While I'm sure it defeats some of the game's purpose, is there anyway to start out with humongous breasts? I personally don't mind starting huge and growing bigger. I don't even mind starting at the max size, while allowing my other assets to grow over time.
I'm trying to play through 5.8 the last free version and I am finding it hard to do anything I want to unlock the giant rat to help me level up but he's hard I guess I can use Barrel master for now but I feel like I can't get anything done. Also I know it's minor but the walk and run animations don't look right anymore is it fixed in the next version?
got another question i was fighting beast a few times till i made him well to big now i can't talk to him to start an fight and decrease his size is there another way to do it?
I had that problem too, his ass crushed the whole city, I was never able to fix it, maybe there is a command but I don't know yet. Only by losing against him does his size decrease to normal, I hope Digi sets a limit
Hello sorry to ask but will you ever add a customizable human character anytime soon? While I do prefer human characters, I still don't mind the customizable furry character. It is great that you added so much to the customization. Sorry to inconvenience you in any way. Have a good rest of your day!
does anyone know any command that allows me to remove my suqad buddies? i have like 2 or 3 invisible Markus (they got bugged after killing the master root).
I even tried creating a new game, but when I got to the same point, Markus got bugged (I understood that I got 2 because I didn't finish the root raid, but I made the crystals resonate with my bust and escaped, thinking that I saved Markus). But I still didn't manage to fix it
First off I enjoyed this game more than I expected so thanks for that. But the reason I write this is mainly because I dont know where else to report bugs. I have ecountered some but three i didnt find in the known issues of the 5.9 Changelog above. The first is that all my enemies seem to have the Dodgy Perk and dodge my first several attacks (Legs-Skilltree Row 4) this definitly happenend only after I took that perk myself but it might be a weird interaction with another since I have quite a few. The second bug is a gamefreeze after I knocked a lizard out of the fighting arena/through th ground in the crystal caves dungeon. After he fell for a few seconds the game completely locked up and forced me to forcably close the game costing me about 1 hour of grinding. This happened shortly after a second time but did not cost me too much progress that time. I recommend adding a teleport zone like the one on the docks for every battlemap or maybe even a killbox. (I also managed to fling an enemy out of bounds in the ruins but the game didn´t freeze there and I was able to reach and defeat him.) The third oddity I encountered is connected to the farmquest NPC Markus. I currently have two Markus as companions listed in the menu and after battles but the second one is not present in battles and only sits besides his wife in town. Additionally the quest connected to him does not seem to progress. In the following I will try to list everything I did during the quest and shortly after as it might help to identify the issue: I entered the farmquestarea and told him to follow with 2 other followers already in my team (For reference I couldnt recrute in the tavern anymore). I then went back and talked to his wife (Becky I believe) in town. Since she didnt react I assumed I needed to clear the farmarea first so I did that including the giant root. Afterwards I went back to his wife and the quest progressed so that Markus was now sitting next to her. I then also told her I defeated the root aswell which didnt seem to progress the questline since she didnt move and I still had the option to tell her I defeated the root. I then assumed the questline wasnt finished and tried to talk to Markus. Here I had the option to tell him to follow me which I used. (At that time I believe my followers were still like they were supposed to be.) I then went to the ruins dungeon and went for the rootguardians there and somewhere along the way (not on the first floor) I lost one of my followers. I assumed back then that it finally triggered the option of her stopping to follow me (I told her that quite alot prior to the farm quest). Later I realized that there were two Markus listed. Interestingly I can equip both and both change apperance accordingly(although one is just sitting in town). Also the one following me switches to his "hurt on the ground"-animation everytime he is idle but behaves like my previous followers otherwise. I already tried to have him stop following me and also I have talked to his wife again but that didnt change anything. I hope this Information is useful and wish you a great day. :D
In this new free update I cant get the Urn owner simone quest, Simone does say that I need to buy a new one but the mission isnt there neither is the seller,poisonsmith Chris quest is broken as well ,also in this update it seems that the max ego is 1200 ,4200 if ego limit is unlocked, some of the followers from the tavern will keep following you even after you ask them to stop. In some dungeons it seems that no matter how many times I die I will never get kicked off, some NPCS dont talk even though theyre supposed to (I guess). Keep up the good work
A great game to have fun. But there is a flaw that confuses me and makes all the progress not interesting. This is the ability "BITE" and "SLIME BALL" they have the same problem related to their similar abilities. The "SLIME BALL" is stealing, which does not work correctly. You steal attributes from enemies and their attributes instead of decreasing, they grow. The ability "BITE" has the same problem. instead of stealing, attributes grow from enemies. P. S Sorry if anything, for the incorrect translation because I used a translator.)
I am trying to figure out what is causing this. I believe its because of NPCs getting negative growth modifiers. I can't seem to be able to replicate it, whenever I test skills like that they work just fine.
