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(1 edit)

So after defeating the lich in one of the dungeons, I used the pool behind them and it turned my character into some weird skeleton thing. I know its supposed to look cool and stuff but does anyone know how to reverse the effects of it?

Edit: Nevermind, my last save was before I fell into the pool.

You accidentally became a slime lich! The potion seller has a de-lich potion that will cure you of it.

Wait sorry which potion seller. I want to un-lich but the "Apothecary" in the start town only had the basic growth potions

Just the Apothecarist right in town, she is next to the blacksmith. The potion will pop up once you kill the lich (and/or complete the related quest).

so i about defeated the lich but didnt gone in the pool where i can find another lich and get int he pool this time? i tried to get into the same dangeon reaching the 10+ floor and didn't find it yet is there another way to get in that pool? 

also for the followers the ones in the taverns are just mercenaries like? cus i dont see their prefereces (just want to know how it actually works)

You can go back to the same floor, which is always the first floor when you enter the Lich Cave, what version are you playing on?

the latest released and nop the floor remain the same like there is no lich when i get inside again

If you're playing the 5.0 or the 5.1 then the Boss Lich is on the first floor but there's slimes in the way so yeah.

still i playing the free version and yet when i get inside the cave at the first part (whitch i deafeated her already) but i cound't find the pool do i really need to restart the game? there is no other way to get in that pool?

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm having this same problem actually on version 5.1. When you enter the Lich cave, it automatically starts you on the highest floor you last visited instead of Floor I, so I can't go back to try the Lich Pool event.

EDIT: You can reset the dungeon with one of the ladder escape items you get from entering it, it will always reset at 1 so you don't have to redo anything to get the Lich event to work.


Are there any cheat codes that can be used? 030

sort of but you would have to use a save editor and figure it out from there

There's an item dupe glitch involving having 2+ companions.

How do you do that item dupe glitch?

  1. Open Inventory Trade between Companions panels.
  2. Left panel: Companion A; Right Panel: Player
  3. Right Click desired item in Player inventory and move all stacks to Companion A inventory
  4. Left panel: Companion B; Right Panel: Companion A
  5. Right Click desired item in Companion A inventory and move all stacks to Companion B inventory
  6. The items won't go to Companion B as expected.
  7. Left panel: Companion A; Right Panel: Player
  8. Notice that now both Companion A and Player inventories have duplicate stacks of the desired item
  9. If you move the entire stack from Player to Companion A, you'll now have twice as much as you started with

Repeat the process until you have as many of the desired item as you want.

Step 5 can be repeated multiple times before proceeding to step 6 so you can multiply faster than just 2x if desired.

You can also juggle multiple items on steps 3 and 5 if you want to do things in bulk.

I personally prefer to repeat step 5 three times for each item so that I quadruple the item on each loop.

You can also duplicate high leveled items to be fodder for further upgrading at the anvil, tho eventually you reach an integer overrun which fails to level the item. But you can easily get level 1000 weapons with this method.

WARNING: There's an issue with this current public release that seems be causing the companion attacks to stall the game for a considerable amount of time (at least 30 seconds if not longer) if you've boosted your stats too high. I was able to reproduce this consistently by using 100 of each Essence on the Player, giving me 1000 in each stat. If I ditch the companions this stalling goes away, but I still run into stalls/crashes if I do too much growing. This particular aspect was more stable in previous releases. I suspect there's a nested function issue with the code involving stats/growth.

WARNING 2: The Dev has patch notes saying he intended to remove this dupe glitch. He has successfully removed the alternate dupe glitch with the anvil, but companion item duping still currently works. So have fun with it while it lasts. I'd personally prefer if he kept the glitch in for the time being as it allows the player to self regulate their own fun but also allows for easy stress testing of the growth mechanics, but the Dev is going to do what he'll do.

NOTE: Warning 1 above is a false alarm. Just tried the latest public build again this evening. It worked fine. I guess the bug I was running into before was due to my CPU overheating. I just fixed my CPU cooling today and that seems to have made a remarkable difference.

(1 edit)

i get stuck on step 4, how do i open the inventories of both of my companions at the same time?

edit: i just found out the glitch is patched.

(2 edits)

The names at the tops of the inventory allow you to change which character's inventory you're looking at. You might have to scroll the panel to get the item images to refresh tho.

Yes, the patch notes indicate the glitch is fixed, but I was able to reproduce the glitch using the steps descibed on v0.5.0c, the latest public release.

Anyone know the best weapon for muscle? 

The Blesser is a good starting weapon for sure, at level 5 it gets a combo weapon. I haven't seen any pure muscle after that, maybe the bandit boss drops one, but if you want an okay combo weapon for it, the blacksmith also sells a muscle and weight combo weapon, and the slime weapon has a scaling in strength as well. And there is the drill weapon from the foremen, if I recall. If anyone else finds one, let me know.


Digitalfurbelow can you add a bikini with color settings and others clothes? The game would be much better then


Could you try to make an android version/mobile version if at all possible?

