No matter what I do the game simply refuses to play and I have no idea why. I have done the install instructions over and over but I just cant figure out what is going on...
I will say, one repeatable problem is that my entire party very often winds up stuck in the ground in battles, particularly in the one stageplay-paper-background-props dungeon, stuck up to their knees and unable to move, so enemies just kinda walk up/around us and wail away for free, how do I stop this?
I know of the problem too a I posted about it one thing you can do is use the console and type ghost while in battle I think I was able to hit enemies fine doing this but then you have to type walk to reenable being able to touch enemies we might have to just wait for 5.5 to be public till then sorry I can't help much
Can you explain what you mean are you trying to do this quest? If so there are Root guardians every 15 floors in the dungeons listed they are rather hard so make sure you are powerful enough to do it. I have heard some comments state they had trouble getting the quest to update or something once you'd have to look through the comment section here to find it. Sorry I can't be much help I've not even done that quest ever myself.
oh good to know for that. Also a another question. Do you know how you get the skill Steal or Attacks where you Drain your enemies? Its seems pretty broken in combat fights.
In the skill tree there is a skill you can get called bite the kobolds in the crystal cave use this if you interact with the green liquid vat behind the Lich you can become one and will get his tentacle and goo sphere weapons for free the orb can steal too but the bite move is permanent from what I read then there's the weapon rock sword it will take stats from those hit and add it to you but you can't get AP when using it. Those are the only ones I know of. I can try to help more but I'm stuck trying to level up and none of the companions are growing after I fight them Beast seems fine though.
Im so stupid(I think..) Can someone help me with Roots? No matter how hard I tried I just cant kill them... Use Rock Sword but I think I need something more..
Do you mean the Root guardians or the roots in Beth and Markus farm? If the latter well not sure when I beat them in 5.3 I had Bunshido with me. What is your build focused on?
I'm trying to do the same quest but I'm having trouble getting levels I've noticed the companions like Bunshido Mad chimera are not growing after I fight them and so aren't giving more exp as I fight them more but Beast is seemingly fine. Oh and once you get to doing poison maker Chris quest only use the dank potion while in battle I found that's the only way to get it to be used up. Still I'd like help getting more exp I feel so weak compared to the companions we get. Also is there a root in the cardboard dungeon if so we can't fight in there you end up in the floor while in battle and it's seemingly only in that dungeon I have tried the castle one it's fine but not the crystal cave yet.
They can be bought in some of the dungeons - chapel and cardobard to be exact. Besides that they can drop as loot on later floors in those dungeons.
If you want to cheese a bit, you can gather about 100-200 bucks, go to those dungeons and hope for the right vendor to spawn. Then return to the sewers with the keys and open the big doors - they usually have better loot than chests.
I don't wanna sound mean but how in the world is going through the dungeons supposed to be better for exp farming than fighting say Mad chimera? I know the dungeons get harder as you go but you end up needing what feels like thousands or more of exp just to get to 11 and once you hit 300 it gets worse. I sadly feel my character can't get near the power level npc companions like Bunshido are already at since they were given a preset level. Also not sure it's a bug but when I fight the Bandit boss he isn't growing at all is that normal now in 5.4?
I have a bug to report while in the cardboard dungeon when I enter battle I was in the floor and could not move at all and I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. I'm hoping this doesn't happen in the castle either as then I can't explore the dungeons at all. Okay so far this happens in only the cardboard dungeon and it effects the player and companions too I hope 5.5 fixed this as for now the cardboard dungeon is impossible to go through due to this
I do think the Lich form is cool in its own way but I'd love if we could make the bones invisible so we could look like the slim enemies. I also found the fluff you can toggle on chest doesn't turn slime like similar to the fluffy top fluffy tip and sharp tail types while a lich not a bug but wish the chest fluff would match. I also would like the fur textures on Beast's arms legs and his butt fur texture for use in character creation I do love his tail too. Too bad he's not able to be a follower but he's somewhat nice to get exp from if you can beat him.
Does anyone have a list of the commands, I had written it in a document but I couldn't find it, but I wanted to know if anyone has the list so I will copy it again
I ran into this Interesting bug I redownloaded the game and my old saves are gone, when i reach far enough in the rat dungeon close the game and reopen the NEW file, it puts me in a dungeon in my OLD file.
soooo if i can get my old save back somehow that would be great
Also cant hear footsteps until im outside of the dungeon
I could be stupid or something, but the sheathed weapon (forgot the name) doesn't seem to work I've tried using all the keybinds, but it doesn't do anything for me
How does one get a barrel? I remember having it on an old save, but i've beaten the barrel master about 10 times now, so I believe i'm missing something I've also heard you can get the barrel master as a companion, so i'm also curious as to how I am in version 4.4, thanks.
It's been awhile since I had 4.4 if at all but to get a barrel it's best to try fighting Barrel master to get one though maybe any enemy can drop it. Barrel master is located near the exit to the town there is a large group of barrels and one is very big compared to the others if you loot that one Barrel master will immediately attack you I'd advise training up till you feel you can beat him the Giant rat you get as a companion can help or you can fight him to get exp best you take his weapon away first. Any case getting the barrel weapon is rng so you'll have to keep trying till it drops.
I had a save file with a very powerful character. Not a clue what happened but the save file is gone. maybe it somehow got cleaned up by my pc since its been a while since I have touched the game, but other than that not sure why its gone. that being said i probably do need to start again since the farm quest broke for me. couldn't talk to Beth after saving Markus.
I got this 1 issue i don't know how to solve the raving fan has lost his unique staff maybe i accedently removed it i do not know is there any way to regain the staff other then creating an new character or is it lost forever?
