Hi everyone, please tell me where the final boss of the game is (I just can't figure out who he is, maybe I even defeated him, but I don't know about it), if he's in even then please tell me the name of this dungeon.
It's just called the "final dungeon". If you look around, you should see what looks like a tower in the distance. Head in that direction. It's past the Docks, past the Bridge, past the Farm, and then hanging a left as you go through the bamboo forest. The path through the world is a fairly-linear C shape, kind of like Elden Ring and Dragon's Dogma 2 (not to drop names, that just seems to be the way open worlds are built these days).
Personal note, but while I like the bigger world (it used to be a lot smaller), it really needed a map. It is actually confusing.
I'm wondering if there any reliable way to get some skill point, so far I only manage to get 2 skill after more than 4 hours of game so I'm not getting into the size sacrifice any time soon with how slow I progres anyway
Leveling up is the basic way to get them. You can sacrifice your levels to keep your level low so that you level faster and then use the mini game buffs to keep some strength while being level 0 all the time. Also using the essence to keep your levels while staying at level 0… A few quests will give you the blue ability crystal which gives you 10 skill points. Like doing the Lich quest and then talking the potion shop NPC after you kill him… But then a few dungeons give them as a more common drop like the ruins or the gator mine I think. You can also use console commands to spawn ability crystals, but that’s cheating :P
To add to what proflational said, note that sacrificing Size gives a lot more ability points than the others. Just keep sacrificing and stay at level 1 or 2 (or 10 or 20, because I like multiples of 10).
Not 0, since you should keep at least one stat point in a "main" stat to make the Strange Fruit bonus go to the stats you want. Don't worry about increasing the ability tree for the stat you like the most. They're mostly disconnected mechanics, just grab what's useful.
Little easter egg I found, since I'm trying to unearth the last stuff I didn't know about this game: in the deeper floors of the Sewers (I found this on floor 22), there's a valve that can show up. Turn it and the fountain in town turns back on, allowing you to get a free 10% growth boost to all stats, as long as you keep interacting with the fountain when you return from a dungeon.
In other news, trying to find the last of the Rena puppets. Anyone know where all 6 of them are? There's 2 in town, 1 in the canyon, 1 on the beach... where's the last 2?
EDIT: Found 'em. There's 1 at the Docks and 1 at the Electric Mine (top of the entrance to the canyon, next to the save point).
And by the way, if you want to redeem the prize for finding them all, you have to talk to the puppet next to the final dungeon.
I'm experiencing a bug I can't seem to fix, maybe someone else has had this issue? Sometimes doing stuff that has to do with AP like energy drinks, concentration, etc. Just disables any AP gain permanently, I can't seem to do anything to start gaining AP again no matter what I do, save for starting a new save file, any tips?
Yeah! That did it, thanks! On an unrelated note/question, I beat the Beast on the hill next to the town a few too many times and he's now so big that it's blocking out the sun and I can't talk to him to fight again, any fixes?
By the way, for anyone wondering how long it takes to beat the game (i.e. kill final boss and unlock debug mode), I was able to finish it in 2 hours 41 minutes without using console, bugs, or exploits.
If you want an easy vanilla path, here's a mini-guide (and I'm sure someone could optimize this):
Run a mix of Bust and Size. Scrounge up 200 gold around town, then go into the tavern and grab Solon (the big purple gal with the throwing knives).
From here, prepare yourself and do either Sewers or Lich Dungeon. Stay in the dungeon until you find the root and pull the nail out, AND Solon reaches 10 affection so she won't leave. Get the blacksmith key from near Lich Dungeon and grab a magic rod from the blacksmith. Prepare yourself again and go to the Docks, fight through to the dude at the fence and jack 'em for his Dock Key, then use the Dock Key to unlock the back gate.
Look around for some bright red crystals growing out of the ground, because there is a guaranteed Red Hot Fetish, the most overpowered weapon in the game.
Pick it up and then go to the bridge, down into the mines, and into Crystal Cave, because essence drop rates are highest down there. Kill stuff until you reach about 200 in Bust and Size from essences, then leave and run to the Final Dungeon (go towards the tower, enter the bamboo forest, hook a left somewhere, down onto the beach, through the cave, fight off the bunny, and there you are).