(3 edits)

Hello, I really like the game at all and I’m playing the 0.4.4. version I have been trying to find the comments about how to find the Suspect for the BlackSmith, which dungeon is the Suspect in? I’m sorry it if this is asked already and do you have to replace one of your arms for a robotic arm? And how many times do you have to kill the Lich in order to move on with the quest or is it gonna to be there the whole time and growing bigger each time you beat it? And does this game have a Discord?

you have to go down the well

defeat the rat boss

then go back to the first level of the well and open the first door

Alright, which I didn't know that until way later lol, anyways I'm playing the 0.5.0 version now, what dungeon and level is the Mad Chef is in? Also I'm the same person btw.


I feel I need help I tried to fight a root guardian in the sewer but I got defeated easily I'm rather high in level around 400 or so but I'm not sure how to go in getting the exp I need to be stronger as the Bandit boss can kill me with little problem I'd use the Itowashi/katana but not sure how well it would go so can I maybe get ideas on how to get lots of exp when you're high level? Also could I maybe get an idea where all the weapons are at I only know of ones from base game like the pile driver I bought the milk jug from the NPC who sells it but I wouldn't be surprised if there's ones I don't even know of since when Digitalfur adds new weapons he never says where to obtain them.

Have you looked a bit in the Ability tab that is right next to the normal Level Up tab? Because most of said abilities are usually god sends for defeating stronger enemies. If also you've never gone out of the town I'd suggest to do so, since there's the fruit tree to get permanent stat buffs, as well as there being, outside the second wall, of the most useful companions (in my opinion) since it comes with the ability to make you grow bigger as the battle goes on. For the weapons the ones I do use the most are the "broken sword"(that you get at game start) since it gives more xp, the "broken essence of growth"(which I believe you get the most in the fake dungeon(go straight from the entrance to the town) and the cathedral-like dungeon(the one on the far left of the map), and the size sword(which you can get by killing some of the enemies that hide inside the bushes. 

And if you ever need more help, buy some growth multipliers and some size potions, they usually do help out a ton)

I know about the ability tab I just have trouble getting the large amount of exp I need in my stats to sacrifice so I can get the ones that require it how does a growth multiplier help? I've never used them as the text for them doesn't give me much to go on as I said I'm using the Bandit boss to level as he gives the most exp but killing him is hard since he's big he can hit me with his bat easy. I do know of the broken essence but never understood how it worked


Is there pregnancy in this game?



great game truly  but will it also be added to steam?

fore that good profit.

It's not too bad to submit games like this to Steam, either. $100 deposit, plus the dev has to write up the tags and description, and submit some screenshots and whatever. The $100 deposit is returned after a total profit of $1000 has been made on the game.


author is already making quite a profit from patreon. I don't think making the game paid is on the beta roadmap, maybe after the release


Do you plan to add pregnancy to the game? If so, will it be as another growth, or as a states effect?

Ok.. So Past the samurai and food stand at the beach and into the tunnel, you see this Digimon character standing in front of this all gray wagon... 

"Ask can you move it?" And... Nothing Happened.. No words... Nothing... So it looks like stuff is back there but I can't proceed forward.. The wagon never moved.. Then the prompt never showed up again.. Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on right here? Bc starting a new file and getting to that point did the same thing again.. 

it didn't give me the OK prompt at the end of a conversation.. After you say your line it cuts off and back to gameplay.. .. Soooo does something happen or not? Please help so if not I can stop wasting time there.. BTW the game loads me there then loads me back like I'm already hitting the end zone trigger...  v5.0 I'm playing.. 

One last thing.. If your supposed to be a female.. Can you please make the boobs lower bc it just looks kinda odd .. To a point they still look like a male chest.. The got helium in it.... And much more softer female features on the Face.. and Eye lashes... Pretty please. :)

At this point there is no way to move this wagon. There is nothing behind and dialogue is supposed to end after digimon says "sorry, i can't move this wagon" or something like that.

Oh okay thanks.. "You don't know me"... Person. :) i should to help this guy with Urn in start location?

You first break his vase, then you go next to castle dungeon and there is vase shop, you buy one vase for 200 demidollars and return to him.

Is the key master in the overworld? If so where?

There is no keymaster in the overworld.

You can find him in the castle dungeon and cardboard dungeon when you enter new level.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you have any kind of magic homing attack, use that.

It won't work every time, but it works on the rat king.

Kind of hope there's a overhaul for most of the animations later on because some of them be looking a bit too blocky but I understand one person can only do so much

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

It is absolutely missing a tag that use to be there. There use to be one more setting tag and now it's gone, misaligning the entire settings menu.


Digitalfurbelow said that was a bug and has been already fixed in v5.1. You can still manually change the settings in the console if you need to.

is there any known cheats for this game i can use

nah just exploits

If you know what you're doing you can always make use of stuff like CheatEngine, Save Editor or the in-game console. I did try it with Save Editor and gave myself 1000000 levels but it just became boring.

Deleted 1 year ago

how did you do this?

