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so the description of rock meat says it doesnt tste much better cooked which implies that it tastes at least a little better cooked and i find this funny 

(1 edit)

is there a max on the maximum ego level also is there a maximum to the multiplier of exp? p.s i love that maximum ego is visual show by a bigger dick 

what do i do with the broken doll/puppet is it an enemy or what?

How can I stop wearing the Slime skin?

potion seller has a potion you can buy after beating the lich boss and touching the vat

one for going back to normal

one for becoming slime

what potion shop the one i know only sells the growth potion and when i did beat the lich and go into the vat it never sold anything like that

talking instead of trading with the potion selling they will mention the lich and have new potions for 

deliching your self or making your self a slime again

Where is the blacksmith's Key? 

can be found randomly on the floor usually

I can't use any ability in passive mode

I think that's the point

there's a bug where you can dupe any item by trading with the lime slime companion, so exploit if you wish

Do you know where the companion is and how to do it?

it’s the lime slime from the liche cave, but you open their inventory than trade from your inv and it doubles the amount when you multiselect

(1 edit)

Know which floor they are on or its random? Or is it the lime slime that I give potions to?

It’s the slime you gave a potion

(2 edits)

Then how come it won’t let me trade with the slime..? It’s only letting me give them potions. Never mind, figured it out. I just didn't have enough companion points.

Doesnt seem to work for me.  Am i doing something wrong?

(1 edit)

What floor is the final boss on?


What do i do with the broken doll

If you mean the white dragon like being who looks like something out of Evangellion talk to it and if you have a Essence of growth give it one then go to the GrowthRPG tavern it'll be near the fireplace at the back wearing a maid outfit and comes with a bone lance you can reallocate it and trade weapons from the start too. I managed to find him in the cardboard dungeon and it's rather strong but be warned do not try changing it's form it messes it up so save it's character code before doing it

this is even better than i hoped a maid outfit hahaha

Also word of warning do not give it weapons or armor it will reset fully once you tell it to disband thus getting back it's lance and maid outfit also undoing any editing you did to it and sadly it comes at level 500 or so and can't go past that so sadly it can die to high level enemies

got it but can you take the maid and lance and keep it?

Yes yuo can I ended up with 3 maid dresses due to dismissing it. So you can take it's weapon and it will get a new one once you have him stop following and reload the overworld. I just wish he could get stronger than he is. Guess here's hoping a new update allows it

old saves (like my old one) get their items removed upon loading and fall out of the map, i had spend a long time on this one so would be nice if it got fixed

Very interesting and great game so far. Only thing I’m confused with is how to use the debug mode. I’m pressing the default keybind but nothing is happening. Do I need to beat the game first or is it only for people in the Patreon?

if you mean the debug menu you gain one after beating the game

You get debug mode after defeating the temporary final boss.

Which is in dungeon final. Don't know what floor though.

As a bonus note. If you have beaten the game on one save file. Other saved files as long as that. File is still there. We'll also have debug mode by default.  I'm pretty sure it's still like that. Unless the developers patched that out.

I’m guessing the final dungeon is the one that says dungeon at the entrance? Or is it something else?

You know that tunnel entrance near the beach? That is guarded by that... Panda... Shark? Anyway, the entrance to the final dungeon is past that. Be careful, the antibodies in that dungeon are really strong and I think they have the move sacrifice. Where if they hit you, they instantly kill you.

And I don't know if it's because I was not leveled up enough. But if you die to them. It takes you back to the main menu.
So, any items that you've collected throughout the dungeon are lost. Because you're taken back to your previous save, and I don't think there's any save areas in there.

I found the dungeon you mentioned but the only issue I’m having is that my character gets stuck sometimes in the floor and I can’t get out, almost as if there’s a hole, leaving me the only option to quit the game. Anyone having this issue?

If you are in a dungeon you can use the ladder-shaped item in your inventory to return to the beginning of the dungeon level 

(1 edit)

 Has anyone encountered the broken puppet? I talked to them and all it says is "it don't seem very talkative".

They look oddly like the antibodies from the Dungeon Final. Is there a way to help them or are they just there to be there...

Because if they can become an ally, that's pretty cool if I can fix them.

