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I'm lost, where is the farm for beth quest?

Cross the bridge outside of town, keep going till you get to the crystal wall...then keep going.


Cool game though id like the option to either play as a human or demon. 

Demon is not too hard and I don't mind the current selection, though I wouldn't mind a non snout option for creativeness. But if they don't wanna I won't force it.
But demon, pretty easy to make a demon like character.

im just not really into furry or scales but there arent really many good human growing games. at least that I know of


how to pass the root at the farm?

Will there ever be a freeplay version with infinite points so you can grow however much you want?

Deleted 49 days ago

This game get better and better each update he receives. Thank you for all your work.

But with the 5.2 and even previous versions, my game lag quickly when my stats in "lvlup" et "abilities" menu increase. And the more points/lvl I get, the more it become laggy. It become unplayable at a certain point.

My game even freeze during a certain time when switching between "lvlup" or "abilities" menu with another menu like "inventory" for exemple.

It's the same with the growth phase. I lose lot of FPS with any growing phase with my character and when the growing is finished, my game run smoothly again.

I have a laptop ( 1920x1080 ). Not the best but enough to have 40-50 FPS with "Epic" setting in the overworld and 60 FPS with the others maps/dungeons.

CPU: i-7 9750h

RAM: 16 Go

GPU: RTX 2070

Windows 10

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How do I reach the Crystal cave? And does anyone know how to level up Lime slime? Nevermind I found it. The crystal cave is down by the beach just go down the grass path and it is near the end of that path.

You need to use the Growth potions to level up the slime.

That's what I thought. But they lose their growth after one battle, I'm looking for a more permanent level up. I have been using essences in the meantime.


Last time I played, the Lime Slime couldn't gain levels.

Explaining is hard but the main thing is that the Slime can only grow by consuming potions. Even after a fight, the Slime will retain some points in the stats affected by the potions. Moreover, it stacks so you can feed it a lot of potions before jumping into a fight.

Deleted 49 days ago

for some reason, if you put some potions in the slime's INVENTORY, they use that potion in combat and that buff stays. Long story short, infinite potions .

Little, exploit here, but ANY item a companion throws out during combat, gets renewed at the end of combat. Anything cosumable. Not just potions. 

Found this game today, Love the over ideas and thought put into the game.

The fighting system may feel clunky sometimes and the game is definitely exploration heavy, as there is no question markers for items like the blacksmith key. (Sadly no wiki fandom to search up info either)

I'm over the moon, to see the game was updated 7 days ago, meaning the game still gets updates. I will love to this game develop and for the kinks to be ironed out for a pretty good rpg game, if you put all the fetish stuff to the side.

Can't  wait to see more, developer please don't dump this game, like a lot of other nsfw game makers do.

Welp we are willing to help, for sure. And there are NPCs that tell you where to go for all the major quests if you listen to their dialog. Your gonna wanna get to the 5th floor of the sewer, which is right behind the apothacary and inn. Though you might wanna be patient and read it's description. 

Its a pretty neat game.

Ignoring this is, more or less, a fetish game, its actually got pretty fun mechanics and a pretty simple but good combat system.

Just a bit unfortunate that sometimes the merchants in the town sometimes all loose their complete stock, since farming scraps and all is timeconsuming. 

The Companions are all pretty great, i love skybreaker and lime slime they are great, but maybe skybreaker should be a bit changed, since there is no reason to take him over lime slime, due to their betetr scaling and fewer requirements.

Also cool might be changing the lime slime comopanions name, since them consuming potions changes their hue.

Like other than that theres no complaints for the game, grear work and keep it up!

Im hyped to see where this game gets <3

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ok, i gave up trying to colect all the root nails, 2 in the crystal cave seems to be bugged ;-;

yeah i also gave up on the root quest it took me almost a whole week to actually make any progress, and the fact that everything will constantly fight you in the crystal caverns, not unlike other dungeons where smaller creatures will flee and get deleted when you step on them.

indeed, i got to floor 55 expecting that it would spawn in the upper floors, but nope. Also, is kinda easy to get there with the slime companion, Because it becomes stronger with each potion and there is a glitch that the potions dosent get used if in the companion's inventory but in combat they use it. Grow RPG: Infinity potions 

Hey so ive been enjoying the game so far, but something i would like to see if possible, if there could be an option to separate voice settings from the femininity/masculinity slider, i've been wanting to make a really masculine and buff female character, yet its annoying that i cant set the masculinity slider to max masculinity without her voice changing into a man's voice, so  she is stuck in the middle of slider

if you could, please make a separate option for voices, so i can keep her feminine voice while setting up body mascunility to max

i would appreciate it, plus would also make characters more customizable

Hey, so I have been playing the game for awhile now and despite not having done what seems to be the main story line, I was wondering how it is that I´m supposed to get past the wind barriers. 

Unless something changed in the most recent update you just need a high enough fat stat. If that's your thing great. If not you can always decrease the size scaling of it without losing the benefits. (At least I'm pretty sure you don't lose any upsides.)