Could I have tips on the best way to get lots of exp? I only ask as once you get to 300 and up it gets rather slow and I'd at least like to get to 700 or so that way I have enough points to make myself powerful. And yes I know about the passive abilites I have 3 of the 20% exp ones but well should I get bigger challenge? I don't know what it does.
Bigger Challenge,makes the opponent grow bigger in the beginning.You will have to be lower level than your Opponent or similar level then you get the 3option after you encountered an enemy.1. "bring it tiny" Makes the opponent bigger in the start of the combat.2. "You'll have to fight me first" makes the opponent slightly bigger.3. "i don't think i will" doesnt make the opponent bigger.Choosing the first 2 options gives you an "Ego Boost" which gives you a XP multiplierer and it also makes your cock bigger.
Yeah I know but like I said I ended up trying to use Mad chimera as a way to level up and around 300 is where levels started to dwindle I also found in the version i had been playing 5.3 that at a certain size you couldn't talk to companions once they grew too big but 5.4 seems to fix this. As I said in my post I'd like to get to around level 700 or so but again it's hard to when the more levels you have the slower the exp gain. I'd fight Bandit boss but well he ends up getting strong enough to kill both me and Bunshido and due to this my ego bar resets and it's a pain to get back up so thus why I grinded Mad chimera as I can take her weapons away.
Okay which dungeon would be best? The cardboard one near the town, the castle across the bridge or the crystal cavern? I'd say the sewer but that one likely wouldn't be too good as the enemies are low level.
It says that falling out of the arena was fixed yet if you use growing follower at 1200 sacrificed size, and cat ear fetishes, you can easily reproduce this vs sandbag
Its around 10k size you get constant dialogue of the blacksmith and real black smith "X Used Crummy shield" and at around 100k total stats you get tped into sewer cave. In some cases it would attempt to tp me back up and I would get softlocked because I couldn't move
Edit: I used the bust, legs, and size explosions, I can't comment on muscle nor fat breaking with extreme size. I didn't do a "playthrough" in 5.3, but 0.5.0, 0.5.1, and 0.5.2 never had this issue, I could reach billions of a stat and nothing happened except a slight lag on more growths. Possibly something with the "Arena scales" might've broken it.
The damage model in the most recent free update feels insanely unfair and unfun, the fact that enemies can use growth spurt once and have over 1000 increases in stats maybe a bug but it makes it so even the basic sewer rats kill me half the time. Also the Unusually large rat's summon followers skills seems to stat buff it by 100 in each category which I feel is definitely a bug. which all in all feels like a moot point to complain about since there probably fixes in the next version.
Piledriver can nearly indefintely knockdown the player and AI alike. It's frustrating to go against and overpowered to use.
Size sword feels weak - while I don't use size as my main stat anytime I use it deals little damage even after adding size in battle.
Iatowashi is way too strong. It's damage is insane upon unsheating. It should need much more preparation to be unsheated and the damage should be nerfed. I see it as a weapon requiring repeated setup.
Slime ball's steal is aggravating - whenever you get hit by it it's usually an instant game over and vice versa. It should steal less stats and last shorter.
Rock sword is way too strong. In fact any ability to steal size is. Maybe it should be made a supplementary weapon for gathering size, while not dealing much damage itself.
Leg sweep can be used to indefinitely knockdown opponents. (I don't know if earthquake too)
Body slam and step seem to do too little damage, but it maybe be just my opinion.
Bite is too strong. Its stealing is permament too.
Bust seems too important. If you want mana you either have to level bust or bust and concentrate, unless Im missing something. Do slow growth abilities purposefully replenish mana or is it a bug?
Fighting feels too one sided. You either outscale opponent first or they outscale you and there is no inbetween. I found rushing enemies much better strategy than extending battles.
Mad Chimera and Bunshido shouldn't be bosses inside dungeons. Fighting them once is enough.
Can I please have help doing the farm quest for Beth and Markus? I get to the point I have to test potions for the poison seller near the well but when I get the dank potion it stays at 3 uses so I'm not sure what I am supposed to do I want to open up the farm to get more superior ability crystals by using seeds to get them but until I know what I need to do I'm stuck.
You are supposed to use the potions in battles and you will have to talk to the potion seller again,after doing several of his quest you can get a specific item against the growing tree roots.
You can drink the potions before battle if the game allows it.Just use all of the potion so that you can get a new quest from him.If that didnt help and you are still stuck you might have to make a New Game.
I'll see what works or not I'm not up to the point I can save Markus just yet but I'll see. Last time I drank the dank potion it was out of battle and the uses didn't go down I'll try in battle as well I just hope I can figure this out otherwise I have a quest I can't complete. If I need more help I'll try asking again. Thanks for your help so far.
Well good news I beat it what I did wa I fought Barrel master and drank the dank potion while in combat and the uses went down I also had Bunshido help me fight the roots and now can plant seeds. I sadly don't know how long it takes to have them grow but I hope not long I got a rock sword from one of the Rock monsters but not the shield sadly I read there was supposed to be a refightable Rock creature but didn't see one I'd like to know where the new armor and weapons are as Digitalfur never tells such things in the update logs he makes. Thanks for your help if I have need of more aid I'll let you know.
That's good to hear.The plants grow after you have entered a dungeon or a room you also can just save the game and load your save.The new Equipment's are droped by enemies.
Try using the app to download it I couldn't download the current 5.4 version using my internet download at all it always failed but after 2 days downloading using the app it downloaded fine. Hope it helps.
You first have to level up spend some points for example hights,grow and then go to abilities and press on sacrifice height,After sacrificing a certain amount you can unlock perks.
if you decide to update the Ui again add an objective system, so after you make your Sona, you know what to do from there and it's your choice if you follow it or not.