Pick up everything you see, and feel free to leave and save on any floor. You should find a lot of essences and pure metals here, which you may want to take back to town after a few floors, but you are probably powerful enough at this point to kill the final boss.
Your encouraged to spend sacrifice your stat points, which researches higher tear perks, but also makes it easier to re level up, which gives more points. Also making the enemies larger and thiccer than yourself tends to help. Besides this, agility gems.
May I ask, why is ego maxxing out to 1200? it never increases the maximum no matter how many fights I win or how powerful the opponent is... but sometimes also doesn't decrease when I lose?
There is a specific skill you need to unlock in the general section (the one not related to any stats and on the far left of the skill tree). The skill allows you to increase the ego limit.
Fixes itself when entering and exiting one of the taverns, though it's tricky since the bottom stairs are gone for some of the doors. I had to find alternative paths to getting up to the doors.
Anyone have any idea to level up quickly? I'm unsure if anything changes, but I cannot stop being one-shotted for life. I already have dodge but that doesn't really against the enemies with infinite range(the ones with staff) and the ones with high amounts of size(like the bigbarian). I'm trying to grow muscle if that helps.
Leveling is mainly for the ability trees. You get stronger by collecting Essences. They're found in higher quantities in deeper floors of dungeons, and some dungeons drop more than others. In the meantime, take advantage of the fruit tree (next to the Sewer entrance), the town slime (the purple dude near the front gate), and the workout weights (behind one of the buildings in town). Experiment with different weapons, too. Status effects aren't particularly fair in this game.
Don't eat Essences as you pick them up, either. Go to an apothe-christ and get them converted to the stat your weapon is using.
Also, find companions. Some are stronger than others.
In the main plaza of Town, look for the building with a green sign in front of it. Talk to them rather than Trade, and you should see the option to Transmute Essences. (The name was a joke lol)
You can also find a similar NPC in the Ruins Dungeon and, I think, the Facade Dungeon.
the curling and squat minigames are pretty broken strong, if you're doing muscle you can just focus on doing the curling right when you start out... doing it a couple times whenever you head back to town... you'll soon see the multiplier shooting the stat to the thousands out of no where and stats at that scale will let you one shot anything while also giving you good amount of health... you just can't level up while you're relying on it is all because minigame buffs reset when you do that. you just level up when you're back in town and repeat the process at that point... plus you get to see your character grow whenever you do the minigame so that's a cool bonus lol. it makes me wish the fat barrel drinking minigame did that but it's multiplier doesn't increase with each play... and i still have no idea if there even is a bust or size minigame to give you a buff for those stats... this tactic is just for str or dex builds
Hello, respected developer. Your game has thousands of followers in China, but due to the lack of Chinese and difficulty in using translation software, could you consider adding new language。❤️❤️❤️
When I try to move from lvl 4 to lvl 5 in the slime cave I get stuck in the loading screen. It looks like it gets done loading and then starts the loading screen again and gets stuck there. The games is still responsiv but wont close the loading screen even after 20 min of waiting. Anyone got any idé how to fix/move past?
Sadly I have already tried reentering multiple times, enter another dungeon and then try again and remaking the character but I still get stuck on that exact transition.
Heya Digi, I have played this game for a while, I just want to say amazing job on making this, I noticed a couple of grass textures float, the giant lake has no floor in case you fall, but other than those things that can be easily fixed with some polishing, it is a great game that I can see a bright future, however, all I ask is that if there will be a multiplayer like Giant Simulator on Roblox
alot of the companions are in the tavern. any mini boss you fight can become a companion(not bounties). the dock is one the samarai from bamboo forest. the fan from beating bandit leader in first area. The Kobold if u give enough gold(havnt confirmed). easy to find if u know were to look.