Shockingly fun game. Seeing the bandit boss for the first time gave me a great idea for more content....
A macro section you can only reach by stepping over a huge wall. Once there it's a new town filled with macros and you feel small again compared to everyone else at first.
I thought that's what the bandit boss was when I was tiny but he's by himself over there.
Incredible idea, I would love to see huge npc, much more than the bandit boss, digi will renew dungeons and bring a final dungeon, so something similar may be possible
Start your adventure and go to the sewer dungeon and reach the 20th floor, defeat and remove the nail from the root, in that dungeon I found the pile driver, it is for me the best weapon in the game, then leave the dungeon and leave to the anvil and improve the pile driver up to level 10, you can sacrifice other armor, Scrap and repeated weapons if you wish, also improve the sword that they give you at the beginning so that it gives you more xp in each combat, I used those two weapons throughout throughout my adventure and it was great for me. I never used fat, only to improve my physical appearance, I advise you to only gain size or muscle and upgrade any essence you see, food has no more mystery, you consume it and it regenerates you, some more than others, other foods give temporary buffs, I only eat hamburgers and fries, if you're full you simply can't eat more haha, it doesn't affect combat, it just limits you to not being able to eat more in combat
I tried, and it's says the invite was long since disabled. If you know of the most recent discord Patreon post though that would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, good afternoon, I have experienced the new update but it has been terrible for me, in terms of errors.
1. I can't complete missions because there was a bug, for example with the bull, when I rescue it it stays following me and the mission doesn't progress or with the alchemist I get to the last position but it says that I haven't completed it when I already complete it,
2.For some reason when I fire my followers they still follow me and won't let me hire others
3.I really like the game
solo es mi experiencia no se si a alguien mas le pase, espero que este comentario sea leido.
Several dialogues were broken in already created games, it shouldn't happen in new games, I would recommend you to create a new game, you can still enjoy it a lot.
some dialog is broken. I had to redo the entire system and manually transcribe them into the new one and I missed a few like the followers not leaving. It will be fixed in the next update.
Digi, I love your work, it's incredible, but I don't know if it's too much to ask that you add bikinis, that some npc sell it on the beach, or maybe it's free as you want, more than one would like it, greetings and I hope everything this good
I think it'd be awesome if you added sliders for breast firmness/droopiness, waist width, and hip width because having only the feminine/masculine and breast roundness sliders to affect these things really feels limiting.
However, the breast firmness slider would in nature be something that affects both shapekeys and physics, which may be an issue implimenting, at least according to what I know about Unreal.
Fat and Belly suggestions:
I also think that it would be nice to be able to change belly shape, in which case possibly floppy aprons of fat or big jelly rolls could be in order, or maybe just fat distribution, because it seems like the muscle/fat sliders don't do much other than change the shape of the body parts they affect.
I think that the body shape customization is very constricting personally, and as a person with ADHD, I highly value variety in games and I don't like having to manually edit the shape of my character by investing points strategically, often resulting in me either begrudgingly sacrificing points out of dedication or having to choose a different "class."
TL;DR- Well, if I felt that reading the whole thing wasn't important, I wouldn't have typed anything at all. I have titled each section for your convenience.
P.S. I wanted to note that everything could use more realistic physics, especially at smaller and larger sizes.
You can actually manually choose the ratio of body parts in the customization menu, from 0, which is the base size. to 1, which is the max size. This affects all size modifiers, including ego.
Hi, awesome game, but id like to speed up my experience, may anyone here have an idea on how to open the dev console in the newest version to input commands?
And if you mean debugging mode you must defeat the final boss inside the beach tunnel, once you have defeated him you go to configuration and you can activate debugging mode, you can have infinite levels, all skills unlocked, summon thousands of items and money in your inventory, etc.
You must go to the spawn, where you started your adventure and right next to it there is a potion house, it is next to the blacksmith, inside you will find the apothecary who will give you a potion called relife potion that will remove that effect
Now, to unlock the skills you must click on the circles to finally unlock the skill using SP, below in the skills menu it will appear how much SP you have. how to get SP?
This item will appear in your inventory when you defeat bosses, enemies, on the dungeons floor, chests, barrels, etc, even on the main map on some occasions.
Another efficient way is to level up. Boobs, Muscle, Fat and Legs will give you 1 SP every 10 levels raised, while size will give you 1 SP every 2.5 Levels (much better to go up size if you don't care so much about the physical)
-Each column of skills costs 1700 levels to sacrifice, that gives a total of 8500 sacrifices to have all the skill columns unlocked.