Hey so when I first opened the game, it was a bit sluggish, so I turned down all the graphics to low and opened a new game. Then the game crashed and had a pop up saying that the unreal engine has crashed due to the D3D device being lost. Now it may just be my laptop being crummy but I'm hoping either you or someone else may have an idea how to fix it. Also, I had opened the game off of WinRAR, so maybe that's the problem...

Main solution I know of is to restart your computer. As far as I know no one has any idea why this happens.

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  I did it twice and the funny thing was is that when I tried to open the game again on WinRAR, it said that I no longer had any space left on my disk when I had about 20g left, and it did several times, so I had to delete it. I really want to play the game, I just don't know what to do to fix it. :(

...Maybe don't open the game from the WinRAR archive? You're bloating your C: drive's temp folder quickly with how big the game is.

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Also, about the D3D error, a google search can lead you to the solution of modifying registry values as is explained here.

This was the case for me on my old laptop, and that solution helped with preventing that error to pop-up again.

Hey can you post some screenshots so we can see what this game actually looks like? Or at least flesh out the description a bit... Like I don't even know if this is a text adventure or 3D or top down pixel-art.

I agree, but's free so just dive in. You can expect growth and furry characters, that's pretty much the summary. 

How come updates to this game don't show up in my feed? I'm following the author.


I guess he's just not announcing them. For what ever reason

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Does anyone know in what floor the root in sewers spawns? Because I checked the 15th floor, and the root isn't there.

floor 20


(3 edits)

Armor fitting seems worse than last version, clipping greatly in midsection and legs at pretty much all sizes.
I am greatly appreciating the seam fixes though. Good job.
Though, an old armor bug seems to be still present where the entire nipple region disappears upon popping chest armor off until a model update (seems to be fixed on patreon ver). 
Breast roundness seems to have the opposite effect on the breast option with nipples than it does on the breast option without nipples (breast armor interferes with both).
Gaining large amounts of fat or muscle now results in arms becoming way too large relative to the body, but I admit this may have always been the case.
Intensify seems to only effect enemies of the user, not the user themselves (this causes the enemy to buff the player constantly at no gain if they use intensify, instead of focusing on growing themselves).

Overall, I have to wonder how much playtesting is being done as noticed bugs seem to be a very obvious departure from intended behavior. Improvements in some places but steps back in others.
Seems much more stable as well, as I haven't had a crash yet.

Yay new update

@Digitalfurbelow In case you're not aware, your updates don't show up in the "Feed" tab of this site. Dunno if that's intentional or not.

(Sorry for mistakes, my english is bad)

As always, great work!

But here are some bugs that I encountered in 1.5.1:

1. The jaws of the gator are stuck together, I mean the lower part is attached to the upper and seems to be stretched when the jaws move, it looks strange...

2. Before leaving the game, i served in the cave dungeon, when entering the game i appeared in another dungeon, when I came into the cave there was no loot, no potions or anything else.

The rest seems to be fixed in the next version.

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anyone else having a problem of constantly being teleported back to the last bush you had an encounter in or the last place you saved after every fight?

I uploaded a fix yesterday and it should be good in 0.5.2a


does anyone know how to get back the first floor of the sewers to use the rat key?

You have to exit the dungeon and re-enter from the beginning.

but how, when i try to it only let be continue from the floor i left off on or the 5th floor

Just tested it on version 5.1. The "Enter Dungeon" option is the one you want. And yes, the first time I clicked it, it to took me back to floor 5. But I exited and re-entered again and the second time I was on floor 1. Looks like we there's a bug but there's a work around.

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need a fix the new ego breaking the game


Oh, finally an update !


What ? It's not sarcasm ! It's just been months...

Does anyone know what Charlotte does besides eat peaches? I'm mostly wondering if you can get her a a companion or something.

Feeding her hundreds of peaches just has her overflowing the street. Haven't noted any other effect.

I hardly notice any changes, I probably should hold off and give her 10 at a time. I WOULD love a new magic caster companion though, that would be sweet (And her still gaining bust from peaches would be a nice touch.

2 questions
1. is there a console to easily change stuff if so how does someone access it or is patreon specific
2.what does fullcopyworld do and why every time i enter it crash's 

1. Not entirely sure what you're hoping to find with the console but you open it with grave (`)
2. I've not tried it myself but if I had to guess it tries to create a copy of the whole worlds files, even stuff not presently loaded. I think you can see how that could cause a problem.

what do the levels you get with companions do? I saw the first option was asking their preference, but nothing else.


I don't know the specific levels, but at certain threshholds, you gain access to being able alter their inventory, equipment, appearance, and stats. Regular companions are more lax on the requirements, but mercenaries require you to get to level 10 relationship to access everything. It also seemed in the latest update that at 10 relationship, mercs no longer leave you when you exit a dungeon, but that could be a bug. I'm not sure.

What are mercs. I know of companions

There's a tavern next to the starting save point and to the left of the alchemist shop. Inside the tavern are several mercenaries for hire. They take companion points like any other companion, and by default they leave your party if you exit a dungeon. They're an easy way to cheese fights when you have low stats.