I thought the same as you, I have all the items in the game, so maybe I don't need anything, I already beat the final boss, maybe that's why I'm like that, I don't think I need to beat all the roots of the dungeons for something to happen, it didn't give me a quest either

(1 edit)

The Roots do have a mission.  I believe... don't quote me on this. Somebody did tell me that. Releasing all the roots. With those big nails. I believe they told me that it powers up the strange fruit. That you get from that Lady that you can pay for 20G.

Like it makes them more effective? I'm not really sure. But I think that's what it does.

(1 edit)

Yep, each nail removed makes the strange fruit more effective. Not quite sure the metric, but if you get every nail removed they can get pretty OP in the dungeons, especially in the later floors.


Love love LOVE the icon for sprinting or walking now. The new icons are adorable and I can't wait until I have time to see what else has changed but I just took a peak for a little bit and was very happy with the update.


There's an icon for sprinting and walking now? I don't see it.

Granted I have the free version so maybe it's in the next update.

Are there console commands to make the character level up?

outside use of the debug menu you can gain, prob no

The "Fetch Info" button after getting the Patreon token does nothing.

the same problem - the game does not start, just nothing happens when you enter the key

How can I turn back to normal after examining the vat? I've tried examining again and I couldn't turn back to norma

Found out how,

After you do, go to potion shop and talk to the one behind the counter, They will give you a potion to delich yourself


Just as an optimization suggestion from looking at the UE console in-game, you don't need to set your combat location every few seconds, just put some invisible collisions at the entrances of each different area and a big one on the forest and set it there. Same with checking Quest states, just get them after every loading screen instead of every few seconds

Hey. How can I reduce the size of my dick and balls? I'm more dick than dragon already in the game X,D

Under the character editor there is a section called "scaling", there you can lower ego to lower the size of your junk, you can also lock the size.


on some loadingscreens it freezes for me

i got a bug wen i am in the lich cave level 14 and I'm going to go down to the next level, that is, level 15, I'm stuck on an eternal loading screen how do I solve that ebug, is there a way to do it?

Ouh, That happened to me in previous versions, it just came out but the progress was lost until saving

While the game is loading I think you can use commands, in case there should be a command that takes you to spawn

theres a bit of a bug with roots. But it should be fixed in 6.6

I can't get the game to open, I select "WindowsNoEditor/GrowthRPG/Binaries/Win64 then when I select GrowthRPG it keeps saying it fails to open. What am I missing?

(1 edit)

Run as administrator may help? Or it could be your file has been corrupted then go download again

Deleted 6 days ago
Deleted 6 days ago

Just got this error almost as soon as I opened the game. Cracked open a save, realized I accidentally hit the wrong one, quit, hit the right one this time, got the error before the loading screen even showed up.

Assertion failed: InPos >= 0 && InPos <= TotalSizeOrMaxInt64IfNotReady() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/Serialization/AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 7451] 

Bad position in FAsyncArchive::Seek. Filename:../../../GrowthRPG/Content/Maps/Final/FinalOverworld.uexp InPos:665218881, Size:299074372

0x00007ffbee36fe4c KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69999c416 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6999a02e8 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6996f6f5d GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699659d45 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69965b4b0 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69ef0e66d GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699adbce9 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b3ac6a GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b38b38 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699d6c592 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699d6c7c5 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b3aac9 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b38b38 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699d6c592 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699d2ca0d GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699d6c7c5 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b3aac9 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699cc6ffe GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699cc4a03 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699cc4870 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69d3845af GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699a9e0e4 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699ac5f30 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699a78e38 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699ac302b GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699ae5b9b GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699ae3482 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699aaebcc GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699b0f9cf GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699da1e8c GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff699da17e0 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69da6c44e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69da1e232 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69da8c3f8 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69d124b1c GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff698229f04 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69824077f GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69824084a GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff698242c4c GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff698254494 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff69ec7ae6e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffbf042257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffbf0e4af08 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

How to save the game? 

In the cyan stars


If you use a VPN for whatever reason it'll block you from using the patreon key

for some reason, even though i beat the game in one save, my other save isn't able to use the debug menu and all that. anyone know why?

assumed its intentional cause two different save data's 


Wth, why there game is free. But in game you need to bye permission to play!?

Why ????

(1 edit) (+3)

Bruh, u downloaded wrong patreon version, u should head to the free ver 

I did!...or i got internet bug 0_0... 

Neverminde, thx for ansver. Have a good day


can you do anything with the broken puppet that shows up in seemingly random spots?