2. if you update the world, add more essence of like, bust, legs, size have them spawn in more frequently. hide it in places like houses or in the trees
3. add some more animations, like just give the characters some animations, emotes if you will,
and 4.
make it where you can't do certain side objectives BEFORE completing the main part of the objective for example
i had to restart my game, because i did the poison shops task too early due to the fact i didn't know where to go,
and here's a glitch i ran into:
when entering a dungeon the ladder would not spawn in at ALL leaving me stuck there
I have found out that for some reason whener you quit/close the game, it does not matter what, the saves of the game and up lost, how can I solve that?
You can transfer your old saves.You will have to open WindowsNoEditor open GrowthRPG go on saved and drag your saved folder into your new game version.
Is there some way to meaningfully increase my damage output? I chug all the potions I can find, and dump as many points into my size and other main stats for my weapon as possible, but I still only do about 5 damage at most to the large rats, who practically two shot me. Am I missing something?
1. Grind. Grind until you have outlevelled damn near everything around you. Grind until the game autokills the rat bandits for you. Grind until you can chug enough potions to cheese the Giant Rats. If you're doing this, upgrade your starting dagger to at least level 5 at the anvil behind the blacksmith, then equip it in your offhand to get an XP boost.
2. You should mostly level size, it's an overpowered stat that trumps every other option most of the time. It directly increases your damage and range, while also levelling all of your stats, so it gives you the best bang for your buck. Any points you don't put into size, put into the stat your weapon scales with. If it's strength, level muscle, if it's intellect, level breasts, if it's dexterity, level legs, etc.
3. Get a weapon that isn't garbage. If you're a strength or intellect build, you can easily get a Blesser and a Pearlescent Fetish respectively just outside town. Start by disregarding the guard's advice entirely by exiting town. Take the dirt road, going left once you encounter the closed gate. At the end of the dirt road, when you've officially passed the broken wall, take a right into the forest area, where you'll probably see a wooden staff with a pearl on the top. That's the Fetish, and if you're an int build, it will carry you through the game. If you're here for the Blesser, just keep going into the woods, hugging the village wall. While you're here, open the gate. Near a pile of boxes and a small group of tall grass, the sword (Blesser) will have a red hilt and be diagonally stuck in the dirt. Pull it out and you've got a decent strength weapon - not the best in the game but better than the shite dagger you start with, if only because it actually scales with something to a meaningful degree and doesn't require you to be within arm's reach of the enemy to actually hit them. DON'T pull out the big sword in the stone, it'll crash the game with an assertion error. If you're a dex build, you're shit outta luck, just use either of those weapons until you can cheese the Giant Rat (ON FLOOR 5 OR HIGHER) with potion spam, then finish the Blacksmith's key quest by backing out of the dungeon, going to the first floor, and opening the first door on the left to save the guy inside. Once you've done that, go back outside the dungeon to the blacksmith's shop, press Q to cycle the options and press E to talk to the smith, and he'll give you a Halberd called the Bard's Beak that has B Dexterity scaling and a pretty decent ability.
Lo llevo jugando desde la 0.5.2 y me está encantando todo, un juego de 10. La pregunta sería ¿alguna forma de hacer crecer a las que me siguen permanentemente de forma eficaz?
When you go out of town there is only one way to get past the wall. Follow the path down the hill and turn left. Once your past the wall you'll need to leave the path and turn right. Follow the outside of the wall all the way and you'll see a cave. Make sure you activate the switch where the closed gate is just before the cave to open a shortcut back to town.
Hi! I started the game recently and very much liked it, I have no words better than, well done on all the content,small stuff and battle !
However I got a few questions here about things I am curious on or just stuff that I do not understand properly/may be buged.
1 : I seems to have some issue with skills(spells) and I can't use everything(I can use right click, left click and those that are on the modifiable shortcuts), though all the ctrl + X I can't, also I wanted to try passive battle mode but had camera issue, and feels like I could not press any spells (1,2,3 etc) though I have to try a bit more before saying it doesn't work properly/bug.
2 : Do you intend to add more choices on personnalizations such as"Human likes" bones and shapes for example, only having hear and tail. Wich I doupt you would, concidering your furry style but I had to ask still since I am less of a fan of high furry stuff( I still really like the global game and the difficulties so it does not matter too much).
Thanks a lot for the game and have a great day ! =^-^=
1. Yeah, the passive battle mode is kinda buggy right now, just don't enable it yet
2. (changelog) scroll to the 'Body parts to add' section. From what you can see, there's no guarantee that there will be a human part added in the near future.
If you have any more questions, I'll help you if possible. ^^
Sr for the delay, first u need to be more bigger (yes, this applies to breast, muscle, etc.), but using this increase the enemy stats and also decrease your stats so be careful. If u dont mind, we can go deeper into this on Discord. Mine is Wilson#8451
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No matter what I do the game simply refuses to play and I have no idea why. I have done the install instructions over and over but I just cant figure out what is going on...
extract the game from the archieve and then try to start it, otherwise it might be blocked by your anti-virus defender
you know magical fountains might need balancing when you can make your character a l4d tank with only 6 fountains
"only 6 fountains" my gamer I can barely find three in two consecutive floors.
I bet it's because I hard focus bust and that doesn't do squat for squishing enemies so I end up losing the buffs too quickly.
Loving this so far, lil jank blunt edges asides
I will say, one repeatable problem is that my entire party very often winds up stuck in the ground in battles, particularly in the one stageplay-paper-background-props dungeon, stuck up to their knees and unable to move, so enemies just kinda walk up/around us and wail away for free, how do I stop this?
I know of the problem too a I posted about it one thing you can do is use the console and type ghost while in battle I think I was able to hit enemies fine doing this but then you have to type walk to reenable being able to touch enemies we might have to just wait for 5.5 to be public till then sorry I can't help much
Можно ли скачать старую версию игры 3.7 ?
Can someone explain me how to make this Botanit quest?