- I'm not so clear about it but with approximately 1000 SP you should already have all the skills unlocked
It must be because of the new cinematic when starting the fights, from what I saw, the line error 130 occurs when your game went through several updates and faces something added in the latest version (at least I think so) the possible solution that I have seen now it is to delete one of your saves, but I don't know if it works
Another thing I would love for them to add is a cum collection machine with a cumshot animation so you can use it from time to time and they will pay you for the cum expelled ;3
And how about another one but with the milk? The milk you made could be like a potion and the higher are your chest stats, the better could be the increasing stats.
For example, I think this could be a good form of putting in the game potions that increase your xp multiplier. (The milk potion could increase less than the cum potion. Or maybe making that the milk one is only for one battle and the cum one is for an entire dungeon)
With this maybe you could implement the idea of making xp multiplier potions that have been in there since the start of the year.
I hope sex will get added at some time like when ya beat a boss that is, or idk i think it would cool for there to be le hyper sex idk, but either why i love the development of the gay so far, oh and i think it would be cool if their was like a ship anchor weapon cuz of the docks, idk seems cool but love ur work keep at it! :)
I figured haha, though Macro Micro stuff would be cool too, but whether it's add sooner or later i think the game is amazing and love the work you have done on it keep up the great work
I'm not the creator, I just like to answer the questions and problems here hehe, as for sex, as I read, the game possibly has a year of development left, in 2025 digi will take a break, then continue with GrowthRPG or will create another growth game.
The last 2 months of this year will be to polish the game as much as possible and the rest for other topics, there are updates on the last Friday of each month, in my opinion sooner or later it will end up being added haha
You must defeat the red shark that is inside the beach tunnel, once this is done you will be allowed to activate this option, it will open a new icon above to modify many things, enjoy
might be a new issue. I know the previous version that I have it works flawlessly. Everything else bust, muscle, legs, and booty works. Fat works on the rest of the body but the belly doesnt grow at all.
Anyone else not getting the effects of potions? Nothing but the size potion works for me. I wanted to boost all my stats to fight a large rat in the sewer but I didn't get any muscle, fat, leg or bust, only size growth. Is this an issue fixed in 5.9?
Hello guys,can someone help me why i cant join in the game ?when i press "get info" a lot times ,but nothing gonna happened,no reaction >; ,what should i do ?? Thanks!!
And i add game as firewall exception,then i closed amy vpns but still cant :((((
← Return to game
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I accidentally deleted all of my NPCs... is there a for me to respawn them?
How did you disappear it? I would also like to know how to eliminate
It's the Destroy Pawns command... But now they won't respawn
While I'm sure it defeats some of the game's purpose, is there anyway to start out with humongous breasts? I personally don't mind starting huge and growing bigger. I don't even mind starting at the max size, while allowing my other assets to grow over time.
Yes, commands
>Summon CoreBust_C
Many thanks! Is there a full list of such items I can spawn?
Yes, look in my comments below or in my profile
I'm trying to play through 5.8 the last free version and I am finding it hard to do anything I want to unlock the giant rat to help me level up but he's hard I guess I can use Barrel master for now but I feel like I can't get anything done. Also I know it's minor but the walk and run animations don't look right anymore is it fixed in the next version?
also just noticed i don't have the Size explosion move anymore even though i have the skill what could be the reason for that?
got another question i was fighting beast a few times till i made him well to big now i can't talk to him to start an fight and decrease his size is there another way to do it?
I had that problem too, his ass crushed the whole city, I was never able to fix it, maybe there is a command but I don't know yet. Only by losing against him does his size decrease to normal, I hope Digi sets a limit
Hello sorry to ask but will you ever add a customizable human character anytime soon? While I do prefer human characters, I still don't mind the customizable furry character. It is great that you added so much to the customization. Sorry to inconvenience you in any way. Have a good rest of your day!
does anyone know any command that allows me to remove my suqad buddies? i have like 2 or 3 invisible Markus (they got bugged after killing the master root).
Ohhh, Sorry, I usually help but lately there are very strange errors
tried a couple of commands, but they didn't work
I even tried creating a new game, but when I got to the same point, Markus got bugged (I understood that I got 2 because I didn't finish the root raid, but I made the crystals resonate with my bust and escaped, thinking that I saved Markus). But I still didn't manage to fix it
question for the future of these game when it gets to were you would feel ok with it will you allow mods to be made for it?