I don't know where they all are, since I'm still missing at least two (Fan and Puppet), and I also don't have their names since I'm writing this from memory. Not counting the tavern, here's the ones I know about:
- Giant Rat from Sewers (I think it's 5th floor(?); beat the rat with the red hair and open the door on floor 0) - Slime from Lich Cave (find Lime Slime inside the dungeon, who will likely blend into the crowd, talk to him and give him any potion) - Chimera from the Docks - Kobold from Dragon's Cave (give about 1000 gold or something and the option opens up) - Bunny Samurai from the entrance to the cave leading to the tower - Rockeater from Crystal Cave (I think it's 30th floor, unlocking this one is hard but it's hard for a reason)
EDIT: - Fan is from Lesser Commander (see my other comment) - Puppet shows up randomly (it can even show up in town!). Note, you need an empty essence to activate Puppet, and once you do, it moves to the Tavern in town, where you can hire it for 50.
You actually cannot hire most of the minibosses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but besides Chimera and Bun, the only other one you can hire (and the only one I missed on this list) is - Barrel Master (near front of town)
Raving fan is found by beating the Bandit boss in the area where the starter town is. For the puppet i've hear it's random but i found him while in the cardbroad dungeon make sure to have an essence of growth to fix it it sadly can get killed once the enemies are high enough but at least in 6.7 you can grab it's weapon dismiss it and it'll have another. just don't give it items you want to keep as once dismissed it resets fully.
Does fixing Puppet work in 6.8? I've found Puppet dozens of times, I've even seen it pop up in town, but no matter how many essences I have on me, it never gives me the option to interact with it.
EDIT: I was able to fix broken puppet the first time I saw it on a new save. No idea what the heck the difference was. I was earlier in the game than I was on the other save, so maybe stats can break it?
EDIT 2: I found Raving Fan, he is NOT from the bandit boss. To get Fan, you have to defeat Lesser Commander, who is hanging around to the right of the alternative gate to get into the second area (skip the entrance to the Docks and keep following the wall).
I never found out what was causing it, so if you figure it out, let us know!
I wager it's something cosmetic I was doing to my character, since I had a preset customization I was pasting in from several versions ago. I really have no idea, though. On a final run of the game, I opted to just grab Puppet first while doing as little as possible of anything else.
Fortunately, besides providing you with an early Bone Lance, it's not a very great companion, it just looks cool. You're not necessarily missing much if you don't get it.
I may fix stuff here and there. But nothing big is being done until I get back from break. I'll put it to a vote then if people want me to continue working on this or start a new project.
Maybe make a sequel to the game? And make it free and with the Patreon it will give the player buffs so everyone is on the same page with the Patreons but the Patreons get a head start with the buffs.
I messaged the dev with this question a couple of days ago, and they said the last update will be up for free some time this week, so hopefully. No idea exactly when, though.
Nope, the game in general won't be getting any more updates, at least not for a while. DFB's going on hiatus and afterwards is moving on to other projects.
Which probably isn't too surprising, since the first build for this game was uploaded 5 years ago (it's been on Itch for almost 3).
I joined the Patreon to use the updated Pareon version of the game, but I can't get past the 'Get Info' button, even with the required Patreon key.
I've tried being an admin, setting up firewall settings, checking DNS and VPNs, and other similar tasks, but nothing has worked. Does anyone else have this issue?
If you missed one, I advise you to get the item with commands Press the key to the left of 1 and a chat for commands will open >summon Qi_herbicide_C The item will appear at your feet
you can use the console by pressing the key to the left of 1. it looks like `. then type in the command "ghost" to walk through the wall and then type "walk" to go normal
The options in preferences change the maximum cosmetic size of attributes along with what type of attributes are you want shown or not. For instance, if a follower levels up Muscle, it will only scale to the limit you set. (If you choose to set a limit or not show them, they will still be able to level up that attribute to gain buffs, but they will not show on the model). This option can be useful if you want a specific cosmetic attribute for characters without changing them in the character editor. You can choose if this effects all NPC's or just your followers (Party members). I hope this helps.
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are there commands to manually grow yourself
More or less, you can summon items, almost any
how do you open the console?
Thanks Man:)
Does anyone want to start making mods for the game? (since it will most likely not get any updates for a long time)
Can you add mods to the game?
I think you can use the pak folder as a mod folder if you have a mod that is.
Hi everyone, please tell me where the final boss of the game is (I just can't figure out who he is, maybe I even defeated him, but I don't know about it), if he's in even then please tell me the name of this dungeon.