Can you explain what you mean are you trying to do this quest? If so there are Root guardians every 15 floors in the dungeons listed they are rather hard so make sure you are powerful enough to do it. I have heard some comments state they had trouble getting the quest to update or something once you'd have to look through the comment section here to find it. Sorry I can't be much help I've not even done that quest ever myself.
oh good to know for that.
Also a another question. Do you know how you get the skill Steal or Attacks where you Drain your enemies? Its seems pretty broken in combat fights.
In the skill tree there is a skill you can get called bite the kobolds in the crystal cave use this if you interact with the green liquid vat behind the Lich you can become one and will get his tentacle and goo sphere weapons for free the orb can steal too but the bite move is permanent from what I read then there's the weapon rock sword it will take stats from those hit and add it to you but you can't get AP when using it. Those are the only ones I know of. I can try to help more but I'm stuck trying to level up and none of the companions are growing after I fight them Beast seems fine though.
Im so stupid(I think..) Can someone help me with Roots? No matter how hard I tried I just cant kill them... Use Rock Sword but I think I need something more..
Do you mean the Root guardians or the roots in Beth and Markus farm? If the latter well not sure when I beat them in 5.3 I had Bunshido with me. What is your build focused on?
Roots on the farm. I'll try use Bunshido and its focused on Bust and legs, but upgrade everything.. xD
I'm trying to do the same quest but I'm having trouble getting levels I've noticed the companions like Bunshido Mad chimera are not growing after I fight them and so aren't giving more exp as I fight them more but Beast is seemingly fine. Oh and once you get to doing poison maker Chris quest only use the dank potion while in battle I found that's the only way to get it to be used up. Still I'd like help getting more exp I feel so weak compared to the companions we get. Also is there a root in the cardboard dungeon if so we can't fight in there you end up in the floor while in battle and it's seemingly only in that dungeon I have tried the castle one it's fine but not the crystal cave yet.
Can someone give me Instructions. Where I can find the Dungeon Key? ( if you can please with pictures)
They can be bought in some of the dungeons - chapel and cardobard to be exact. Besides that they can drop as loot on later floors in those dungeons.
If you want to cheese a bit, you can gather about 100-200 bucks, go to those dungeons and hope for the right vendor to spawn. Then return to the sewers with the keys and open the big doors - they usually have better loot than chests.
thanks for the reply. that helps. thanks!
I don't wanna sound mean but how in the world is going through the dungeons supposed to be better for exp farming than fighting say Mad chimera? I know the dungeons get harder as you go but you end up needing what feels like thousands or more of exp just to get to 11 and once you hit 300 it gets worse. I sadly feel my character can't get near the power level npc companions like Bunshido are already at since they were given a preset level. Also not sure it's a bug but when I fight the Bandit boss he isn't growing at all is that normal now in 5.4?
I have a bug to report while in the cardboard dungeon when I enter battle I was in the floor and could not move at all and I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. I'm hoping this doesn't happen in the castle either as then I can't explore the dungeons at all. Okay so far this happens in only the cardboard dungeon and it effects the player and companions too I hope 5.5 fixed this as for now the cardboard dungeon is impossible to go through due to this
I do think the Lich form is cool in its own way but I'd love if we could make the bones invisible so we could look like the slim enemies. I also found the fluff you can toggle on chest doesn't turn slime like similar to the fluffy top fluffy tip and sharp tail types while a lich not a bug but wish the chest fluff would match. I also would like the fur textures on Beast's arms legs and his butt fur texture for use in character creation I do love his tail too. Too bad he's not able to be a follower but he's somewhat nice to get exp from if you can beat him.
Does anyone have a list of the commands, I had written it in a document but I couldn't find it, but I wanted to know if anyone has the list so I will copy it again
I have an Openoffice document with the console commands in it if you wish I'll post them here for you.
Well, thank you, I would appreciate it very much haha
Okay here you go to use them type summon then the thing you want sadly I'm not sure you can spawn many at a time. also it's all catagorized
-Metal Scrap
Blue = Summon BlueSmallResource_C
Green = Summon GreenSmallResource_C
Red = Summon RedSmallResource_C
White = Summon WhiteSmallResource_C
Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C
Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C
Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C
Green = Summon Ore_Green_C
Red = Summon Ore_Red_C
White = Summon Ore_W_C
Bust = Summon CoreBust_C
Fat = Summon CoreFat_C
Legs = Summon CoreLegs_C
Muscle = Summon CoreMuscle_C
Size = Summon CoreSize_C
Bust = Summon GrowPotionBust_C
Fat = Summon GrowPotionBelly_C