I don't know what's happening, I lost the debug mode and I can't unlock it again, could someone help me?
defeat the boss again
First off I enjoyed this game more than I expected so thanks for that. But the reason I write this is mainly because I dont know where else to report bugs. I have ecountered some but three i didnt find in the known issues of the 5.9 Changelog above. The first is that all my enemies seem to have the Dodgy Perk and dodge my first several attacks (Legs-Skilltree Row 4) this definitly happenend only after I took that perk myself but it might be a weird interaction with another since I have quite a few. The second bug is a gamefreeze after I knocked a lizard out of the fighting arena/through th ground in the crystal caves dungeon. After he fell for a few seconds the game completely locked up and forced me to forcably close the game costing me about 1 hour of grinding. This happened shortly after a second time but did not cost me too much progress that time. I recommend adding a teleport zone like the one on the docks for every battlemap or maybe even a killbox. (I also managed to fling an enemy out of bounds in the ruins but the game didn´t freeze there and I was able to reach and defeat him.) The third oddity I encountered is connected to the farmquest NPC Markus. I currently have two Markus as companions listed in the menu and after battles but the second one is not present in battles and only sits besides his wife in town. Additionally the quest connected to him does not seem to progress. In the following I will try to list everything I did during the quest and shortly after as it might help to identify the issue: I entered the farmquestarea and told him to follow with 2 other followers already in my team (For reference I couldnt recrute in the tavern anymore). I then went back and talked to his wife (Becky I believe) in town. Since she didnt react I assumed I needed to clear the farmarea first so I did that including the giant root. Afterwards I went back to his wife and the quest progressed so that Markus was now sitting next to her. I then also told her I defeated the root aswell which didnt seem to progress the questline since she didnt move and I still had the option to tell her I defeated the root. I then assumed the questline wasnt finished and tried to talk to Markus. Here I had the option to tell him to follow me which I used. (At that time I believe my followers were still like they were supposed to be.) I then went to the ruins dungeon and went for the rootguardians there and somewhere along the way (not on the first floor) I lost one of my followers. I assumed back then that it finally triggered the option of her stopping to follow me (I told her that quite alot prior to the farm quest). Later I realized that there were two Markus listed. Interestingly I can equip both and both change apperance accordingly(although one is just sitting in town). Also the one following me switches to his "hurt on the ground"-animation everytime he is idle but behaves like my previous followers otherwise. I already tried to have him stop following me and also I have talked to his wife again but that didnt change anything. I hope this Information is useful and wish you a great day. :D
Can relate on the first report about enemies constatly dodging mainly on first round after turning on that ability
In this new free update I cant get the Urn owner simone quest, Simone does say that I need to buy a new one but the mission isnt there neither is the seller,poisonsmith Chris quest is broken as well ,also in this update it seems that the max ego is 1200 ,4200 if ego limit is unlocked, some of the followers from the tavern will keep following you even after you ask them to stop. In some dungeons it seems that no matter how many times I die I will never get kicked off, some NPCS dont talk even though theyre supposed to (I guess). Keep up the good work
Does the mission appear in the mission list?
I see the idea of dying and appearing at the beginning of the dungeons fine, you can try again or use the ladder in your inventory
Yes but I dont get sent out to the beggining evetything stays the same, the misson doest appear in the list
A great game to have fun. But there is a flaw that confuses me and makes all the progress not interesting. This is the ability "BITE" and "SLIME BALL" they have the same problem related to their similar abilities. The "SLIME BALL" is stealing, which does not work correctly. You steal attributes from enemies and their attributes instead of decreasing, they grow. The ability "BITE" has the same problem. instead of stealing, attributes grow from enemies. P. S Sorry if anything, for the incorrect translation because I used a translator.)
I am trying to figure out what is causing this. I believe its because of NPCs getting negative growth modifiers. I can't seem to be able to replicate it, whenever I test skills like that they work just fine.
I figured it out. Will be fixed in version 6.1
Shockingly fun game. Seeing the bandit boss for the first time gave me a great idea for more content....
A macro section you can only reach by stepping over a huge wall. Once there it's a new town filled with macros and you feel small again compared to everyone else at first.
I thought that's what the bandit boss was when I was tiny but he's by himself over there.
Incredible idea, I would love to see huge npc, much more than the bandit boss, digi will renew dungeons and bring a final dungeon, so something similar may be possible
Could anyone recommend a Fat build? Like what gear to get. Also how does food/fulness affect combat other than healing
Start your adventure and go to the sewer dungeon and reach the 20th floor, defeat and remove the nail from the root, in that dungeon I found the pile driver, it is for me the best weapon in the game, then leave the dungeon and leave to the anvil and improve the pile driver up to level 10, you can sacrifice other armor, Scrap and repeated weapons if you wish, also improve the sword that they give you at the beginning so that it gives you more xp in each combat, I used those two weapons throughout throughout my adventure and it was great for me. I never used fat, only to improve my physical appearance, I advise you to only gain size or muscle and upgrade any essence you see, food has no more mystery, you consume it and it regenerates you, some more than others, other foods give temporary buffs, I only eat hamburgers and fries, if you're full you simply can't eat more haha, it doesn't affect combat, it just limits you to not being able to eat more in combat
I went to sewer 20th floor but there was no Root there, do I need to do something first to unlock it?
You should talk to the botanist outside, she is a mouse
Thanks I Will looks for her
Does anybody Know where I can find the link to the discord?