It's just called the "final dungeon". If you look around, you should see what looks like a tower in the distance. Head in that direction. It's past the Docks, past the Bridge, past the Farm, and then hanging a left as you go through the bamboo forest. The path through the world is a fairly-linear C shape, kind of like Elden Ring and Dragon's Dogma 2 (not to drop names, that just seems to be the way open worlds are built these days).
Personal note, but while I like the bigger world (it used to be a lot smaller), it really needed a map. It is actually confusing.
Thank you
Anyone wanna start making mods for the game?
no point in that since the game gets updated every month so mods would be a waste due to the update time limit
The creator said that version 6.8 would be the last version for now. They're burnt out and is taking a break now
I would be interested in using mods for this game.
how many floors to reach the boss in the final dungeon?
I found all 5 rena plushes and i dont know what that gave me, is this just some easteregg or finding them all unlocks something?
You have to talk to the puppet next to the final dungeon.
Ok, thanks
after you collect all plush and go to plush shop in final dungeon
you will unlock secret easteregg shop which has 3 item:
pumpkin and santa hat (both was equipable in hat slot)
marketable plush (you can equip it and thrown at your opponent but it
does 0 damage)
I'm wondering if there any reliable way to get some skill point, so far I only manage to get 2 skill after more than 4 hours of game so I'm not getting into the size sacrifice any time soon with how slow I progres anyway
Leveling up is the basic way to get them. You can sacrifice your levels to keep your level low so that you level faster and then use the mini game buffs to keep some strength while being level 0 all the time. Also using the essence to keep your levels while staying at level 0… A few quests will give you the blue ability crystal which gives you 10 skill points. Like doing the Lich quest and then talking the potion shop NPC after you kill him… But then a few dungeons give them as a more common drop like the ruins or the gator mine I think. You can also use console commands to spawn ability crystals, but that’s cheating :P
To add to what proflational said, note that sacrificing Size gives a lot more ability points than the others. Just keep sacrificing and stay at level 1 or 2 (or 10 or 20, because I like multiples of 10).
Not 0, since you should keep at least one stat point in a "main" stat to make the Strange Fruit bonus go to the stats you want. Don't worry about increasing the ability tree for the stat you like the most. They're mostly disconnected mechanics, just grab what's useful.
Little easter egg I found, since I'm trying to unearth the last stuff I didn't know about this game: in the deeper floors of the Sewers (I found this on floor 22), there's a valve that can show up. Turn it and the fountain in town turns back on, allowing you to get a free 10% growth boost to all stats, as long as you keep interacting with the fountain when you return from a dungeon.
In other news, trying to find the last of the Rena puppets. Anyone know where all 6 of them are? There's 2 in town, 1 in the canyon, 1 on the beach... where's the last 2?
EDIT: Found 'em. There's 1 at the Docks and 1 at the Electric Mine (top of the entrance to the canyon, next to the save point).
And by the way, if you want to redeem the prize for finding them all, you have to talk to the puppet next to the final dungeon.
whats the prize i completed it and i dont have a conversation about it and if the prize is in the shop then could i get a conment on it?
I don't want to spoil it. It's just some little fun stuff that you can't get through Debug.
When you find all the Rena puppets You unlock. The Secret Shop.
Not much there, but... You get a new weapon and some hats.
Kind of interesting, I'll give it that.
I'm experiencing a bug I can't seem to fix, maybe someone else has had this issue?
Sometimes doing stuff that has to do with AP like energy drinks, concentration, etc. Just disables any AP gain permanently, I can't seem to do anything to start gaining AP again no matter what I do, save for starting a new save file, any tips?
If you're holding a certain sword that makes you grow when you hit enemies with it, take it off, it saps your AP.
Yeah! That did it, thanks! On an unrelated note/question, I beat the Beast on the hill next to the town a few too many times and he's now so big that it's blocking out the sun and I can't talk to him to fight again, any fixes?
Sorry, afraid I don't know how to fix that. :P
Darn, well thanks anyway!
How can I find the key in floor0,I killed two little boss
If you're talking about the Sewers, you have to fight the boss that shows up on floor 5 (or 10). They drop the key that opens the door on floor 0.
By the way, for anyone wondering how long it takes to beat the game (i.e. kill final boss and unlock debug mode), I was able to finish it in 2 hours 41 minutes without using console, bugs, or exploits.
