with superior ability crystals, etc) if you quit without saving after beating them, they can effectively be registered as "defeated" even though you didn't save, and thus won't spawn again, though their drops will be removed from your inventory as you didn't save with those. With that said, does anyone know the code to spawn in the orange and black dragon-lookin champion, Champion Miko I think it was? As for the second potential bug, the aforementioned champion enemy would frequently spawn in front of the alchemist's shop in town blocking the door, along with another npc named Sahara who had default dialogue, and it feels like neither of them were meant to show up there.
Edit: speaking of the giant rat, or rather the Unusually Large rats that replace her once you beat her, if you target any of the supporting rats that they bring to the fight, the ULRat will gain a significant amount of size when they (the supporters) die, even though there doesn't seem to be any skills activating. I'd assume it's something like the Grow on Defeat ability, but it doesn't show anything like that proccing. Might be because I'm fighting in passive combat rather than active, but iunno, thought it was worth mentioning in case that isn't supposed to happen.
Edit 2: okay, so it was Champion Maki, not Miko, but either way it just turns out that her spawn conditions are as unknowable and unpredictable as my sleep schedule. Again, for how massive she is, spawning directly in front of the apothecarist's shop door in the starting zone feels very much unintended.
So I have a couple of question
1. What do my stats need to be to get the sword by the docks?
2. How do I open the locked chests?
To get the sword. I believe you need size and strength. AKA muscle. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. As for how much you need to put into those stats to get the sword. I'm not sure, but I believe it's Beyond 100.
To open the locked chests, you need chest keys. Which some enemies randomly drop them, or you can talk to someone that can randomly appear at the start of the ruins on each floor. Which will have Chest keys.
They usually have 5 and I think they're 25 Demi dollars per key.
Ok I ask cause I just hit L levels in the sewers and have only seen 2 keys and used them on the doors
How do I use debug?
you need to beat the temp final boss then enable debug in the settings menu
Who is the temp final boss
In the dungeon, in the maze of bamboo
Try the Itch.io app, its a lot more stable for downloading
Oh, appreciate the tip! <3
i know i asked plenty questions lately, but how exactly does the "grow on defeat" passive work? i've had it for a while, but i haven't noticed anything substantial unless it's bugged for whatever reason.
I don't remember that ability existing, I think that by defeating a larger enemy you will grow by defeating it.
ah got it, I guess I haven’t noticed anything from that passive because I invested a lot into size. But even when I fight larger bosses I don’t grow at all with that passive
Two questions: firstly, is your base cocknballs size determined by your max ego, and if so, is there a way to tone that thing down without losing a ton of fights? I've got over a hundred and fifty points in legs, yet my entire lower half is still swallowed by balls. Second: the weight stat is obviously influenced by many things, whether it's weighted armor pieces, size, or most obviously fat, but I don't actually know what having high vs low weight does. Anyone know the answers?
(Customization Menu)
1.full body
go to the second for the Dick size and the first for the erection and testicles size
The weight helps you enter areas that have a wind
Okay, I may be extremely stupid, but a problem I ran into while messing with settings was that selecting fullscreen would make the game's window so wide that the setting to undo my actions would be off the screen and thus unreachable. Might be something with just my terrible hardware, might be something that can be observed elsewhere. Current attempts to fix the issue by deleting the saved settings did not prove fruitful, so I'm gonna check if deleting the whole-ass game folder and reinstalling, then pasting the copied save back in does the trick. Will update with results. Update: somethin went wrong and I had to start the save from scratch, but I did get the screen to finally be the right size, so there's that.
Nooo :(