I tried, and it's says the invite was long since disabled. If you know of the most recent discord Patreon post though that would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, I hope digi updates it, maybe we should create a public one.
Hello, good afternoon, I have experienced the new update but it has been terrible for me, in terms of errors.
1. I can't complete missions because there was a bug, for example with the bull, when I rescue it it stays following me and the mission doesn't progress or with the alchemist I get to the last position but it says that I haven't completed it when I already complete it,
2.For some reason when I fire my followers they still follow me and won't let me hire others
3.I really like the game
solo es mi experiencia no se si a alguien mas le pase, espero que este comentario sea leido.
Several dialogues were broken in already created games, it shouldn't happen in new games, I would recommend you to create a new game, you can still enjoy it a lot.
Hello, I tried it and the same thing happens, but I'm a little sad about losing everything. I'm level 2620.
some dialog is broken. I had to redo the entire system and manually transcribe them into the new one and I missed a few like the followers not leaving. It will be fixed in the next update.
curious where could one find the slime potion?
The apothecary sells it to you in her home, next to the bar
is there an ego boost potion in the game?
Can help me with this? i play 5.8 and after quest vith new alchemist i take debuff, how i can reset my patametrs
The weapon ''cracked core'' favors only growth in size and decreases other growth, that must be it
but without weapon i olso take debuf, and i use piledriver, and acid ball, or i would clear my inventory?
oh, so I don't know what it is, removing it from the inventory isn't it, it must be an effect of some enemy, are you a slime perhaps? maybe that's it
Digi, I love your work, it's incredible, but I don't know if it's too much to ask that you add bikinis, that some npc sell it on the beach, or maybe it's free as you want, more than one would like it, greetings and I hope everything this good
Hey, just wanted to suggest a couple things.
Feminine Aspects suggestions:
I think it'd be awesome if you added sliders for breast firmness/droopiness, waist width, and hip width because having only the feminine/masculine and breast roundness sliders to affect these things really feels limiting.
However, the breast firmness slider would in nature be something that affects both shapekeys and physics, which may be an issue implimenting, at least according to what I know about Unreal.
Fat and Belly suggestions:
I also think that it would be nice to be able to change belly shape, in which case possibly floppy aprons of fat or big jelly rolls could be in order, or maybe just fat distribution, because it seems like the muscle/fat sliders don't do much other than change the shape of the body parts they affect.
I think that the body shape customization is very constricting personally, and as a person with ADHD, I highly value variety in games and I don't like having to manually edit the shape of my character by investing points strategically, often resulting in me either begrudgingly sacrificing points out of dedication or having to choose a different "class."
TL;DR- Well, if I felt that reading the whole thing wasn't important, I wouldn't have typed anything at all. I have titled each section for your convenience.
P.S. I wanted to note that everything could use more realistic physics, especially at smaller and larger sizes.
oooo yep yep
You can actually manually choose the ratio of body parts in the customization menu, from 0, which is the base size. to 1, which is the max size. This affects all size modifiers, including ego.
fully aware, but still requires investing points in other things to matter
My charater Is stuck in to a wall after escaping from a fight.
There is any way to get out from This situation?
If you activate debug mode and go to the menu you can press the restart character option, it will send you back to spawn
Hi, awesome game, but id like to speed up my experience, may anyone here have an idea on how to open the dev console in the newest version to input commands?
On the keyboard you must press '
Its not working ):
Like if i press the key nothing happens, i tried every key that looked like it, do i need to press it in certain circumstences?
If that keyboard doesn't work it must be yes or yes this one, in my case this one works for me
i use the ' but there is no place to write the commands, can you help me?
And if you mean debugging mode you must defeat the final boss inside the beach tunnel, once you have defeated him you go to configuration and you can activate debugging mode, you can have infinite levels, all skills unlocked, summon thousands of items and money in your inventory, etc.
Is it possible to revert back to normal once you become a lich from the goo?
how do you do that?
You must go to the spawn, where you started your adventure and right next to it there is a potion house, it is next to the blacksmith, inside you will find the apothecary who will give you a potion called relife potion that will remove that effect
got it thanks
Only with me that repeatable bosses don't grow?