If you want an easy vanilla path, here's a mini-guide (and I'm sure someone could optimize this):
Run a mix of Bust and Size. Scrounge up 200 gold around town, then go into the tavern and grab Solon (the big purple gal with the throwing knives).
From here, prepare yourself and do either Sewers or Lich Dungeon. Stay in the dungeon until you find the root and pull the nail out, AND Solon reaches 10 affection so she won't leave. Get the blacksmith key from near Lich Dungeon and grab a magic rod from the blacksmith. Prepare yourself again and go to the Docks, fight through to the dude at the fence and jack 'em for his Dock Key, then use the Dock Key to unlock the back gate.
Look around for some bright red crystals growing out of the ground, because there is a guaranteed Red Hot Fetish, the most overpowered weapon in the game.
Pick it up and then go to the bridge, down into the mines, and into Crystal Cave, because essence drop rates are highest down there. Kill stuff until you reach about 200 in Bust and Size from essences, then leave and run to the Final Dungeon (go towards the tower, enter the bamboo forest, hook a left somewhere, down onto the beach, through the cave, fight off the bunny, and there you are).
Pick up everything you see, and feel free to leave and save on any floor. You should find a lot of essences and pure metals here, which you may want to take back to town after a few floors, but you are probably powerful enough at this point to kill the final boss.
sorry to post this as a reply, but I cant seem to make a normal post for some reason...
You play late-game stuff, is this normal max for how far you can zoom out?
Yeah. The amount you can zoom is based on your body, but the system is kinda jank and doesn't respond to Bust very well.
How do you get points for perks? The progression there seems REALLY slow.
Your encouraged to spend sacrifice your stat points, which researches higher tear perks, but also makes it easier to re level up, which gives more points. Also making the enemies larger and thiccer than yourself tends to help. Besides this, agility gems.
May I ask, why is ego maxxing out to 1200? it never increases the maximum no matter how many fights I win or how powerful the opponent is... but sometimes also doesn't decrease when I lose?
There is a specific skill you need to unlock in the general section (the one not related to any stats and on the far left of the skill tree). The skill allows you to increase the ego limit.
Fixes itself when entering and exiting one of the taverns, though it's tricky since the bottom stairs are gone for some of the doors. I had to find alternative paths to getting up to the doors.
I've had a problem since 5.5 - dunno if it's just me, but would appreciate any advice
Preferences settings just straight up doesn't work. Is this a common issue, or did I mess something up on my end?
I did work on it in 6.8 so it may be fixed now.
I know it was acting strange in some scenarios
Anyone have any idea to level up quickly? I'm unsure if anything changes, but I cannot stop being one-shotted for life. I already have dodge but that doesn't really against the enemies with infinite range(the ones with staff) and the ones with high amounts of size(like the bigbarian). I'm trying to grow muscle if that helps.
Leveling is mainly for the ability trees. You get stronger by collecting Essences. They're found in higher quantities in deeper floors of dungeons, and some dungeons drop more than others. In the meantime, take advantage of the fruit tree (next to the Sewer entrance), the town slime (the purple dude near the front gate), and the workout weights (behind one of the buildings in town). Experiment with different weapons, too. Status effects aren't particularly fair in this game.
Don't eat Essences as you pick them up, either. Go to an apothe-christ and get them converted to the stat your weapon is using.
Also, find companions. Some are stronger than others.
How can i find the apothe-christ。
In the main plaza of Town, look for the building with a green sign in front of it. Talk to them rather than Trade, and you should see the option to Transmute Essences.
(The name was a joke lol)
You can also find a similar NPC in the Ruins Dungeon and, I think, the Facade Dungeon.
the curling and squat minigames are pretty broken strong, if you're doing muscle you can just focus on doing the curling right when you start out... doing it a couple times whenever you head back to town... you'll soon see the multiplier shooting the stat to the thousands out of no where and stats at that scale will let you one shot anything while also giving you good amount of health... you just can't level up while you're relying on it is all because minigame buffs reset when you do that. you just level up when you're back in town and repeat the process at that point... plus you get to see your character grow whenever you do the minigame so that's a cool bonus lol. it makes me wish the fat barrel drinking minigame did that but it's multiplier doesn't increase with each play... and i still have no idea if there even is a bust or size minigame to give you a buff for those stats... this tactic is just for str or dex builds
Hello, respected developer. Your game has thousands of followers in China, but due to the lack of Chinese and difficulty in using translation software, could you consider adding new language。❤️❤️❤️
When I try to move from lvl 4 to lvl 5 in the slime cave I get stuck in the loading screen. It looks like it gets done loading and then starts the loading screen again and gets stuck there. The games is still responsiv but wont close the loading screen even after 20 min of waiting.