You go in GrowthRPG/Saved/SaveGame, get the save file that you intend modify, and then drag-n-drop it on the Save Editor page, then it's just a job of actually figuring out which of the 43 PAGES of variables is the one you actually wan to change without breaking the rest of the game

which lines on what pages would I need to modify and how if I just want to have the xp? Need to ask cause the lines look all identical to me and I suck at programming...

I honeslty don't remember. I usually just experiment and search till I find the right line cause they're names are all jumbled abyways

I've run into a bug. For some reason, my Block is in the negatives and cause of that, I go down if I'm ever hit in combat which is very frustrating.

Is this a open world where you get to move around style or is it a more storyboard base?

Open world with some dungeons and different enemy types.

Thank you

How do I update the game? It didn't update on its own..

I think you have to download the new version everytime.

But then I lose all my progress..

You can go into the game's folder and copy your game save, then paste into the new installations folder. 

Is their a way to manipulate the bodies of the NPCs, like the potion sellers or black smith?

I don't think so. There's the bat but you'll need to farm peaches.

Standard vendors, no. You may be able to control them globally with the preferences tab in the options menu. Otherwise followers you can, the bat likes peaches, and there's an NPC by the dungeon that will consume and grow using the orbs you've already used but grant you back unpowered ones.

where can i find the NPC that grows using the orbs?

Sorry, that NPC is next to the sewer entrance. Any growth orbs you've used they will take that power from you and return to you discharged growth orbs. When I had first messed with them you didn't have a choice in quantity or which ones, but rather it was everything you had at that moment.

As the other person said, the bat can be influenced through Peaches and just like her there's also the green creature (idk what that is supposed to be)next to the sewer dungeon entrance(which requires you to have some already absorbed essences) which in return for "curing" you will gice essences of growth, then there's the various companions which grow everytime you defeat them, some static bosses like the Beast and the Bandit Boss, 

(1 edit)

Have decided what the next updates "theme" will be?

can u make this browser free if u cant then i understand


It's made in Unreal Engine. It will never be a browser game.

This is already hard to process to some on the machine itself. A browser game is womething usually light that the browser itself can process. Now this is the opposite.

I think it wouldn't hurt to add an action meter to show how much time until one can attack again. Also speeding up fights in general would be nice.


is it possible to use the debug commands or something else to cheat? actually playing the game is fine and all but sometimes i just want to be massive


is there a way to use console commands to give you unlimited levels/items/currency? most of the commands seem to only effect the game engine

hmm... it's strange that the udder is not affected by the Ego potion, because it is in the cocks section. Speaking of the udder... maybe a multibreasts (4-6)?

I was stunk in the area where the rock monster is,how can i escape????

You should just be able to walk back out. Otherwise last ditch effort you can use the console by pressing tilde " ` ", and using the teleport command (safer) or 'ghost' to noclip, then once out 'walk' to return to normal.

are there any other console commands you know? like how to give yourself xp or change stats.



and where are the graphics settings? In 5.0

I don't know either, they've gotten lost and misplaced between all the settings menus.


(1 edit) (+2)

I disabled the plugin that was handling the graphics options because it was causing crashes. You can still manually edit the setting in the gameusersettings.ini file in the config folder. They will be back in 5.1

How do I reload my character's legs?

How do I open the console commands on a german keyboard?


I'd assume the same key as USA/EU keyboard. Should be the tilde, " ` " this key also has the squiggly ~

(1 edit) (+3)

Interesting and really enjoyable game. If I can give some ideas, I will ask to add some things:

- Can you make something with idea of followers level of development relation?  For example more options with interacting with them after achiving some level of "growing closer".

- More minigames, what boost our character.

Version 15 ( 0.4.9b, if I'm correct) of game.


don't doompost bros. the update is only 2 days overdue.


It's not even the last Friday of the month


Now it is

think the free version might be corrupt- I can't extract the files from the .zip

Perhaps your file did not download correct. I have it and it unzipped and plays fine. Delete what you have and redownload it without interrupting the download such as going to sleep mode or closing the browser.

no matter how many times I delete the files and reinstall, they always refuse to unpack

Maybe you need to download winrar or 7zip or another .zip extractor program. Last ditch effort is perhaps you don't have enough room on your drive as the file is around 6 gigabytes. (Does your drive have a bad sector?..)

How do i fix the primitive crash on this game  where it says that Primitive has alr been added to scene or sceneproxy

Take a picture of the crash that may help some. v4.8 and v4.9 have been much more stable than previous releases and I don't think I've seen that crash in these versions or if I had it doesn't happen frequently.

something weird i notice, even though i pull out the nails at the level 30 and  45 of crystal cave, the quest don't update and is still incomplete, any information on how to finish that quest? (i also got all the other nails)


when will there be updates ?

Usually the end of the month, last Friday of each. Patreon version is always 1 month ahead if you would care to support the developer.


I can't play the game it keeps saying "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../GrowthRPG/GrowthRPG.unproject" how to fix it and yes, I did install the setup.

did you install the free version because the other version won't work unless you got the patreon stuff for i

yes i did install the free version

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