Legs = Summon GrowPotionLegs_C
Muscle = Summon GrowPotionMuscle_C
Size = Summon GrowPotionSize_C
Ego = Summon CockGrowthPotion_C
Relife = Summon PotionOfRelife_C
Bard's Beak = BardBeakWeapon_C
Wooden Barrel = BarrelWeapon_C
Industrial Barrel = IndustrialBarrelWeapon_C
Bat = W_Bat_C
Blesser = Blesser_C
Bone = Weapon_Bone_C
Broken Sword = Summon BrokenSword_C
Cat Ear Fetish = CatEarFetishWeapon_C
Cracked Core = CrackedCore_C
Frying Pan = FryingPan_C
Ironwood Fetish = IronwoodFetishWeapon_C
Katana = Katana_C
Katana's Scabbard = KatanaScabbard_C
Kicking Knives = KickingKnivesWeapon_C
Piledriver = Piledriver_C
Red Hot Fetish = RedHotFetishWeapon_C
Rock Shield = Summon W_RockShield_C
Rock Sword = Summon RockSword_C
Roundel = Roundel_C
Piercing Shield = PiercingShield_C
Size Sword = Summon SizeSwordWeapon_C
Slime Ball = SlimeBallWeapon_C
Slime Whip = SlimeWHip_C
Pearlescent Fetish = PearlFetish_C
Stool = Throwable_Stool_C
Anvil Hammer = W_AnvilHammer_C
Nail = Nail_C
Root Whip = RootWhip_C
Coat = CoatArmor_C
Pauldron = Pauldron_C
Maid Outfit = Ar_MainOutfit_C
Plackart = PlackartArmor_C
Breastplate = Cuirass_C
Bandana = BandanaArmor_C
Head Crystals = CrystalHelmet_C
Hard Hat = HardHatHeadArmor_C
Full Helm = HelmetArmor_C
Mushroom Cap = Mushroomhead_C
Plague Mask = PlagueMaskArmor_C
Pumpkin Head = PumpkinHeadArmor_C
Santa Hat = SantaHatArmor_C
Scarf = ScarfArmor_C
Straw Hat = StrawHatArmor_C
Leather Leggings = LeatherLegs_C
PlateLegs = PlateLegAmrmor_C (also not a typo)
Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C
Burger = Burger_C
Energy Drink = EnergyDrink_C
Fries = FriesConsumable_C
Growth Multiplier = GrowMultiplierPotion_C
Rock Meat = FoodRockMeat_C
Mushroom Grow = MushroomGrow_C
Mushroom Shrink = MushroomShrink_C
Juicy Peach = Peach_Energy_C
Shield = TempShieldConsumable_C
Grilled Salmon = Food_buffBust_C
Donut = Food_buffFat_C
Grilled Shank = Food_buffLegs_C
Steak = Food_buffMuscle_C
Ramen = Food_buffSize_C
Emergency Escape = DungeonEscape_C
Dungeon Escape = DungeonLevelEscape_C
Robot Arm (left) = QI_RobotArmL_C
Robot Arm (right) = QI_RobotArmR_C
Bust = CoreBust_C
Fat = CoreFat_C
Legs = CoreLegs_C
Muscle = CoreMuscle_C
Size = CoreSize_C
Bust = GrowPotionBust_C
Fat = GrowPotionBelly_C
Legs = GrowPotionLegs_C
Muscle = GrowPotionMuscle_C
Size = GrowPotionSize_C
Ego = CockGrowthPotion_C
Relife = PotionOfRelife_C
Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C
Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C
Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C
Green = Summon Ore_Green_C
Red = Summon Ore_Red_C
White = Summon Ore_W_C
-Metal Scrap
Blue = BlueSmallResource_C
Green = GreenSmallResource_C
Red = RedSmallResource_C
White = WhiteSmallResource_C
Blacksmith = BlackSmithKey_C
Crystal = CrystalDungeonKey_C
Dock = DockKey_C
Dungeon = DungeonKey_C
Sewer = SewerKey_C
Charlotte = Charlotte_C
Glow Merchant = GlowMerchant_C
Keymaster = Keymaster_C
Fristy = NPC_GymGuide_C
Inventor Emma = Inventor_C
Bubblegum = MaidNPC_Bust_C
Lazarus = MaidNPC_Muscle_C
Player = Player_C
Fake Blacksmith (in town) = Blacksmith1_C
Fake Blacksmith (boss, buffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Buff_C
Fake Blacksmith (boss, unbuffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Unbuffed_C
Apothecarist = apothecarist_C
Apothecarist (dungeon) = apothecaristDungeon_C
Cook (in town) = Cook_C
Cook (sells donut) = Cook_Donut_C
Cook (sells fish) = Cook_Fish_C
Cook (sells leg buff item) = Cook_leg_C
Cook (sells ramen) = Cook_Ramen_C
Cook (sells steak) = Cook_Steak_C
Cook (dungeon) = CookDungeon_C
Plush = Plush_C
Plush (dungeon) = PlushDungeon_C
Slime Follower = SlimeFollower_C
Slime Follower (dungeon) = Slime_FollowerDungeon_C
Lesser Follower (follower) = LesserFollowerCompanion_C
Sleeping Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorkerSleep_C
Skybreaker = Gator_Follower_C
Diana = Diana_Mercenary_C
Botanist Rhiana = NPC_Botanist_C
Buff merchant, Luna = NPC_BuffMerchant_C
Alexander = Alexander_Mercenary_C
Kyung = Kyung_Mercenary_C
Bartender Saiyamatt = Siyamatt_Bartened_C
Solon = Solon_Mercenary_C
Ukufa = Ukufa_Mercenary_C
Marauder = EnemyStarter1_C
Marauder (with assist) = EnemyStarterWithCompanions1_C
Rat = EnemyDungeonRat_C
Skeleton = EnemySkeletonStarter_C
Lime Slime = EnemySlimeStarter_C
Muscle Slime = EnemySlime_Muscle_C
Bust Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Bust_C
Fat Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Fat_C
Legs Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Legs_C
Size Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Size_C
Lesser Commander = LesserCommander_C
Lesser Follower = LesserFollower_C
Dock Security = DockSecurity_C
Dock Worker = DockWorker_C
Mimic = Mimic_C
One Armed Bandit (left arm) = EnemyProsteticLeftArm_C
One Armed Bandit (right arm) = EnemyProsteticRightArm_C
Bigbarian = EnemyBig_C
Bigbarian (dungeon) = EnemyBigDungeon_C
Chestromancer = EnemyBust_C
Chestromancer (dungeon) = EnemyBustDungeon_C
Lardzerker = EnemyFat_C
Lardzerker (dungeon) = EnemyFatDungeon_C
Thighwayman = EnemyLegs_C
Thighwayman (dungeon) = EnemyLegsDungeon_C
Banfit = EnemyMuscle_C
Banfit (dungeon) = EnemyMuscleDungeon_C
Hourglass Knight = EnemyHighBustLegs_C
Hourglass Knight (dungeon) = EnemyHighBustLegsdungeon_C
Hourglass Knight (lich cave) = EnemyHighBustLegsLichCave_C
Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorker_C
Dragon Worker (dungeon) = EnemyHighDragonWorkerdungeon_C
Muscle Fat Master = EnemyHighMuscle_C