Anyone got any idé how to fix/move past?
Had issues like that in other dungeons on occasion, leaving and re-entering usually fixes it.
Sadly I have already tried reentering multiple times, enter another dungeon and then try again and remaking the character but I still get stuck on that exact transition.
Heya Digi, I have played this game for a while, I just want to say amazing job on making this, I noticed a couple of grass textures float, the giant lake has no floor in case you fall, but other than those things that can be easily fixed with some polishing, it is a great game that I can see a bright future, however, all I ask is that if there will be a multiplayer like Giant Simulator on Roblox
Can someone tell me the location of all companions?
alot of the companions are in the tavern. any mini boss you fight can become a companion(not bounties). the dock is one the samarai from bamboo forest. the fan from beating bandit leader in first area. The Kobold if u give enough gold(havnt confirmed). easy to find if u know were to look.
I don't know where they all are, since I'm still missing at least two (Fan and Puppet), and I also don't have their names since I'm writing this from memory. Not counting the tavern, here's the ones I know about:
- Giant Rat from Sewers (I think it's 5th floor(?); beat the rat with the red hair and open the door on floor 0)
- Slime from Lich Cave (find Lime Slime inside the dungeon, who will likely blend into the crowd, talk to him and give him any potion)
- Chimera from the Docks
- Kobold from Dragon's Cave (give about 1000 gold or something and the option opens up)
- Bunny Samurai from the entrance to the cave leading to the tower
- Rockeater from Crystal Cave (I think it's 30th floor, unlocking this one is hard but it's hard for a reason)
- Fan is from Lesser Commander (see my other comment)
- Puppet shows up randomly (it can even show up in town!). Note, you need an empty essence to activate Puppet, and once you do, it moves to the Tavern in town, where you can hire it for 50.
You actually cannot hire most of the minibosses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but besides Chimera and Bun, the only other one you can hire (and the only one I missed on this list) is
- Barrel Master (near front of town)
Raving fan is found by beating the Bandit boss in the area where the starter town is. For the puppet i've hear it's random but i found him while in the cardbroad dungeon make sure to have an essence of growth to fix it it sadly can get killed once the enemies are high enough but at least in 6.7 you can grab it's weapon dismiss it and it'll have another. just don't give it items you want to keep as once dismissed it resets fully.
Does fixing Puppet work in 6.8? I've found Puppet dozens of times, I've even seen it pop up in town, but no matter how many essences I have on me, it never gives me the option to interact with it.
EDIT: I was able to fix broken puppet the first time I saw it on a new save. No idea what the heck the difference was. I was earlier in the game than I was on the other save, so maybe stats can break it?
EDIT 2: I found Raving Fan, he is NOT from the bandit boss. To get Fan, you have to defeat Lesser Commander, who is hanging around to the right of the alternative gate to get into the second area (skip the entrance to the Docks and keep following the wall).
im having the same issue of not being able to interact with the puppet. I have essenses but cant use them.
I never found out what was causing it, so if you figure it out, let us know!
I wager it's something cosmetic I was doing to my character, since I had a preset customization I was pasting in from several versions ago. I really have no idea, though. On a final run of the game, I opted to just grab Puppet first while doing as little as possible of anything else.
Fortunately, besides providing you with an early Bone Lance, it's not a very great companion, it just looks cool. You're not necessarily missing much if you don't get it.
Sorry about that with Raving fan I got mixed up. Glad you got things figured out though.
Is there any way I could get into contact with you?
you can send me a note on furaffinity
by the way where do you use the seeds?
Does anyone know how to fix Broken Puppet? I've seen it everywhere, but it won't let me talk to it.
omg free
It's only the free version. I think they took the Patreon one away.