I advise you to use slime as a companion
what are all the summoning commands for the gam
Metal Scrap
Blue = Summon BlueSmallResource_C
Green = Summon GreenSmallResource_C
Red = Summon RedSmallResource_C
White = Summon WhiteSmallResource_C
Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C
Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C
Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C
Green = Summon Ore_Green_C
Red = Summon Ore_Red_C
White = Summon Ore_W_C
Bust = Summon CoreBust_C
Fat = Summon CoreFat_C
Legs = Summon CoreLegs_C
Muscle = Summon CoreMuscle_C
Size = Summon CoreSize_C
Bust = Summon GrowPotionBust_C
Fat = Summon GrowPotionBelly_C
Legs = Summon GrowPotionLegs_C
Muscle = Summon GrowPotionMuscle_C
Size = Summon GrowPotionSize_C
Ego = Summon CockGrowthPotion_C
Relife = Summon PotionOfRelife_C
Bard's Beak = BardBeakWeapon_C
Wooden Barrel = BarrelWeapon_C
Industrial Barrel = IndustrialBarrelWeapon_C
Bat = W_Bat_C
Blesser = Blesser_C
Bone = Weapon_Bone_C
Broken Sword = Summon BrokenSword_C
Cat Ear Fetish = CatEarFetishWeapon_C
Cracked Core = CrackedCore_C
Frying Pan = FryingPan_C
Ironwood Fetish = IronwoodFetishWeapon_C
Katana = Katana_C
Katana's Scabbard = KatanaScabbard_C
Kicking Knives = KickingKnivesWeapon_C
Piledriver = Piledriver_C
Red Hot Fetish = RedHotFetishWeapon_C
Rock Shield = Summon W_RockShield_C
Rock Sword = Summon RockSword_C
Roundel = Roundel_C
Piercing Shield = PiercingShield_C
Size Sword = Summon SizeSwordWeapon_C
Slime Ball = SlimeBallWeapon_C
Slime Whip = SlimeWHip_C
Pearlescent Fetish = PearlFetish_C
Stool = Throwable_Stool_C
Anvil Hammer = W_AnvilHammer_C
Nail = Nail_C
Root Whip = RootWhip_C
Coat = CoatArmor_C
Pauldron = Pauldron_C
Maid Outfit = Ar_MainOutfit_C
Plackart = PlackartArmor_C
Breastplate = Cuirass_C
Bandana = BandanaArmor_C
Head Crystals = CrystalHelmet_C
Hard Hat = HardHatHeadArmor_C
Full Helm = HelmetArmor_C
Mushroom Cap = Mushroomhead_C
Plague Mask = PlagueMaskArmor_C
Pumpkin Head = PumpkinHeadArmor_C
Santa Hat = SantaHatArmor_C
Scarf = ScarfArmor_C
Straw Hat = StrawHatArmor_C
Leather Leggings = LeatherLegs_C
PlateLegs = PlateLegAmrmor_C (also not a typo)
Burger = Burger_C
Energy Drink = EnergyDrink_C
Fries = FriesConsumable_C
Growth Multiplier = GrowMultiplierPotion_C
Rock Meat = FoodRockMeat_C
Mushroom Grow = MushroomGrow_C
Mushroom Shrink = MushroomShrink_C
Juicy Peach = Peach_Energy_C
Shield = TempShieldConsumable_C
Grilled Salmon = Food_buffBust_C
Donut = Food_buffFat_C
Grilled Shank = Food_buffLegs_C
Steak = Food_buffMuscle_C
Ramen = Food_buffSize_C
Robot Arm (left) = QI_RobotArmL_C
Robot Arm (right) = QI_RobotArmR_C
Charlotte = Charlotte_C
Glow Merchant = GlowMerchant_C
Keymaster = Keymaster_C
Fristy = NPC_GymGuide_C
Inventor Emma = Inventor_C
Bubblegum = MaidNPC_Bust_C
Lazarus = MaidNPC_Muscle_C
Player = Player_C
Fake Blacksmith (in town) = Blacksmith1_C
Fake Blacksmith (boss, buffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Buff_C
Fake Blacksmith (boss, unbuffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Unbuffed_C
Apothecarist = apothecarist_C
Apothecarist (dungeon) = apothecaristDungeon_C
Cook (in town) = Cook_C
Cook (sells donut) = Cook_Donut_C
Cook (sells fish) = Cook_Fish_C
Cook (sells leg buff item) = Cook_leg_C
Cook (sells ramen) = Cook_Ramen_C
Cook (sells steak) = Cook_Steak_C
Cook (dungeon) = CookDungeon_C
Plush = Plush_C
Plush (dungeon) = PlushDungeon_C
Slime Follower = SlimeFollower_C
Slime Follower (dungeon) = Slime_FollowerDungeon_C
Lesser Follower (follower) = LesserFollowerCompanion_C
Sleeping Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorkerSleep_C
Skybreaker = Gator_Follower_C
Diana = Diana_Mercenary_C
Botanist Rhiana = NPC_Botanist_C
Buff merchant, Luna = NPC_BuffMerchant_C
Alexander = Alexander_Mercenary_C
Kyung = Kyung_Mercenary_C
Bartender Saiyamatt = Siyamatt_Bartened_C
Solon = Solon_Mercenary_C
Ukufa = Ukufa_Mercenary_C
Marauder = EnemyStarter1_C
Marauder (with assist) = EnemyStarterWithCompanions1_C