Muscle Fat Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighMuscledungeon_C
Sharkun = EnemyHighShark_C
Sharkun (dungeon) = EnemyHighSharkDungeon_C
Size Master = EnemyHighSize_C
Size Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighSizeDungeon_C
Lightbringer = GatorCrystal_C
Boulder Mover = GatorFat_C
Sweeper = GatorLegs_C
Rockbiter = GatorRockbiter_C
Bandit = BanditTown_C
Bandit (dungeon) = BanditDungeon_C
Bandit Gate Guard = BanditGateGuard_C
Slime Boss = Summon EnemySlimeBoss_C
Giant Rat = Summon DungeonBossRat_C
Giant Rat (repeatable) = Summon DungeonBossRatRefight_C
Unusally Large Rat = Summon DungeonBossRatNoKey_C
Barrel Master = Summon BarrelMaster_C
Barrel Master (dungeon) = Summon BarrelMasterDungeon_C
Barrel Master (repeatable) = Summon BarrelMasterRepeatable_C
Foreman = Summon DragonBoss_C
Foreman (dungeon) = Summon DragonBossDungeon_C
Foreman (repeatable) = Summon DragonBossRepeatable_C
Lich = Summon LichBoss_C
Lich (dungeon) = Summon LichBossDungeon_C
Lich (repeatable) = Summon LichBossRepeatable_C
Mad Chimera = Summon NerdBoss_C
Mad Chimera (dungeon) = Summon NerdBossDungeon_C
Mad Chimera (repeatable) = Summon NerdBossRepeatable_C
Bunshido = Summon BunShido_C
Bunshido (asleep) = Summon BunShido_Asleep_C
Bunshido (tunnel) = Summon BunShido_Tunnel_C
Bunshido (dungeon) = Summon BunShidoDungeon_C
Bunshido (repeatable) = Summon BunShido_Repeatable_C
Beast = Summon BeastAsleep_C
Beast (dungeon) = Summon BeastDungeon_C
Bandit Boss = Summon BanditBoss_C
Bandit Boss (dungeon) = Summon BanditBossDungeon_C
Bandit Boss (repeatable) = Summon BanditBossRepeatable_C
Chiefton (muscle fat) = Summon CaveChief_C
Chiefton (bust legs) = Summon CaveShaman_C
Root Guardian = Summon RootBossDungeon_C
Do you know the code for the awakened core?
This is great
you need to make a new one for the update
I try to use code
I found I couldn't use it
how should I do?
I ran into this Interesting bug
I redownloaded the game and my old saves are gone, when i reach far enough in the rat dungeon close the game and reopen the NEW file, it puts me in a dungeon in my OLD file.
soooo if i can get my old save back somehow that would be great
Also cant hear footsteps until im outside of the dungeon
I could be stupid or something, but the sheathed weapon (forgot the name) doesn't seem to work
I've tried using all the keybinds, but it doesn't do anything for me
How does one get a barrel?
I remember having it on an old save, but i've beaten the barrel master about 10 times now, so I believe i'm missing something
I've also heard you can get the barrel master as a companion, so i'm also curious as to how
I am in version 4.4, thanks.
It's been awhile since I had 4.4 if at all but to get a barrel it's best to try fighting Barrel master to get one though maybe any enemy can drop it. Barrel master is located near the exit to the town there is a large group of barrels and one is very big compared to the others if you loot that one Barrel master will immediately attack you I'd advise training up till you feel you can beat him the Giant rat you get as a companion can help or you can fight him to get exp best you take his weapon away first. Any case getting the barrel weapon is rng so you'll have to keep trying till it drops.
I had a save file with a very powerful character. Not a clue what happened but the save file is gone. maybe it somehow got cleaned up by my pc since its been a while since I have touched the game, but other than that not sure why its gone. that being said i probably do need to start again since the farm quest broke for me. couldn't talk to Beth after saving Markus.
checking on some files, i found an older version of the save, I am very disappointed that i lost so much, but at least i got my character back.
I got this 1 issue i don't know how to solve the raving fan has lost his unique staff maybe i accedently removed it i do not know is there any way to regain the staff other then creating an new character or is it lost forever?
Their weapon is a cat ear fetish, it's not a "1 of" weapon as you can farm for it in the like cardboard cave iirc. I forgot the cave for sure though.
thank you i'll try to find which cave it would be in i appreciate it
its the structure right by the lich cave, it doesnt have a root so i dont know its "proper" name
Is the growth multiplier permanent or does it only last for a certain amount of fights?
It lasts one fight but currently on 5.4, it also buffs the stats of potions drank while the multiplier is in effect.
Could I have tips on the best way to get lots of exp? I only ask as once you get to 300 and up it gets rather slow and I'd at least like to get to 700 or so that way I have enough points to make myself powerful. And yes I know about the passive abilites I have 3 of the 20% exp ones but well should I get bigger challenge? I don't know what it does.
Bigger Challenge,makes the opponent grow bigger in the beginning.You will have to be lower level than your Opponent or similar level then you get the 3option after you encountered an enemy.1. "bring it tiny" Makes the opponent bigger in the start of the combat.2. "You'll have to fight me first" makes the opponent slightly bigger.3. "i don't think i will" doesnt make the opponent bigger.Choosing the first 2 options gives you an "Ego Boost" which gives you a XP multiplierer and it also makes your cock bigger.
You can also obtain Superior ability crystal by fighting bosses in the open world which gives you XP multiplier.