Sadly, this is also the final update. In case anybody didn't know that already.
Growth RPG will forever be the version it is now.
But that's ok. It's been worked on for five years. It's time to start anew.
I may fix stuff here and there. But nothing big is being done until I get back from break. I'll put it to a vote then if people want me to continue working on this or start a new project.
Thank you, developer. But please enjoy your break.
Maybe make a sequel to the game? And make it free and with the Patreon it will give the player buffs so everyone is on the same page with the Patreons but the Patreons get a head start with the buffs.
not a amazing idea cause someone with cheat engine can do this just as easily
by the way is there anything you get from Aureus?
big and strong companion
is there any mirror download link by chance I can't get Itch to let me grab this game anymore for some reason (other games download fine)
you might have to try with the app. Since its a large file people often have issues with downloading.
Where is the key to the weaponsmith?
When you leave town, go to the left, you should see it in the valleys.
Is the free version still planned to receive 6.8 in the future, or will it be stuck at 6.7 while DFB goes on break?
I messaged the dev with this question a couple of days ago, and they said the last update will be up for free some time this week, so hopefully. No idea exactly when, though.
Wait, the last update? Does that mean that the free version won't get any more after this? And only the Patreon will get new ones?
I'm just curious, I'm not trying to cause any upset.
If it's just until they're done with their break, that's cool. The devs deserve a good break after making such an amazing game.
Nope, the game in general won't be getting any more updates, at least not for a while. DFB's going on hiatus and afterwards is moving on to other projects.
Which probably isn't too surprising, since the first build for this game was uploaded 5 years ago (it's been on Itch for almost 3).
Sad, but understandable.
last one is this week, after that I'm taking a Hiatus
I think the slime companion need a "draining" mechanic that permanently reduces its stats and gives back potions.
I joined the Patreon to use the updated Pareon version of the game, but I can't get past the 'Get Info' button, even with the required Patreon key.
I've tried being an admin, setting up firewall settings, checking DNS and VPNs, and other similar tasks, but nothing has worked.
Does anyone else have this issue?
Yeah I've had this problem for a while, unfortunately I haven't found a solution yet.
Is the newest update coming out soon? It says updates come out on the last Saturday of every month.
I checked their Patreon and they said they are experiencing burnout and won't work on this for the foreseeable future.
Aww, i was looking forward to the next update.
Final update before my break this Friday
How many roots are there in total to get rid of for the farm quest? I think one bugged out from being defeated.
You're right. I was just being blind and didn't notice the giant one right next to the house. Thought it was part of the landscape lol.
If you missed one, I advise you to get the item with commands Press the key to the left of 1 and a chat for commands will open >summon Qi_herbicide_C The item will appear at your feet
Does anyone have a list of console commands, or a basic guide to it at least? I understand how to open it, but not the commands that work
So... i was ready to beat the final boss when this happen, any solutions?
The only thing you can do is leave the dungeon and come back i think
yeah i dont think it resets, happened to me too and i had to litterally replay the game.
you can use the console by pressing the key to the left of 1. it looks like `. then type in the command "ghost" to walk through the wall and then type "walk" to go normal
where is this located
final dungeon
Every new version fixes one thing and breaks two others
Theres more jank than game at this point
Please reupload links to older, more stable versions
i dont know if this helps but look into the creator's furaffinity account, there you will find the older versions
Hello, how sliders options works in preferences?
The options in preferences change the maximum cosmetic size of attributes along with what type of attributes are you want shown or not. For instance, if a follower levels up Muscle, it will only scale to the limit you set. (If you choose to set a limit or not show them, they will still be able to level up that attribute to gain buffs, but they will not show on the model). This option can be useful if you want a specific cosmetic attribute for characters without changing them in the character editor. You can choose if this effects all NPC's or just your followers (Party members). I hope this helps.
Hi, I have a question, how do I replace a player's character model?
my camera seems locked and i cant change the angle with my mouse i only can use zoom, how do i change that?
try use n
Guys where is the elusive broken doll? İ have left no rock unturned, yet no doll has entered my visage.
I think it spawns randomly i got mine in the ruins
ah understood