Rat = EnemyDungeonRat_C
Skeleton = EnemySkeletonStarter_C
Lime Slime = EnemySlimeStarter_C
Muscle Slime = EnemySlime_Muscle_C
Bust Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Bust_C
Fat Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Fat_C
Legs Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Legs_C
Size Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Size_C
Lesser Commander = LesserCommander_C
Lesser Follower = LesserFollower_C
Dock Security = DockSecurity_C
Dock Worker = DockWorker_C
Mimic = Mimic_C
One Armed Bandit (left arm) = EnemyProsteticLeftArm_C
One Armed Bandit (right arm) = EnemyProsteticRightArm_C
Bigbarian = EnemyBig_C
Bigbarian (dungeon) = EnemyBigDungeon_C
Chestromancer = EnemyBust_C
Chestromancer (dungeon) = EnemyBustDungeon_C
Lardzerker = EnemyFat_C
Lardzerker (dungeon) = EnemyFatDungeon_C
Thighwayman = EnemyLegs_C
Thighwayman (dungeon) = EnemyLegsDungeon_C
Banfit = EnemyMuscle_C
Banfit (dungeon) = EnemyMuscleDungeon_C
Hourglass Knight = EnemyHighBustLegs_C
Hourglass Knight (dungeon) = EnemyHighBustLegsdungeon_C
Hourglass Knight (lich cave) = EnemyHighBustLegsLichCave_C
Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorker_C
Dragon Worker (dungeon) = EnemyHighDragonWorkerdungeon_C
Muscle Fat Master = EnemyHighMuscle_C
Muscle Fat Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighMuscledungeon_C
Sharkun = EnemyHighShark_C
Sharkun (dungeon) = EnemyHighSharkDungeon_C
Size Master = EnemyHighSize_C
Size Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighSizeDungeon_C
Lightbringer = GatorCrystal_C
Boulder Mover = GatorFat_C
Sweeper = GatorLegs_C
Rockbiter = GatorRockbiter_C
Bandit = BanditTown_C
Bandit (dungeon) = BanditDungeon_C
Bandit Gate Guard = BanditGateGuard_C
Slime Boss = Summon EnemySlimeBoss_C
Giant Rat = Summon DungeonBossRat_C
Giant Rat (repeatable) = Summon DungeonBossRatRefight_C
Unusally Large Rat = Summon DungeonBossRatNoKey_C
Barrel Master = Summon BarrelMaster_C
Barrel Master (dungeon) = Summon BarrelMasterDungeon_C
Barrel Master (repeatable) = Summon BarrelMasterRepeatable_C
Foreman = Summon DragonBoss_C
Foreman (dungeon) = Summon DragonBossDungeon_C
Foreman (repeatable) = Summon DragonBossRepeatable_C
Lich = Summon LichBoss_C
Lich (dungeon) = Summon LichBossDungeon_C
Lich (repeatable) = Summon LichBossRepeatable_C
Mad Chimera = Summon NerdBoss_C
Mad Chimera (dungeon) = Summon NerdBossDungeon_C
Mad Chimera (repeatable) = Summon NerdBossRepeatable_C
Bunshido = Summon BunShido_C
Bunshido (asleep) = Summon BunShido_Asleep_C
Bunshido (tunnel) = Summon BunShido_Tunnel_C
Bunshido (dungeon) = Summon BunShidoDungeon_C
Bunshido (repeatable) = Summon BunShido_Repeatable_C
Beast = Summon BeastAsleep_C
Beast (dungeon) = Summon BeastDungeon_C
Bandit Boss = Summon BanditBoss_C
Bandit Boss (dungeon) = Summon BanditBossDungeon_C
Bandit Boss (repeatable) = Summon BanditBossRepeatable_C
Chiefton (muscle fat) = Summon CaveChief_C
Chiefton (bust legs) = Summon CaveShaman_C
posting this to save later on my pc
I have a red shark problem! I defeated her but the debug mod did not appear! What to do?
Here, go to settings, activate that button and close the menu, you will get a new icon when you open the menu again
With tab you will open your inventory and you will have access to the different menus above the game. This is the skills menu.
By holding down one of these buttons you sacrifice a level of your character
*1 Button:Sacrifice Boobs
*2 Button:Sacrifice Fat
*3 Button:Sacrifice Muscle
*4 Button:Sacrifice Size
*5 Button:Sacrifice Legs
- Only sacrifice levels, buffs you have such as potions and essences do not count.

- When Sacrificing a level you will lose the statistics and the level but don't worry, it is recovered very easily and quickly.
- By clicking apply, the sacrifice changes are executed.
Now, to unlock the skills you must click on the circles to finally unlock the skill using SP, below in the skills menu it will appear how much SP you have.