Yeah I know but like I said I ended up trying to use Mad chimera as a way to level up and around 300 is where levels started to dwindle I also found in the version i had been playing 5.3 that at a certain size you couldn't talk to companions once they grew too big but 5.4 seems to fix this. As I said in my post I'd like to get to around level 700 or so but again it's hard to when the more levels you have the slower the exp gain. I'd fight Bandit boss but well he ends up getting strong enough to kill both me and Bunshido and due to this my ego bar resets and it's a pain to get back up so thus why I grinded Mad chimera as I can take her weapons away.
Going into dungeons will make leveling easier, instead of fighting the bosses in the open world.
Okay which dungeon would be best? The cardboard one near the town, the castle across the bridge or the crystal cavern? I'd say the sewer but that one likely wouldn't be too good as the enemies are low level.
The cardboard and the castle are the best ones to farm levels.
Where i can find the money companion?
Its,inside this cave.
That's the new companion.
Okay I'm on 5.4 and in the area shown it's a stack of shipping crates used in the dock area there is no cave?
It says that falling out of the arena was fixed yet if you use growing follower at 1200 sacrificed size, and cat ear fetishes, you can easily reproduce this vs sandbag
Its around 10k size you get constant dialogue of the blacksmith and real black smith "X Used Crummy shield" and at around 100k total stats you get tped into sewer cave. In some cases it would attempt to tp me back up and I would get softlocked because I couldn't move
Edit: I used the bust, legs, and size explosions, I can't comment on muscle nor fat breaking with extreme size. I didn't do a "playthrough" in 5.3, but 0.5.0, 0.5.1, and 0.5.2 never had this issue, I could reach billions of a stat and nothing happened except a slight lag on more growths. Possibly something with the "Arena scales" might've broken it.
The damage model in the most recent free update feels insanely unfair and unfun, the fact that enemies can use growth spurt once and have over 1000 increases in stats maybe a bug but it makes it so even the basic sewer rats kill me half the time. Also the Unusually large rat's summon followers skills seems to stat buff it by 100 in each category which I feel is definitely a bug. which all in all feels like a moot point to complain about since there probably fixes in the next version.
can you add a camera sensitivity option in the general setting?
Current issues in 5.3
Piledriver can nearly indefintely knockdown the player and AI alike. It's frustrating to go against and overpowered to use.
Size sword feels weak - while I don't use size as my main stat anytime I use it deals little damage even after adding size in battle.
Iatowashi is way too strong. It's damage is insane upon unsheating. It should need much more preparation to be unsheated and the damage should be nerfed. I see it as a weapon requiring repeated setup.
Slime ball's steal is aggravating - whenever you get hit by it it's usually an instant game over and vice versa. It should steal less stats and last shorter.
Rock sword is way too strong. In fact any ability to steal size is. Maybe it should be made a supplementary weapon for gathering size, while not dealing much damage itself.
Leg sweep can be used to indefinitely knockdown opponents. (I don't know if earthquake too)
Body slam and step seem to do too little damage, but it maybe be just my opinion.
Bite is too strong. Its stealing is permament too.
Bust seems too important. If you want mana you either have to level bust or bust and concentrate, unless Im missing something. Do slow growth abilities purposefully replenish mana or is it a bug?
Fighting feels too one sided. You either outscale opponent first or they outscale you and there is no inbetween. I found rushing enemies much better strategy than extending battles.
Mad Chimera and Bunshido shouldn't be bosses inside dungeons. Fighting them once is enough.
can't wait for the new update
Can I please have help doing the farm quest for Beth and Markus? I get to the point I have to test potions for the poison seller near the well but when I get the dank potion it stays at 3 uses so I'm not sure what I am supposed to do I want to open up the farm to get more superior ability crystals by using seeds to get them but until I know what I need to do I'm stuck.
You are supposed to use the potions in battles and you will have to talk to the potion seller again,after doing several of his quest you can get a specific item against the growing tree roots.
So just drink the dank potion in battle or before does it matter? Like I said it stays at 3 uses so I feel stuck
You can drink the potions before battle if the game allows it.Just use all of the potion so that you can get a new quest from him.If that didnt help and you are still stuck you might have to make a New Game.
I'll see what works or not I'm not up to the point I can save Markus just yet but I'll see. Last time I drank the dank potion it was out of battle and the uses didn't go down I'll try in battle as well I just hope I can figure this out otherwise I have a quest I can't complete. If I need more help I'll try asking again. Thanks for your help so far.
Well good news I beat it what I did wa I fought Barrel master and drank the dank potion while in combat and the uses went down I also had Bunshido help me fight the roots and now can plant seeds. I sadly don't know how long it takes to have them grow but I hope not long I got a rock sword from one of the Rock monsters but not the shield sadly I read there was supposed to be a refightable Rock creature but didn't see one I'd like to know where the new armor and weapons are as Digitalfur never tells such things in the update logs he makes. Thanks for your help if I have need of more aid I'll let you know.
That's good to hear.The plants grow after you have entered a dungeon or a room you also can just save the game and load your save.The new Equipment's are droped by enemies.
Tried to download and play the free version but it just did not work. One of the files would not extract properly from the ZIP file. It's weird.
Try using the app to download it I couldn't download the current 5.4 version using my internet download at all it always failed but after 2 days downloading using the app it downloaded fine. Hope it helps.
Um how do you change the movement controls, mine are all mixed and makes it impossible to play
uhhh...when i downloading the game it self didn't even work
How do you sacrifice points?
You first have to level up spend some points for example hights,grow and then go to abilities and press on sacrifice height,After sacrificing a certain amount you can unlock perks.
a few update ideas (idk if ya read these)
if you decide to update the Ui again add an objective system, so after you make your Sona, you know what to do from there and it's your choice if you follow it or not.