Cool thx

Yeah, tavern companions are mainly where the bulk of that lies, with them not leaving, and being able to edit them and access, trade and otherwise manage their stuff as you gain levels. The unlockable companions have all that stuff, with only their preferences being the only thing they can unlock. Would be cool if they had quests at higher relationship tiers, but ya know. Future content. 

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so if you go to admin console, and (i only tried) changesize 40 and 66, it sends you to an altered version of the base map, or so it feels

is there any way to get to this other map without use of admin console?

so there is a admin is it in the patreon version only or is it in both if yes how does 1 access it ?

Can I maybe get ideas on the best ways to level up to get lots of growth points? I know staying small and having a follower can help but it still seems to take a long time. I'm also not sure which if the followers you can recruit gives the most exp I'd try fighting the Bandit boss as I've heard he gives the most but problem is Solon usually gets killed due to the hit range of his bat so I'm not sure what to do I have upgraded weapons I know to use the ability tree but unlocking the others requiring sacrificing stats is the problem as you need alot any help is welcome

have you tried to eat plenty of strange fruits? It should be fine to keep those buffs as long as you don't exit or enter the dungeons. I suppose it is a way to make you competitive when facing those elite opponents while keeping your level low(You should notice that the exp needed to level up is way less when your level is extremely low after the sacrifice, right? So you could sacrifice all of your levels every time you finish a battle to maximize the gain)

Or maybe you could cultivate serval powerful followers instead of having buffs, the principle is the same.

What strange fruits do you mean? Could you try to be more specific please? I could try sacrificing all my stats to try getting my level as low as I can but no much I can do. And it seems you only sacrifice your levels when you dump a stat into the ability tree from what I've seen.

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Leveling in the early game is so much easier if you unlock the dodge ability asap, also upgrading the broken sword and off-handing it for the XP bonus. (If you go and grab the blacksmith key right away you get a free skill gem and dodge is unlockable without any sacrificing.) You can take on some pretty tough dungeon bosses while under-leveled if you just learn their patterns, dodge while chipping away. Defeat and recruit Bunshido as soon as you can, it's a bit tough to do early on but she is insanely OP and will make mince meat of everything.

Alternatively, here's something cheatier:

Defeat the giant rat at floor 5 of the sewer dungeon so that they appear in town. Shouldn't be too hard if you abuse potion buffs and Size Explosion. Recruit them, confiscate their weapon, then dismiss them. Now you can challenge them to easy boss fights as many times as you want, earning thousands of XP with each win. This also works with barrel master, chimera, bunshido and foreman, so pick whichever you're best at fighting

I can only find the bunshido, foreman and giant rat as repetable. Where do you find the chimera and barrel master?

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Chimera can be found at the docks, and barrel master is hiding in a giant barrel in the alleyway next to the town gate where the fox lady guards


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So far the lime slime is the easiest way to cheese things, but I do find ways of getting more exp is killing bosses that drop boosters, and also yeah, sacrificing stats. I generally just have a go at the companions like giant rat and barrel master, since I can customize their equipment some. And also makign use of that broken sword and ego to bolster exp gains. By giving stats to enemies as well as getting them larger. And upgraded it gives a flat passive EXP boost

There is an exploit, but ya know, same with the slime, easy cheese. 


how to get to the new location behind the golems? Does anyone remember how to turn on "free camera"?

I just went back with high size and trampled the crystal walls blocking the path, not sure if there's any other way atm.

Spoilers: As of the time of writing this the only thing there is a unique sword and a golem you can rematch infinitely

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If there was a way to insta kill enemies on the Crystal Cave when we have sufficient size, it would be perfect. 

Never completed the tree quest just because of this cave. Game still awesome!

Deleted 49 days ago

is there a slime companion? Where?

Lich cave. And if you just hand them the potions, they would pretty infinitely feed themselves, as any consumables they use during a fight gets refreshed. She is unique because she keeps some of the stats from the potions.

where is the crystal cave?

Bottom of the ravine where you fight the foreman. Accessed from the beach.

could you make it so that you can draw on your character 


when is the update?


Deleted 49 days ago

Can you make the maid outfit re buyable please? mine got lost

how do I get the talent that gives more exp and makes enemies more challenging in the ability list. I have enough SP but it wont let me buy it

Deleted 49 days ago

Bigger Challenge becomes purchasable when you sacriface 100+ abilities. To sacriface, you need to press the button of the same name under one of the abilities.

do you mean stats?


(2 edits)

I think the settings menu is bugged. There isn't a menu for changing the graphical quality anymore. Since my computer can already barely handle the lowest settings, I... can't really play the game right now with everything at its default settings.

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It is bugged in v5.0. It works as intended in previous versions, and it has been fixed in the Patreon v5.1 version. You can still use the command window to change settings there manually.

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are there any plans to apply EGO growth to the udder? Or scale it with bust?


Honestly, your talent and sheer will strike me with awe and even terrify me to some degree.

Imagine if AAA people had same kind of passion and perseverance as you. 

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