That is a really good question


just some fun foreshadowing


is there a chance of this ever coming to Linux?

I doubt it, but you never know, digitalfurbelow will probably create another game and finish this one

The game plays great through Wine. I did it using Lutris.

Nah, I tried but its going to end up being a lot more trouble than I feel like it would be worth.

There are many powerful linux based tools to play games designed for windows. The two best I know of are PlayonLinux and Proton. The Lutris OS is also very good.

Deleted post

If you are browsing from the web, your only option is if the developer has made an older version available. If you are using the Itch app, should be available in the download screen for downloading an older version.

Deleted post
(1 edit)

Well I found that he removed the older version of the game from  servers, then there is no way to download it. But hey, the latest version is pretty good

Guys i Have a Question,can I move the game saves from the previous version to the  new version? Please let me know if so ,thanks!!!!!!!!!

Yes u can cut or copy the old saves to the newest game version

But I don’t know where the game save file location, can you please tell me🙇🙇

its probably in your game file, u can DM me so in can help u more easily Dis:wilson8451 see u later

(2 edits) (+1)

The "Grow on defeat" perk doesn't function. 

One needs to load a new area or save (maybe, I haven't tried) in order for new bindable skills to show up in your toolbar after they are unlocked in the skill tree.

I haven't found a way to unbind a skill, in which case I feel there should be a method of doing so. 

The skill "Give Up" keeps appearing in my toolbar every time I load a new level.

Growing when you are defeated? It doesn't make much sense, maybe it's a error


It is when you defeat the enemy

i can confirm this, didn't work last update or now

Hello, does anyone know how to install your own character model in growth rpg?

I need this

it doesn’t work like that

I beat the temp final boss, but don't see a debug menu anywhere. Please tell me the unlock isn't the command prompt

Press B or open config and enable debug mode in the first option

Please note that the debug menu prerequisite, last I checked, was having a *save file* that had beaten the final boss.


The Giant Rat outside the sewers in the town doesn't actually grow larger despite doing the animations. It would be pretty cool if it actually DID grow.

Noticed this bug since last version, but was wondering if it was just my imagination and it's actually very subtle... but no the giant rat's growth after fights has been broken for a while now. Hope it gets fixed.

(1 edit)

Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130] 

0x00007ffbf182fabc KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8b1c416 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8b202e8 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8876f5d GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c87d9d45 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c87db4b0 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8eff815 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6cbd6f503 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8dffcdc GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8cf8022 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c8cf85f6 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6ccba233e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6cc45a238 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6cc2a4c3e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c73a9f04 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c73c077f GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c73c084a GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c73c2c4c GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6c73d4494 GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff6cddfae6e GrowthRPG.exe!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffbf2c8257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffbf43eaf28 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

As of 6.4, this error still shows up completely at random. Using the gc.CollectGarbageEveryFrame 1 command seems to fix it, although doing so gives a nonzero chance of causing a fatal error (no error message beyond "Fatal Error!") every time you defeat an enemy in combat. For now, I've not been bothering with the garbage collection command, as the fatal error shows up way faster than the line 130 one does.

Unrelated, but using the grow from beginning/show off button while your character has a dick, but has the scaling on it turned way down (I had it happen at 0.03) can cause a loop where it tries to grow nonstop but doesn't appear to do anything. This loop only stops when you start moving, and starts again once you sit still. Breaking the loop only happened once I started a fight.

where is final boss?

(1 edit) (+1)

Laberinto de bamboo, en el castillo

in final dungeon?



which floor?


In the first one, the dungeon is supposed to be protected by a Bunshido and is right on the coast, it's a small tower, not huge


Tell me how and where can I use plant seeds that I fall out or find?

You need unlock the farm, you need a rootkillerpotion and be very strong

On the right side, above the map there is an area covered with roots, there is the farm, you need to rescue markus and kill the roots using the rootkiller first because they are immortal

As I already mentioned, I found a bug that may not have been reported (I'm not sure), but it occurs when you exchange items with a companion. When you try to pass something in quantity, the items double.

Practically letting you infinitely duplicate anything 

Curious, I can't make that happen. Is it by transferring via right-click alone or am I missing something to replicate this?

I think it involves the anvil somehow.

Just pass the items in quantity and the bug occurs

here is an image explaining the conditions of the bug

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