2. if you update the world, add more essence of like, bust, legs, size have them spawn in more frequently. hide it in places like houses or in the trees
3. add some more animations, like just give the characters some animations, emotes if you will,
and 4.
make it where you can't do certain side objectives BEFORE completing the main part of the objective for example
i had to restart my game, because i did the poison shops task too early due to the fact i didn't know where to go,
and here's a glitch i ran into:
when entering a dungeon the ladder would not spawn in at ALL leaving me stuck there
I have found out that for some reason whener you quit/close the game, it does not matter what, the saves of the game and up lost, how can I solve that?
would be good if digitalfur added emotes/animations/actions, maybe even be intimate with your followers or masturbate, or just poses.
is there any wiki or smt so i can see how to get items or where to progress
cuz rn i got no idea what's a major boss or how to get some items
How do you keep your save when updating or does it save itself?
You can transfer your old saves.You will have to open WindowsNoEditor open GrowthRPG go on saved and drag your saved folder into your new game version.
Is there some way to meaningfully increase my damage output? I chug all the potions I can find, and dump as many points into my size and other main stats for my weapon as possible, but I still only do about 5 damage at most to the large rats, who practically two shot me. Am I missing something?
Hmm, u need to farm more exp. It's not easy, but I suggest using some commands because it may take a very long time to farm exp.
what commands?
So as it turns out, the answer is as follows:
1. Grind. Grind until you have outlevelled damn near everything around you. Grind until the game autokills the rat bandits for you. Grind until you can chug enough potions to cheese the Giant Rats. If you're doing this, upgrade your starting dagger to at least level 5 at the anvil behind the blacksmith, then equip it in your offhand to get an XP boost.
2. You should mostly level size, it's an overpowered stat that trumps every other option most of the time. It directly increases your damage and range, while also levelling all of your stats, so it gives you the best bang for your buck.
Any points you don't put into size, put into the stat your weapon scales with. If it's strength, level muscle, if it's intellect, level breasts, if it's dexterity, level legs, etc.
3. Get a weapon that isn't garbage. If you're a strength or intellect build, you can easily get a Blesser and a Pearlescent Fetish respectively just outside town.
Start by disregarding the guard's advice entirely by exiting town.
Take the dirt road, going left once you encounter the closed gate.
At the end of the dirt road, when you've officially passed the broken wall, take a right into the forest area, where you'll probably see a wooden staff with a pearl on the top. That's the Fetish, and if you're an int build, it will carry you through the game.
If you're here for the Blesser, just keep going into the woods, hugging the village wall. While you're here, open the gate.
Near a pile of boxes and a small group of tall grass, the sword (Blesser) will have a red hilt and be diagonally stuck in the dirt. Pull it out and you've got a decent strength weapon - not the best in the game but better than the shite dagger you start with, if only because it actually scales with something to a meaningful degree and doesn't require you to be within arm's reach of the enemy to actually hit them.
DON'T pull out the big sword in the stone, it'll crash the game with an assertion error.
If you're a dex build, you're shit outta luck, just use either of those weapons until you can cheese the Giant Rat (ON FLOOR 5 OR HIGHER) with potion spam, then finish the Blacksmith's key quest by backing out of the dungeon, going to the first floor, and opening the first door on the left to save the guy inside. Once you've done that, go back outside the dungeon to the blacksmith's shop, press Q to cycle the options and press E to talk to the smith, and he'll give you a Halberd called the Bard's Beak that has B Dexterity scaling and a pretty decent ability.
Okay so turns out, if you're a dex build, there is in fact a small dagger called a Roundel that's hidden inside a tree very close to the Blesser.
You're still gonna want to get that Bard's Beak, but this is probably better than the alternatives in the mean time.
Lo llevo jugando desde la 0.5.2 y me está encantando todo, un juego de 10. La pregunta sería ¿alguna forma de hacer crecer a las que me siguen permanentemente de forma eficaz?
wheres the lich the apothacary asks you to kill? also is it possible to get the mimics gun?
The litch is in the slime cave dungeon out of town, and yes. The gun is a rare drop from either the mimic, or the chimera on the docks.
sorry wheres the slime cave? my blind ass cant find it
When you go out of town there is only one way to get past the wall. Follow the path down the hill and turn left. Once your past the wall you'll need to leave the path and turn right. Follow the outside of the wall all the way and you'll see a cave. Make sure you activate the switch where the closed gate is just before the cave to open a shortcut back to town.
I started the game recently and very much liked it, I have no words better than, well done on all the content,small stuff and battle !
However I got a few questions here about things I am curious on or just stuff that I do not understand properly/may be buged.
1 : I seems to have some issue with skills(spells) and I can't use everything(I can use right click, left click and those that are on the modifiable shortcuts), though all the ctrl + X I can't, also I wanted to try passive battle mode but had camera issue, and feels like I could not press any spells (1,2,3 etc) though I have to try a bit more before saying it doesn't work properly/bug.
2 : Do you intend to add more choices on personnalizations such as"Human likes" bones and shapes for example, only having hear and tail. Wich I doupt you would, concidering your furry style but I had to ask still since I am less of a fan of high furry stuff( I still really like the global game and the difficulties so it does not matter too much).
Thanks a lot for the game and have a great day ! =^-^=
1. Yeah, the passive battle mode is kinda buggy right now, just don't enable it yet
2. (changelog) scroll to the 'Body parts to add' section. From what you can see, there's no guarantee that there will be a human part added in the near future.
If you have any more questions, I'll help you if possible. ^^
Thank you for the reply!
I still was looking how to use the special skills in battle like "challenge me" and stuff that is apparently use with shift.
Sr for the delay, first u need to be more bigger (yes, this applies to breast, muscle, etc.), but using this increase the enemy stats and also decrease your stats so be careful. If u dont mind, we can go deeper into this on Discord. Mine is Wilson#8451
Ohhh I understand. Thank you! I shall be fine.