how to get SP?
This item gives you 5 SP points when using it.
This item will appear in your inventory when you defeat bosses, enemies, on the dungeons floor, chests, barrels, etc, even on the main map on some occasions.

Another efficient way is to level up. Boobs, Muscle, Fat and Legs will give you 1 SP every 10 levels raised, while size will give you 1 SP every 2.5 Levels (much better to go up size if you don't care so much about the physical)
-Each column of skills costs 1700 levels to sacrifice, that gives a total of 8500 sacrifices to have all the skill columns unlocked.

- I'm not so clear about it but with approximately 1000 SP you should already have all the skills unlocked
How i do get access to 2nd and following up rows in ability?
Now I'll help you, give me an hour to make a guide
go to the comment above
My game is stuck on a light gray screen
Where it happens? When starting the game?
I have a problem.
I have 5.8a free version, but lately It started to crash fight before to any fight.
Any help?
Explain to me what's happening, does it take you out of the game? crash?
In any case, I advise you to install it from the icht io app and not on the web
as soon i start Any fight the whole game crash, with a error that end with a [Line: 130]
It must be because of the new cinematic when starting the fights, from what I saw, the line error 130 occurs when your game went through several updates and faces something added in the latest version (at least I think so) the possible solution that I have seen now it is to delete one of your saves, but I don't know if it works
How do you grow your character's dick? I feel so stupid because I can't figure it out
You fight with enemies, if you defeat them your cock will grow
If you want something much faster, take an ego potion. I took one and I took the statistics to 20k each, and my dick grew too much, I'm huge.
Another thing I would love for them to add is a cum collection machine with a cumshot animation so you can use it from time to time and they will pay you for the cum expelled ;3
The bigger the ego, the more amount of cum
And how about another one but with the milk? The milk you made could be like a potion and the higher are your chest stats, the better could be the increasing stats.
For example, I think this could be a good form of putting in the game potions that increase your xp multiplier. (The milk potion could increase less than the cum potion. Or maybe making that the milk one is only for one battle and the cum one is for an entire dungeon)
With this maybe you could implement the idea of making xp multiplier potions that have been in there since the start of the year.
I hope sex will get added at some time like when ya beat a boss that is, or idk i think it would cool for there to be le hyper sex idk, but either why i love the development of the gay so far, oh and i think it would be cool if their was like a ship anchor weapon cuz of the docks, idk seems cool but love ur work keep at it! :)
Possibly yes, but you should see a compatible size allowed, for example you must have the ''size'' stat of 50-100 to have sex with this npc
I figured haha, though Macro Micro stuff would be cool too, but whether it's add sooner or later i think the game is amazing and love the work you have done on it keep up the great work
I'm not the creator, I just like to answer the questions and problems here hehe, as for sex, as I read, the game possibly has a year of development left, in 2025 digi will take a break, then continue with GrowthRPG or will create another growth game.
The last 2 months of this year will be to polish the game as much as possible and the rest for other topics, there are updates on the last Friday of each month, in my opinion sooner or later it will end up being added haha
oh ha got ya also agreed a bikini would be cool
How Do I access Debug Mode, and how does it work?
You must defeat the red shark that is inside the beach tunnel, once this is done you will be allowed to activate this option, it will open a new icon above to modify many things, enjoy
Where is the beach tunnel??
Behind the castle/village there is a huge lagoon, there will be a small beach with bamboo
Do you know how to summon the final boss? You can summon almost all NPCs, items and enemies, but I can't summon him unless it's where he is
(Sorry for my bad English~)
In the beach tunnel
If you defeat him, he respawns when you re-enter hehe
Hum now everything grows alright but when fat increases, the belly doesnt grow at all in 5.8 why is this?
do you have this uploaded? works for me

what do you mean uploaded? I have every setting on 1 and booty on low. It certainly worked in previous versions without any issues
I see, it doesn't work for me either mmmmmm
might be a new issue. I know the previous version that I have it works flawlessly. Everything else bust, muscle, legs, and booty works. Fat works on the rest of the body but the belly doesnt grow at all.
Hereeee!! I found it, it's this
Anyone else not getting the effects of potions? Nothing but the size potion works for me. I wanted to boost all my stats to fight a large rat in the sewer but I didn't get any muscle, fat, leg or bust, only size growth. Is this an issue fixed in 5.9?
do you have this uploaded?

Hello guys,can someone help me why i cant join in the game ?when i press "get info" a lot times ,but nothing gonna happened,no reaction >; ,what should i do ?? Thanks!!
And i add game as firewall exception,then i closed amy vpns but still cant :((((
I recommend you go to the game's discord, it's on the patreon
can you make an android version or would that be too hard?
It would be too much for a mobile device, added to the engine it uses
i meant for like a chromebook.
chrome explodes